
Chapter 25: Meant For More

<strong>*Deimos’ POV*</strong>

We cleared out of the room to let Eris rest and all gathered in the sitting room.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Atlas asked me.

I fell back into an overstuffed chair and hid my face in my hand. "I don't know. All we can do is hope and keep an eye on her. I don't think I'm comfortable leaving her alone for too long. So, we should figure out a rotation to stay with her."

"I can stay with her today," Atlas offered.

"Very well," Kyros said as he paced around the room. "The rest of us will head to assembly and we'll decide who should relieve you by the time we get back."

Atlas nodded and sat on the couch beside Heiro, laying his head in his lap. Heiro's fingers tangled themselves in Atlas' hair immediately and Atlas let out a content sigh.