
The 25th Hour

At exactly midnight, a new day starts for nearly everyone. For a few unfortunate ones, however, a slow hour begins. The world freezes and clocks begin ticking for 60 minutes more. Welcome to the 25th Hour, the only time between the survival of the human race and its extinction. And you...you are one of the few chosen for the frontlines... Your task? Survive and protect your clock. Survive till the clock stops. As long as one of us here lives, nothing else matters...and if no one lives, then pray. As they won't stop.

StarrySeeker · Fantasi
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3 Chs

It Speaks

David froze. Something was behind him. Without his knowledge, something had changed once more.

Time ticked by, and David...David remained still. He dared not move. Or rather he couldn't move. Something insidious had gripped his heart.

Fear. The fear of the unknown.

The eerie chimes of the clock; the unusual silence of the night; that strange object protruding in the middle of the city and now the voice telling him the time in an intimate tone.

All of these changes weighed heavily on David's mind. For him to still stand, was a feat in itself. A person of weaker will would have already fainted.

Everything was moving too fast for David to understand. He had been sleeping soundly and the next thing, he woke up in a familiar yet unfamiliar place.

As if that wasn't enough, he was alone. There were no sounds of other people. If there were others in this situation, there would definitely be some signs. People screaming, shouting, and delving into fear. Nobody could miss that strange thing in the middle of the city, even if it were midnight.

Yet the city remained quiet. As if unaware of the changes in the world. The world seemed asleep. And David was the only one awake.

While this line of thought might cause deeper dread in someone, David grew tranquil. He was alone like he had always been. With nobody to support him, he depended on himself to reach where he was.

Most hardships David suffered, he overcame. How was this situation any different? One might respond that the problems of the mundane, were different from what was happening currently.

In David's point of view, both had the same solution: to try his best. If he didn't, he would be committing the mistakes of his past, like a fool. David was no fool.

"...hello? Can you stop pondering, dear David? It's rude to do so in a conversation."

The voice rang out once more in a mixed tone of amusement, delight, and slight hurry. It sounded strangely feminine.

"You think awfully long, don't you David? Like always...anyways it's 24:09 and we can't dally any longer."

David grew confused, yet continued his silence. He refused to let whatever being that was talking get whatever it wanted from him.

"...remaining quiet? That's rather like you, dear David. Always being quiet when things aren't going your way. Though I suppose this situation warrants it."

The confusion currently plaguing David grew even stronger. What was this creature that kept talking to him? And in such a tone as if it had known him his entire life.

"Turn around, dear David. I am here to help. I know you are confused and shocked by the changes, but we don't have time. We must go. This place isn't safe."

With the burden of immense confusion, distrust, and wariness, David wouldn't be willing to listen usually. Despite that, he turned around. He had just resolved to try his best, so he naturally had to do something even if it was the wrong thing to do as inaction was the last mistake of many people. Not only that, but he also wanted to see the one talking to him. Yet...

Nothing. There was nothing behind him. The same empty room, in the state he had left it in. The fallen pillow beside the bed; the blankets crumpled up on the bedside and the clock thrown on the floor.

"...dear David. A little lower..."

David looked down and only saw the same clock...only that it was now ticking instead of letting out chimes. David stepped back in apprehension, the scenes of the last few minutes replaying in his mind.

"Don't worry. The chimes are no more. I am awake now. They won't come back. Although the method you used to wake me was quite unpleasant...anyways come closer and pick me up, we are running out of time. This conversation can happen later."

David stared at the ticking clock...that was speaking. The whole scenario seemed so strange and unreal until he remembered the rest of everything that had happened.

"Why are you being so fussy? Look at me, I can't do anything to you. I have no arms, no legs, and not even any teeth to bite you with. What can I even do to you? Hurry up, it's 24:13 and we must go!"

David listened seriously. The tone of panic in the voice was beginning to affect him as well. Perhaps, he should listen? He had no idea what he should do. In fact, there was nothing else he could do. Everything was so uncertain and unknown.

So David reached out to grab the clock. Just when he had gripped the frame of the clock, something subtle occurred. Something he noticed immediately.

From behind David, the gentle moonlight dimmed as if something was covering it, like the clouds. Still, if David remembered correctly...there were no clouds when he looked outside...

David's heart stopped. The room became progressively darker. An oppressive atmosphere began to develop. He knew something wasn't right. With a slight tremble, he began to turn around.

"Don't! Don't look, dear David. We must go now. Before things get any worse. And for your sake, don't speak."

David stopped after hearing the clock's warning, and without missing a beat ran for the door.

Just as David began to move, the house tilted to one side as if something enormous had pushed against it causing David to nearly lose his footing. However, he managed to grab onto the door handle, while the tilting intensified.

Not wanting to wait any longer, David pushed open the door and ran through the hallway to the stairs at the end. The house then began shaking as if an earthquake had struck, causing David to slip and tumble down the stairs. At the same time, he also lost his grip on the clock.


"...ugh...David? David!? Get up! There is no time!"

The clock's urgent voice shook David from his dazed state. At this point, everything in the house was falling over and breaking, the sounds being especially clear on this silent night. David grabbed the clock and shakily stood up.

With aching steps, he maneuvered past the fallen and broken objects to the main entrance. Just as he was about to depart, the house gave a final lurch and stopped. Then it slowly started to move up.

"Jump David! Out the door! Now!"

Having no other choice but to trust the clock, David jumped out. It was fortunate he did when he was told so, as the house kept rising. He landed on the ground with a painful thud.

Knowing that things could get much worse, David forced himself to stand. When trying to stand, he glanced back and froze. He saw a sight he would never forget.