
The 200

200 Participants Have been chosen to beat the Maze that comes from above, These participants had gone trough many hard tests just to find the truth about "The Maze". Will they survive and bring peaceful lives on earth or Will they all die and the Maze becomes dangerous to humanity races

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The Maze

-Philippines, December 5, 2090. In the planet called "Earth", A boy witnessed the dropped of the Black Circle Thing from the sky, This thing have the same sized of a ball, He's curious on what kind of thing it is so he ran trough the police station and reported it, The Chief of Police didn't give any suspicious thought because it's look like a normal black ball, And he said "Kid, why did you come here? This is just a colored ball, Go play with it outside".

- The boy left the police station and still curious on the ball, He tried to smash it with rock but nothing happened, He tried to bounce the ball and it didn't bounce, He tried many things to make sure that it is really a ball, And after he got exhausted the ball started making noises as if there's monsters inside of it, The boy got terrified and ran back on his home.

- The Black Circle Thing Started to Move on it's own, And suddenly the ball bent and transformed with an area like a soccer stadium, All the houses that's near by the ball are now gone and broken into pieces, Many people had died and even the boy died by that disaster.

- 1 Week Later, All News Is full of this disaster, People around the world is curious on this Black Squared Stadium Thing, Many scientists from all of the world have been researching this place for the whole week, Even though it's already exposed from social media and everything, they still doesn't care because they are warning humanity's races.

- A lot of intelligent people had gathered and worked for the entire week to seek the truth of this thing.

- 2 Days Later, They investigated this thing and got inside and researched it, They found many ways where to go, It's like a maze thing, They also hear voices screaming and sounds of metals hitting each other, They stopped investigating this Black Squared after seeing a Giant Monster.

- They told the people the truth about this thing to warn them, And all of the humanity are all shookt by these information, "What if there is more than just that monster inside of that thing?", "How did that happened, I mean did someone made it?", All of the questions of the people have been answered by the Governments.

- (Dr.Van) : " We're now near at the end, And we still haven't find more clues about this thing, I think he's giving us some clues but we can't find it, It's like, Do it and you can find it. "

- (Dr.Van) : " Let's call this, "The Maze". "

- It's been officilay declared that the Black Thing Is a "Maze", Having Monsters inside and things that aren't here in the planet earth.

- Governments started to make an announcement that they will get 5,000 People to participate on their tests, And they said "Once you are done with this tests, You will be living a goodlife".

- 5,000 People had gone trough academic test, physical test, Survival Skill Test, and many more, A Lot of people got dropped off and there's only 200 That have passed.

- (Examiner) - Only 200 Have passed the entire test, When will we begin our next move?

- (Dr. Van) : Let's start it tomorrow, Let's make them have fun first, Give them any foods they want, Money, cars, fame, anything that they like. Tomorrow will be the beginning of your adventures "200". (Smiling)

-End of Chapter 1