
Arrival of Aunt part 1

Person: As soon as the smoke clears I run over to my niece hugging her.

Dion: Smiling I hugged her back, aunt Mii! it's good to see you again as I swing her around in the hug.

Milim: Dio! we've missed you so much since we had to seal you away 8-9 centuries ago.

Dion: haha you never change do you auntie Mii?

Do you even remember how old I was when you,mom, dad, and big sister sealed me away.

Milim: putting me on the ground and, putting my finger to my chin thinking you were...Right! You was 200 years old when we did!

Dion: still smiling, right making me 1,000 years old now auntie.

Milim: jumping hugging her, so you're still my little Dio that used to always play with me.

Dion: sighing as I hold her in the hug, yes I am but I'm not a little kid any more auntie.

Looking as I noticed Rimuru smiling, at us I cough and put her down and say aunt Mii this my true love and future wife Rimuru.

Milim: Turning around, placing my hand on my hip as I smile and say so you're the one that's chosen to be with little Dio.

Rimuru: Still blushing from Dione, calling me her wife I bow slightly as I say it's nice to finally meet a member of Dion family I am Rimuru Dione's true lover and girlfriend as I stand back up.

Milim: mhmm you look decent enough for little Dio.

Dione: Aunt Mii!

Milim: see her blush do to feeling embarrassed, I look back to Rimuru but that's not enough to be with a true dragon more specifically to be with a descendant of the start dragon that is also the founder dragon god.

And the princess to all monsters of the original line of hybrids.

Rimuru: Having my eyes, closed expecting this since Dion told me her aunt is a rebel that likes to fight I open my eyes "well then how about we have a little spar then sister in law."

Milim: hmm I see you were expecting this as they can hear the excitement in my voice, looking at little Dio it seems little Dio told you a little about me.

Rimuru: smiling with my eyes closed, yes she told me that you like to fight against strong opponents I hope I don't disappoint.

Milim: Looking back at Rimuru, hahaha don't be modest you can't hide from my demon eye I know you are quite strong.

Also little Dio I see you trying to sneak away don't think I don't know that you're masking your power to get away with not trying to spar me and walking over to her as I also make my hostility known to her.

Reaching her saying don't think I haven't noticed that your true essence of being a true dragon and hybrid of vampire and wolves has weakened after this we will be having a talk.

Dion: surrendering to my fate as I hang my head in defeat as my shoulders slouch and replying yes aunt Milim.

Milim: Lighting my aura around me, I smile and say good girl you still know when to be obedient as I pat her shoulder as I go back to being flat footed and turn to face Rimuru.

Dion: After she turns around I ask aunt Mii why are you hiding your true form you never used to back before I was sealed away.

Milim: looking over my shoulder I say I'll tell you when we talk.

Dion: Nodding as she walks away.

(At the center of the city)

Dion: Rimuru and aunt Mii, had spared that ended up in a draw with Rimuru forcing aunt Mii to eat some of the honey he had and black mailing her with it to have it end that way.

Then after her having her share fill of honey, she had me spar with her with it ending in the same way it did all those centres ago me losing and laying on my back panting to catch my breath.

Now we are at the center of the city as the citizens had gathered to see aunt Mii and to welcome her.

Rimuru: This is Milim the demon lord, and she is our new ally as of today she will also be living here.

Crowd: hooray hooray, the town will be able to stay in peace against other monsters and kingdoms now!

Dion: She's not only our new resident but she is also my aunt but do not let that have you treat her any differently than anyone else.

Crowd: WHAT!

Milim: That's right! I hope that we will have a lot of fun as I'm here and don't be afraid to ask me to help with anything.

(At Dion house)

Milim: I see so that is why, your true essence is so weakened.

Dion how could you be so reckless, you know what that can cause to you not only being a hybrid but also as a descendant of the founder god of dragons.

Dion: Yes, I know auntie Mii, going forward I will not be so reckless anymore.

Rimuru: putting my hand on Dion as I smile, and she smiles back when I look at Milim.

I ask so since Dion is the niece of Veldora, and the daughter of Velzard who are your uncle and aunt what do I call you being that I am considered to be Veldora brother and also does that mean me and Dion are also siblings.

Milim: mhmm....I don't know but I guess since being that you were named by him.

Dion: Sighing I say that's aunt Mii for you.

Rimuru: I just give a wary smile.

Milim: but you can call me sister in law and also can you leave me and little Dio to talk in private.

Rimuru: getting up, I say sure you two have a lot of catching up to do I'll be at city hall if you need me.

Dion: saying mhmm, as I smile I see Rimuru opening the door to leave the house.

Milim: little Dio you still haven't done it yet or told Rimuru the true reason of why you are suffering from using your true power.

Dion: no, I haven't as I hang my head.

Milim: Little Dio you know the risk of doing this.

You know that for us true dragons and being that you are a decadent of not only the true dragons but also of the lineage of hybrids of vampire and wolves.

And that for us to be able to use our true power is to have the essence of our true lover for dragons it's love but you're not only of the true dragons.

Being a hybrid of vampire and wolves you, need to have the blood of your true love.

I can tell that you have already fornicated it but that isn't enough being that you are also of the 3 superior species.

Dion: I can't do it right now, you know if I do...it will...

Milim: is it because of your skill spatial awareness.

Dion: mhmm.

Milim: I'm guessing that, it has something to do with what it showed you of the future which is why you haven't told Rimuru about bond ritual.

Dion: mhmm.

Milim: I see...well just be careful with your power usage but you asked why I am concealing my true form make sure this only stays between us.

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