
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

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The battle between Ling Han and the dragon lasted days, days until Ling Han's strength reached a point where he was able to kill the dragon with a few punches. one should know that the stronger Ling Han got, the more he could use Super Purple without holding back. but at the death of the Dragon came new energy entering Ling Han, allowing Ling Han to break through once more.

Once again, Ling Han's body destroyed itself and created itself, but this time even after his body grew to its peak that it was immune to Super Purple, it was not enough to pass this tribulations. Ling Han was also in a hurry as this tribulation was slowly finding the space-time coordinates, allowing the tribulation to slowly affect him, but Ling Han didn't care much.

he used this battle to better master Super Purple and Super Gold. with him being as strong as he was, he could use these two abilities to their fullest and quickly learn to master them and use them alongside other techniques, for example, Super Purple along with Time Skip.

In the end, after getting a good understanding of his technique, I killed the tribulation by combining the wall of Infinity, with Super Blue. creating an infinite void that could never be filled. an action that led to Blue growing stronger and stronger by the moment, but this was not used to pull the tribulation apart. no, at the last moment, before I lost control, I turned Super Blue into Super Red, and turned the wall of infinity into the Step Of Infinity,

with that, all of the things sucked into the void were suddenly dejected all at once, with such force that the tribulation was destroyed without a check at resistance. forget the tribulation, space was destroyed before such an attack, affecting all other spacetimes within the immortal realm.

but once more, I was not done. After I cleared that tribulation, it was time for me to clear the next one. the 10th tribulation... and oh boy was it hard, countless spacetime-type warriors all appeared, They might all rival a High Immortal Emperor, meanwhile I rivaled a Mid Immortal Emperor unless I pulled off some overpowered attack which even I had little control over.

Attacks rained towards me, causing me to sigh softly before I used a technique I didn't want to overuse due to just how broken it was. The Almighty. an ability that allowed me to see all possibilities, but it did more than just that. thanks to these past few days of fighting, I have of course been improving my techniques and now the Almigthy did more than simply see,

remember I just mastered Super Purple and Super Gold, and what did these two abilities allow him to do? grow stronger through destruction, Let's say instead we skip the process of destruction. what did I mean by this? 

Once the Almighty is active, all abilities seen in the future, Ling Han's body and mind would adapt to them, meaning he becomes immune to them. how is this possible you ask? simple, Super Purple, Super Gold, and Time Skip.

those 3 abilities working together brought such a good thing, but that was not all. Of course, this took a tone of energy, but with Ling Han being able to see so far ahead, plus his mastery of energy control which is perfect, and was trying to step over that edge where he was better than perfect, you have a moment where Ling Han doesn't care for almost any attacks unless they were just so overwhelming that even his endless amount of energy is sucked dry.

All attacks hit Ling Han, and now the tribulation was capable of affect Ling Han. but nothing happened to Ling Han, he just stood there. he didn't use the Wall of Infinity or anything like that, he allowed all attacks to hit him, he was just immune to them all.

"Time Skip." Ling Han said calmly, and instantly, copies of the tribulation he was facing appeared, facing their copies. each of them slightly stronger than their original. how was this possible you may ask? was Ling Han's strength not at Mid Immortal Emperor even after the tempering from Super Purple and Super Gold?

well, Ling Han can create anything. Give him time and anything can be created. what Ling Han did was use the fact he could see all possibilities to recreate these spacetime-type warriors. I could instantly scan all of them thanks to Almighty, every move they could make was within my eyes, and with that, I easily created them using Time Skip although they were not the Peak Immortal Emepror I wished to create, they were better than the original thing. it seemed like I had my ways to go, such mistakes meant that I was still yet to master my techniques.

but this was mostly because I was aiming to create millions of High Immortal Realm level beings, if I kept my goals lower then this would not be a problem. this meant That If it was not for the huge numbers, even someone above the High Immortal Realm could be created with a snap of the finger... of course, thanks to Time Skip

to say the least, this battle was over with my act of just creating better copies of them, and with that, I cleared the tribulation and countless lights entered my body. With that II broke through, but this time I didn't enter the Martial God realm, instead I entered Half Step Martial God, 

"... I forgot Above the Improvement to my Dao," I said softly while turning and walking off, returning to the Dao field, while ignoring all of the experts who had their eyes on me. In the end, they all lost track of me as II disappeared, reappearing in the Dao Field where I looked at Han Jue who was looking at me with a shocked look. ignoring him, I created a pocket space where I entered, with Nux following behind me.

