
Meeting the man himself (Part 1)

Before this starts I wanna thank facx_ for helping me write this whole story.


The day had finally come where I had to pack up my things and go to my new home. It was the saddest day of my childhood, I had to leave my house, my mother, and my brother. I knew once I was gone I wouldn't be able to protect him from Kacchan anymore.

I looked at the crying Izuku next to Inko, I put down my things, went over to him and put my hands on his shoulders and tried to boost his confidence.

"Remember... always keep your chin up and never stop smiling. Like All Might in our favorite video. However many times "he" will knock you down, always get back up and stand tall. *sniffle* Don't ever try to fight back, *sniffle* it will only make it worse." I tried making it not obvious to our mother than he would get bullied. But I started shedding tears and finally hugged my brother.

I then went to my mother and hugged her as tight as I could.

"*sniffle* I love you mum. *sniffle*" I didn't want to let go, I didn't want to leave. But I knew I had to. So I go over and grab the final box labeled merchandise, and I pass my All Might plush to Izuku, he catches it and looks at me with sparkles in his eyes. He runs over and gives me one final hug.

I put the box in the mini truck and wave my family goodbye... My life was about to get a whole lot harder.

*Timeskip to new house*

I see a lady in her late 20's maybe early 30's standing in the doorway waving at us, being polite a give a slight wave but my expression doesn't change. The truck reversed into the driveway and stopped.

After a 20 minute drive to a new suburb, I get out and stretch my legs. I Hear the lady walking up to me.

"Look I'm sorry if this is all pressuring for you, one minute you're with your actual family, and the next your somewhere new with a new family." She tried to sound reassuring but I didn't care, I thought I wasn't going to be here long anyway.

"If you're thinking about running away its a 2-hour run, and also please at least stay one day so you can get a feel for what it is like here." Okay now, this was reassuring as I might take her up on that offer as I had not slept much because I would think too much about how bad this day was going to be.

"Alright, that's all of it, have fun kid." The truck driver said expression-less putting down my last box.

"Thank you!!" The lady said but the truck driver drove off making the lady feel uncomfortable.

"It's alright he was really ignorant of me while he was driving." I finally talked to her. Which she was surprised at.

"O-Oh, right... well, come on let's get your stuff into your room." We both started moving random boxes into the guest room, we had a little bit of trouble with the cupboard and the bed.

Once it was all done I sat down in the loungeroom huffing and puffing. Heavy lifting is tiring for a 6-year-old.

"Here." She was also puffing but not as much. She passed me a glass of water and I took it with open arms chugging the whole thing.

"How many days are you thinking of staying here for?" She said with a hint of poison in her voice, I would to if I had to move a kids stuff and then he runs away.

"Maybe a couple of weeks." My answers were always short when it came to people I don't really know or trust. In this case, I knew she was friendly but I don't trust her just yet.

"Thank you. If this will cheer you up a little bit, I want you to stay here so you can learn that it isn't bad here, and that behind that aggressive mask you put on... I know there is a nice and caring person behind it."

"Don't expect too much." I walked away into my room to get away from everything and think about my family. Or more specifically Izuku, how he was taking this.

*The next day*

I woke up feeling great, the moving wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be and my new caretaker is okay.

I got up out of bed and went downstairs.

<Oh geez, am I going to run into her and she's going to give me school uniform and send me school.> I was not mentally ready for school just yet.

I saw a note on the kitchen table.

<Morning!, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you my name yesterday, but my name is Mary. I have no last name. I already know your's from your mum telling me. But I just wanted to let you know that I'll be sending you to school next week as you just got here because I don't want to put more pressure on you as it is. You are free to go out and explore but be back before dark. See you then :D.> There was also a 20 dollar note under it. (SCORE.)

"Niceeeeeee, ima go to the market I saw on the way here, it looked like they had good food." I was smiling for the first time at my new house.

I quickly went back upstairs, got changed into some appropriate clothing for going out and headed out for the markets.

It was only a 10-minute walk from the house and it really did have some good looking food... Seafood, American, Chinese. Every type of food was here, I was practically drooling at this point. I walked through some shops, buying all types of food. Fried chicken, rice, spring rolls, beef.

I wanted to sit down to eat because I was too hungry to walk all the way back to the house. So I found a bench at the end of the markets and sat down to eat. I demolished everything, as I had not had breakfast that morning. When I was done I put my hands on my stomach and rubbed my full belly.

"Now that, was good." I smiled and burped a little.

A short old man wearing a yellow costume looked at me in disgust but when I made eye contact with him he went back to shopping.


Before I knew it I was dragged into a nearby alleyway and pushed against the wall by three teenage looking boys.

"Give us all of your valuables and we'll leave you alone." He held a knife to my chest.