
Where To Begin

"It's fine now, why? BECAUSE I AM HERE!"

Izuku and I would always watch this video when we were feeling down or we would just watch it because All Might is just SO COOL. We always looked up to him, but Izuku was a mega fan. He had pillows, plush's, toys, anything All Might related he had it. Izuku was born with 20% of people who were quirk-less, I felt bad more and more as the days went on. He desperately wanted to be a hero but only I was born with a quirk, mum had one but not even Izuku thought it was cool.

That's enough about my brother, my name is Yoso Midoriya, and my quirk is Elemental, it lets me control the 4 elements (fire water earth and air) but only if that element is near or around me.

Our childhood consisted of us pretending to be heroes all the time, we would always try to re-enact super moves off of the heroes that we watched. While Izuku admired All Might for his never-fading smile, I saw the suffering in his eyes. Looking at his eyes I felt determined to not be him, but surpass him. He was never able to save everyone, he was the hero that everyone wanted... But only to some, he is needed. He was known as the symbol of peace, but I strive to be the symbol of hope. So that when people need me the most, I will be there.

Because of me, starting school one year before Izuku I felt lonely, I always missed my brother's smile it kept me company. I wanted to be away from everyone because they felt fake, they only wanted to be a hero because of the money and fame. As much as I loved my brother for trying to be like All Might, he only wanted to be a hero because he wanted to be another All Might, instead of being more. Because of him not having a quirk he gave up so easily to being All Might the symbol of peace. This angered me greatly. If he wanted to be a hero, why give up so easily.

After Izuku got into school and everyone found out about him being quirk-less he started getting bullied by our by his "friend?" I guess you could call him, Katsuki "Kacchan" Bakugou. He never stopped bullying Izuku but once I put him in his place he just kinda ignored me and only called me by my nickname he gave me. "Rangaaaaa." I quite like the nickname, it's funny.

*Flashback when we were kids*

*Izuku's POV*

"That's mean Kacchan. If you keep going... I'll never forgive you!"

Kacchan and his two lackeys's attacked a kid, and Izuku was standing with his arms up as to signify he'll protect the injured kid.

"Hehe, even though you're quirk-less..." All three boy's launched at Izuku to attack him.

*My POV*

They all launched at Izuku. But he stood still, not moving a single muscle keeping his arms in the air. As they were about to hit Izuku, a huge gust of wind blew them all to the side.

"What was that!!!!" The blonde-haired boy looked to where the attack came from.

"Sorry to interrupt." I declared glarring at all of them with my arms crossed with a small grin on my face. I was one year older than all of them so I was a big kid.

"Izuku what were going to accomplish by waving your arms in the air thinking you'll hold all three back."

"Uhhhh... sorry Yoso." He whispered.

"Just think smarter next time okay?" I went over and rubbed his hair and then walked over to the three bullies.

"I saw you were trying to attempt to hurt my little brother while he was trying to protect his friend which had been downed... by who I can only guess as you three." I stood tall over them. (I'm still like 6 years old so I'm not that tall but I'm taller than all of them.)

"Hey we were just obeying orders by our bo-" One of Kacchan's servants were interrupted by the man himself.

"We were just teaching Izuku a lesson on how someone who's quirk-less can still defend against 3 people. We were just giving him a little bit harder training, that's all." He tried lying, which I saw through but I thought I might dismiss as I don't want to embarrass him too much.

"Alright Katsuki, but if I hear you trying to attack my brother again. I might have to give you a proper lesson on self-defense. Don't worry it won't be too hard." (HA, GAYYYYY) I smirked turning back and walking away I heard Kacchan yell.

"YOU WILL NEVER BE BETTER THAN ME!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and launched himself at me preparing a kick straight to the centre of my back. I blocked his incoming attack and use my earth element to create a rock to throw right at his forehead, dazing him. I then took the opening to jump and use my air element to push him to the ground and put him in a submission.

"Don't ever try attacking me or my brother again, got that." I whispered in his ear.

"Y-Y-Yes, Y-Y-Yoso~San." He stuttered

"Good. Now run along." They took off like an overweight man hearing the words chilly fries.


"You okay Izuku? You seem a little over-hyped for almost getting attacked." He looked at me with sparkles in his eyes which his pupils were big as all hell.

"You're so cool!!!!!!" He was practically bouncing all around the house.

"You were like *BAM* and then threw that rock like *POW* and then u did some cool jump and pushed him to the ground and held him like *KABLAM*" I could only laugh at his childish nature.

From that day onward he wrote about my quirk and studied all my moves and everything. He looked up to me.

But I was separated from him. The three boys snitched on me to the principal and I was suspended but I would always leave home to go to Izuku to keep him safe from those three. I got into countless fights with them and was eventually sent to a different suburb and home because of my aggressive nature.