
No One is allowed to leave the school today

Felicia stood in front of her classroom door, watching her best friend's head fired with a bullet. The whole world stopped for a moment.

"Felicia! run! This man is playing a game. If we talk he will kill us. If you entered the room you will also become one of the players of this game. go. get some help from ..."

Her best friend's last words echoed in her ears. She watched the strange man, who is writing her best friend's name on the board with the other names.

'Mavis Amron'

The strange man turned to Felicia. but, he didn't try to kill her. He turned to her classmates and announced," Hello players, I am one of the Y Masters. Let me explain the rules for Level 1again.

*You shouldn't open your mouth

*You are not allowed to write anything.

*You Shouldn't use your smartphones

*This Level will finish in three hours.

*Those who follow the above rules can leave the class alive.

A new rule was added by our R Master now.

* Only fifteen players were allowed to go outside. If in the end there are more than fifteen players in the classroom, all the players will be killed.

When Felicia heard the announcement, she didn't know what to do. The total number of students in her class is 22. Already 3 students died including Mavis. This means four students should be killed if 15 students want to survive. This a just Level 1. So they won't stop killing the students. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

'My best friend sacrificed herself to save me. I won't waste this life. I will help others as long as I could', Felicia promised herself and ran to the next class.

A Strange men with the same outfit, just like the man in her classroom, were standing in front of all the class. Blood flow from all the classes in the whole school. but, the whole school was extremely silent. No screams. no noise. The sound of bullets was heard frequently. Felicia is the only one standing outside. All the teachers were dead. She took her phone to call the police. No signal. The school is in the centre of the city. There is no chance to have signal problems. The criminals already planned it.

She ran to the office room. There is no one in the room." Where is everyone" she asked. Suddenly a voice came from behind," All the staff were sent home today for some maintenance work", said Mr John, the watchman.

The school already said that some construction works were going on in the school. but, no one knows what it is.

"Mr John there is a big problem happening in our school now. Many strange men were standing in front of all the class and killing the students if they talk. We need to call the police. but there is no signal.", Felicia said quickly without taking a break.

Mr John laughed."What! Are you planning to prank me? I am not falling for that", he laughed.

"Mr John, please. All the teachers were dead. Let me show you the proof", she dragged him to a nearby class. He began to believe her, after seeing all the horrible things happening in every class.

He tried the landline phone in the office. but all the landlines were broken. He went to the office, staff room and principal office. There is no one there. the strange thing is there is no sign of The principal Mrs Linda. She was there an hour ago. Felicia followed Mr John everywhere.

" What should we do now", Felicia asked in fear.

"I will go outside the school to get some help. You should wait here. Ok. If anything happened to me, don't be afraid. You are a strong girl. You should save everyone. no matter how much you lose, you shouldn't step back. Don't worry. Everything will be back to normal. you will be fine. Stay strong", He went outside the school.

Felicia watched him through the windows. Mr John walked nervously towards the gate. When he crossed the gates, Felicia took a deep breath. He turned back. Nothing happened.

snappp... suddenly a bullet was fired directly in the centre of his head. He falls to the ground.

At that instant, there was an announcement announced from the principal room.

" No one is allowed to leave the school today"


The next chapter will be updated on 06.11.2021 at 10:00 am


Was the WatchMan and Mavis (Felicia's best friend) died because of Felicia?

(Tell us your answers in the comments)

(a). Yes, The watchman and her best friend sacrificed them to save her. It was her fault

(b). No, it is not her fault. It is an accident.

(c). She can't save her friend. but she should have sacrificed her life instead of risking Mr John's life.

(d). Leave it to her. Let her decide about it.