
That night

When I got home Damien, Winter and Quinn were already eating.

"Quinn, how did you get my number?" I asked. Quinn didn't answer, he just looked at me and shrugged. I got very mad I'm I invisible?

"Sage, your ramen is there" Winter pointed at a bowl near Quinn.

"Thank you Winter"

"Can't you answer me? How did you get my phone number?" I asked again. He finally answered.

"I don't really know. I just asked my.... You know what, just forget about it" He said.

FORGET ABOUT IT!? I shouldn't have got roommates. I just sighed. Took my bowl of ramen and went to my room. I watched my favorite tv show on my brand new tv while eating. After some thinking I thought I was a little harsh to Quinn. Maybe he saw my phone number somewhere. But why would I put my number on the internet?

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" I shouted. The door to my room opened and Quinn stood there.

"Um, Damien told me to come and apologize to you," He said. I didn't care, I could clearly see that he didn't want to but was forced to apologize. "Okay, you can go now." I said without looking at him.

He got frustrated but didn't say anything and just left. Now I have been regretting having roommates the same day they came. I need to wait, maybe they will become nicer. I just need to wait. When I was finished with my bowl I put it in the kitchen and went directly to bed. I think that Winter and Damien were still up when I was gonna sleep.

After one hour I woke up because I heard strange noises. It sounded like someone was moaning. I walked out to the living room so I could hear clearer. It was coming from Quinn's room. He's room was open so I walked to the room and knocked on the open door. I don't think he heard me so I looked in to see what he was doing.

He was m@sterb@ting! In my house. (Technically it's their house too because they pay the bills.) "Quinn, what are you doing?" I whispered. He heard me and turned to me. I could still see that he was embarrassed. "Hello Sage, I'm just watching a film." He said but I could clearly see that he wasn't. His d!ck was sticking out from the blanket and I saw his hand moving up and down. (I'm not a pervert!!)

I still stood there, I wanted to hear the truth from his mouth.

He sighed.

"I'm sorry, I was actually-" I interrupted him.

"It's alright It's not my body." I said. I was about to leave when Quinn got up.

"Sage wait!" He shouted. I waited and turned. He was naked. (But he had good abs tho!)

I covered my eyes with my hands. "Please put something on," I said. He took the blanket and covered it. Quinn sighed again. "It's nothing, you can go and sleep. I will not make any sounds" He said. "I'm not gonna be unfaithful to my girlfriend" He whispered. I don't know If I was supposed to hear that but I heard him. He wanted to have s£x with me! He wanted me to help him! I was surprised, we just met and he wanted me to help him. He also has a girlfriend. I went to my bedroom and I think I slept directly. (I was tired!)

*In the morning the next day*

I had a very bad headache when I woke up. So I got to the kitchen to take a tablet. Damien and Winter were in the kitchen. Damien sat on the dining chair and Winter was sitting on his lap. I don't really know why I had this feeling. But I was mad or jealous. I really wanted to punch Damien but something held me back. (The truth is that I don't really know how strong he is ( ͡─ ͜ʖ ͡─) )

"Good Morning Sage, did you sleep well?" Winter asked. I nodded with a big smile. I went to the kitchen cabinets to look for some tablets.

"Oh Sage did you hear anything? Because I heard some noises" When Damien said that Quinn came in. He looked at me very seriously. I knew that face meant "Don't you dare say anything!"

"Yeah I heard it too, I think It may be the neighbors." I said looking at him with a "You welcome!"

"Maybe, so you and Quinn are gonna cook breakfast right?" Damien asked. I really don't wanna cook food. When I lived alone I usually ate at a restaurant or café.

"I know a good restaurant nearby," I said. I still haven't found the tablets I needed.

Damien and Winter nodded, they got up and went to dress up. Quinn was still there.

"I used all the medecine, so you know." Quinn told me. Is he trying to overd0se? He's very dumb.

"I really needed them," I sighed. "You need to buy more medecine." I said to him. I got up.

"Yeah Yeah, I promise." He said.

I went to my room to dress up. I really didn't have many choices but whatever. (Not gonna waste money on clothes.) I didn't realize but Quinn had followed me.

"Sage could you do a favor for me?" He asked. What favo r??

To be continued…