
The conspiracy behind the accident...

Country X :

Rong Xinghe was completely unknown to the changes taking place in Xi family. Her complete focus was on her family of six men and three sister-in-laws.

Ningtao was released from the hospital and the family soon returned back to Lu Family Mansion. Since Lu Alix was the new and cutest arrival in their lives , the entire family had already went crazy. Even the child had gotten used to the weird people around her.

No matter who held her , Lu Alix never cried. She had five uncles, their wives , Aunt Xiao and Aunt Xinghe. Not to mention , Lu family elders were spoiling her to the extent of extremity.

In fact , Lu Alix was being passed on from one person to another like a pillow. Other than her own parents , she was being accompanied by everyone around her. Lu Wei and Ningtao simply looked at the bunch of weirdos around them helplessly.

"Can we also hold her ?", Lu Wei was excited about his princess as well.