"From the information I have gathered, Huang Xiaolong, Ji Ning, and many other talented people from the Pangu world are all making their way toward the Pangu world. my lord, they are dangerous. Ji Ning is one of the most talented people out there, He is a mid-True God, who has been known to have killed an early-world God." Nux said to which my eyebrow raised before I had him explain more about this

"It was a battle that shocked the Primordial Void. a battle that lasted 2 million years with Ji Ning coming out as the winner. before that battle, he was only an early True God, even so, he was able to barely hold his own, and in that battle, he broke through, allowing him to kill someone who should be unkillable." Nux said while I nodded, looking at the barrier he created

"Beings like him can know when their name is said, their name alone holds boundless powers, enough to kill any fool who says their name without a thought. just saying their name could kill your enemies. of course, this would all alert them. this is the power of a True God. I have created this barrier using my system to cut off the outside world, allowing us to speak freely." He said to which I nodded once more.

"Well, I'm no match for the guy. How far away are they?" I asked calmly, to which Nux answered. the fastest to arrive would be Ji Ning, in about 5 or so years. pone should know that the Pangu world was small, reflecting its power to only birth an Immortal Emperor. honestly, compared to the Primordial void, saying it was a drop of water in an endless water was being too nice. all the Pangu world had to itself was that only those world gods whose strength rivaled Pangu would enter. and that was a small number of being capable of doing that.

I thought for a moment, before turning my attention to my inner world, my copies along with Cai Lin and everyone else were looking at a single person. 

Lue Qing, with a bad smile, laughed. almost as if she had gone bad from the pain... no, I was sure she had gone mad from the pain she had suffered. but this would be one of the reasons why I guess I fell in love with Lue Qing, even after taking over this body, this woman still moved my heart.

It was her strong will. Lue Yin could say this above anyone else, with her powers all that was needed was for her hands to come into contact with someone else for her to affect them. when it came to affecting someone's personality, something which pretty much no one could defend against, it should have only been a few minutes or hours at best when trying to change someone's personality when they were sleeping.

But it took Lue Yin weeks to change Lue Qing. She knew the reason behind this, Lue Qing's strong willpower only played a small role in this, with her willpower normally she would have only lasted about a day. but it was Ling Han who made it hard for her to rewrite Lue Qing's personality.

back then, the only thing Lue Qing loved was Ling Han. Ling Han was her world, her life, her love, her everything. She put Ling Han first before everything else, it was such a thing that made it harder for Lue Yin, making it nearly impossible for her to even have someone stand above Ling Han.

going back to when Lue Qing regained her personality, what did she do? She gave Ling Han her heart... she ripped it out of her chest and threw it at him. To this day Ling Han still has that heart, she was what you might call crazy. crazy enough to push Ling han ability to its fullest, dreaming of the possibility of her being on equal footing with a freak like Ling Han, the pain she endured to bring such a possibility to reality was great.

Something that should have killed her, if the thought of Ling Han leaving her once more seeing as she would never be worthy of her didn't scare her. In her eyes, she betrayed Ling Han, the pain was simply a test to see if she was worthy of staying by his side.

"you crazy wife of mine..." I said softly, Lue Qing looked at me, with a huge smile. before she fainted on the spot. the physique she brought into reality was called The Perfect Woman. It was easy why she would think of such a ling, of course, for me.

this physique was simple, it made her perfect. but perfection in itself was an illusion, but this physique was not an illusion-type physique. it was an evolving type. one that allowed Lue Qing to evolve and remove any flaw she saw in herself, and add things she thought would make her perfect. this meant, her talent would increase, her strength would increase and the list went on and on. all of this took place in the subconscious, meaning even while she was fainting, all the flaws she believed she had were disappearing bit by bit, her strength improving, while her cultivation dropped

"... this might be troublesome," I said softly, while looking at her physique, before making some changes to the reality she created, although I couldn't change the reality, for some time now, I could make such changes before her physique became real and out of my hands.. honestly, this was outside the future I saw. I expected nothing less from my wife,

as for the changes I made, they were simple, I removed the flaws in her physique. I didn't want her insecurity to get the best of her, they were bound to be there having me as your husband. As for her mind? if it was damaged, it would heal thanks to her physique, it would know that the not-crazy Lue Yin would see that as a flaw, returning her mind to how it was.

"well... my bad about that," I said calmly, due to Lue Qing's crazy possibility she brought into reality, all of my copies needed to work on bringing that one possibility into reality... on that note.

all of the copies disappeared, replaced with the new and improved copies which matched our main body strength. but before I could start with them, they wished to know just what Lue Qing created, I just told them, that she created a possibility where she could stand as my equal one day.

although that possibility was limited by Lue Qing's understanding, and my power of creation, it was impressive. now, with everyone seeing how far Lue Qing dreamed, a few of them wanted to try and do the same thing

Cai Lin also wanted to stand by Ling Han's side, the same for Nalan Yanran, Gu Xun Er, Shi Long, and secretly Lue Yin. so they all thought the highest, with them ready to endure the main to the best of their ability. little did they know, that the pain would never kill them, it would drop along with their dream to a level they could handle. thereby, Lue Qing who had forced all of my copies to act was shocked, she should have died or at least brandied