
The dimwit ruins his own career/ Destined one and My true Lover

Rimuru: I take out the magic ore that has been processed into a magisteel.

Kaijin: oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi! It's a magic ore that is incredibly pure.

I say oi Kaijin look again I think your goggles are clouding your vision.

Kaijin: Huh!? as I look at Dione before taking off my goggles.

Huh as I gasp, it's not even magic ore anymore it's magisteel!

It's already been processed into clusters of magisteel!

Dione: that's correct!

Kaijin: I could make better swords with, this entire cluster is.

You're sure I can have this!? of course I'll pay you handsomely for it.

I say Rimuru "don't try to put a front ok, you already know that you're going to give it to him".

Plus as I connect with acceleration, later on you save him from a predicament that has highly respect us with us giving him this magisteel.

Rimuru: if you say so Dione I will trust your decision.

Dione: Also he will take you to a place with your favorite race even though you already have me mhmm.

Rimuru: You mean he will take me to a place where there's elves ,and stop teasing as I blush.

Dione: I say never you're too cute to not tease, plus you know I only like women.

Rimuru: What ever anyways why did you say only me, aren't you coming with me.

I say even though I love women too, but there's something I have to do.

So I'll be missing the beginning of the part, so imma leave now to make sure I get there when things get interesting especially with that idiot.

Rimuru: But be careful ok contact me if you need my help.

I smile and say oni-chan I'll see you in about an hr ok don't have too much fun with me as I end the skill and tell Kaijin it's fine to use the magisteel and bid them farewell until I meet them at the butter fly.

(in an abandoned church)

I say any time now, that when a pair of daggers fly past me.

I say hero king Gazel don't you think it's time for you to come out of hiding with your spy.

King Gazel: impressive you knew we were following but yet never let it show.

When did you notice our presence, and how do you know of the sacred rapier Mureavesame.

I say I wonder how and when as I smile and return his seriousness now do you plan on doing this the hard way or easy way.

Because you can obviously tell that we have no I'll, intentions against your nation and others of Jura but if you wish to test me I will oblige as my eyes become crimson and my nails turn to claws.

King Gazel: It appears that you have some way of seeing future events begin that you know that I will test you and your big brother.

For now even though you are able to do this, I will let you take the rapier but do know will be watching you and your brother and when the time is right I will come and test you.

As I smile and say even though you know when that time will come so make sure your brother and you are ready as I turn away to leave.

Dione: I say oh yea as I retract my claws and my eyes go back to their usual light red I say " if you mind making sure that your guards are able to control their tempers during the trial that would be great" as i turn to walk into the church to get the rapier.

(at the butter fly)

Before I walk into the bar and i feel the acceleration skill connected.

Rimuru: I'm glad you're ok, I got worried when I felt that you had released your aura.

I have a shock expression on my face, and how did you know.

It shouldn't have been noticeable by , anyone that wasn't in the same facility.

Rimuru: haha do you really think that I wouldn't, keep an eye on you.

I say but theres no way you could have noticed it, with you being here.

Even if you sent Ranga to watch me in my shadows I would have noticed him or anyone else spying on us there and it should have been low enough to not show any differences in the magiculs in the air.

Rimuru: Dione do you forget that we both were named by Veldora, you not that only one with skills that are hidden I am just as strong as you.

I say wait you know that I know about your great sage how?

Rimuru: Haha you seemed to pick up on that, come on in the others are waiting we'll have a talk back at the village also we're about to see who my destined one and I want to see you two.

Saying mhmm we end the skill, and I regain my composure as I have taken a deep breath and walked in.

Kaijin: Oi Rimuru was right, his little sister, was at the door how did you now that Rimuru?

Rimuru: hehehe of course I know where my, imoto is at all times that way she'll know that she will always have someone watching over her and protecting as I look at her.

Dione: As soon as he says that a tear goes down my cheek, as my heart pings as I smile and say well isn't my wife to be too over protective of me.

Rimuru: Oi didn't I tell you to some teasing me jerk as blush appears.

And didn't you just hear what I said, about me saying I'll always protect my little sister.

Dione: As I sit next to him, the lady with a crystal ball asks are you ready.

Rimuru: Yup!

(5 minutes later)

When she's done an image shows on the crystal ball of a Japanese girl with long black hair and black eyes with 3 lines under her left eye.

I say that must be Shizue, the anime didn't do her justice, if she was meant for Rimuru I would take her from him.

But also the crystal has a line in the middle with a blacked out image as it's wavy.

Rimuru: Why does it have two images, one that is clear and the other that is blacked out as it is also wavy.

Lady Elve: When you destined one is close by, the image of them shows quickly.

But this is rare to have 2 destined ones, but when this happens it shows them together on the crystal ball showing unity but when this happens of where it has them split.

With one of them black out and with waves that mean that they're also close but it is uncertain that you will be with them due to not meeting each other's preference.

But being that there waves it means that the other person does accept their partner but only if that preference is met.

Rimuru: Mhmm I see but being that I can't tell who they are? how can i meet them.

Lady Elve: Like I said that person, is nearby so you will meet each other when the time is right but it will be up to you if you're willing to change to meet their preference but also the blacked out images is also your true lover.

I connect to Rimuru and say hey the one, that gave Kaijin that task should be entering soon.

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