
This chili pepper might just be too hot to handle

The next day:

I woke up and got ready for the day, last night mom told me that she was going to introduce an old friend of hers to me. So, I was preparing myself for a good first impression. In my past life, I wouldn't give a damn about how I presented but in this life, it was drilled into me that I had to make a good first impression. The Uchiha had a reputation to uphold, after all.

So, I wore a dark blue hoodie over a casual white shirt and navy-blue jeans along with shinobi sandals. Looking at the mirror, I nodded to myself. Not bad if I were to say so myself. I left my room and went to the kitchen to fetch an apple. Sigh, just thinking about one had me salivating. I loved my apples more than anything else.

Surpassed only by my love for my cute little sister. Speaking of said cute little sister, I went to her room to check up on her. She was still asleep. I sighed as I sat beside her bed. I pressed my lips to her forehead. "Get well soon, my cute little sister…" I spoke softly.

Izumi's story was an interesting one. It wasn't something that we were supposed to know. We, as in Izumi and I. Mom, dad and Shisui were well aware. Izumi was actually adopted by us after her brother died in the 3rd shinobi war when she was a baby. Apparently, he was a chunin and died on one of his missions. It was a shame because three days later, the war was practically over.

Her brother was actually a nice guy, which automatically made him an anomaly in the Uchiha clan. Even so, he wasn't really that impressive as a shinobi. As a result, no-one wanted to adopt his little sister.

Not even the Uchiha orphanage was willing to take her in. So, my parents took it upon themselves to raise the girl themselves. And so, Izumi entered our life.

I was brought out of my thoughts with a knock on the door.

I heard a voice speak, "You ok Arata?" I looked up to see Shisui looking at me with some worry in his eyes.

I chuckled, " Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." "Thinking? About what?" "Nothing special. Just coming up with a few hundred ways to torture you for hurting my cute little sister" I said with a smile on my face.

Shisui shivered, "I'm sorry." He squeaked out.

"Tch, you're lucky I'm busy. But make no mistake, you will pay...."

"Uhhhhh, what's with the creepy voice?"

"It's my 'scare the shit out of you' voice. Is it good?"

"Well, it would be impressive if you weren't 3' feet tall."

"Grrr, just you wait Shisui! Someday I'll be even taller that you are!"

"Sure you will. Till then, I'm gonna tease the hell out of you. Shrimp"

"What was that!"

"You heard me, Shrimp"

That's it! I'm gonna kill you!!"

"All right boys, that's enough."

Both of yelped and jumped at the unexpected voice, "Kaa-chan!" Both of us exclaimed.

"Of course! Who else!" She said with a playful wink.

"What is it, Kaa-chan?"

"Well, Ara-kun, it's time to go!"

"Ok. But…"

"What is it?" she tilted her head

"You seem to be oddly cheerful today…"

"Oh! It's just that I'll be visiting her after a very long time! So I'm really excited to see her!"

"I see."

"Don't worry though, you won't be alone!"

"Eh? What do you mean?" Just as the words left my mouth, I saw two familiar figures walking towards us.

One waving cheerfully while the other looked like he wanted to disappear.

"Hi Mikoto!!"

"Hey Mikasa!!"

Then they hugged each other tightly and began rubbing their cheeks. I was extremely uncomfortable and by the looks of it, so was Itachi. The bystanders were staring at us weirdly. Well, the females were looking at us weirdly. The males couldn't take their eyes off of them. My eyebrow twitched, Itachi and I shared a look and blasted a wave of killing intent at the men.

Instantly, they snapped out of their trance. I glared at them with all my hate. They gulped and began walking away. Finally, after what seemed like hours but was only a few seconds. Mom and Mikoto ended their hug.

Itachi and I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank Kami that's over" I thought.

Then mom looked at me and gestured me to follow. I obliged and saw Itachi do the same with his mother. As mom and Mikoto got caught up in another conversation,

I turned to Itachi. "Well, what're you doing here?"

Itachi looked at he with a depressed look, "After you left, mother told me that we were going to visit an old teammate of hers. It first I didn't think too much of it but after mother left, father looked at me with a pitying look. He told me to stay strong and try to come back sane." It looked like he knew this teammate of mom's, so I asked him about her.

He started shaking, and by shaking, I mean trembling like a leaf. He told me she was the most terrifying woman in the world and her anger rivalled my mothers. So I've been on guard ever since. What about you?"

I told him of Shisui and dad's reaction when the woman was mentioned. Itachi nodded and looked at me seriously, "We must be wary of this 'teammate'. She seems to be a very dangerous kunoichi. At least as strong as, if not stronger than the hogake." He spoke in a grave tone. I nodded in agreement.

"You're right. We should be careful. Also, we should be wary of her personality as well. Who knows, maybe it's just a mask to hide how she truly feels."

Just then, Mikoto's voice called out, "We're here!" Itachi and I shared a look. We analyzed the house. It was nothing special. Just one the many houses in the shinobi district. What made me wary was that we weren't in the shinobi district. In fact, we seemed to be away from the main parts of the village altogether.

(That's strange. Only clan grounds and the hokage have residential areas in the outskirts of the village. This woman must be really important)

Fortunately, my guess was spot on. Unfortunately, it was a bit too spot on.

Mother rung the bell. Mom and Mikoto stood with identical smiles on their faces. Itachi and I stood nervously. Finally, when it seemed that no one was going to answer, the door opened to reveal a gorgeous woman.

She had luscious red hair that cascaded down to her waist. Standing at a height of 5'4 with a figure that would make models jealous and a wide smile that could light up the sky on a starry night, Kushina Uzumaki was without a doubt the most beautiful woman Arata had ever come across.

Including his past life as well. She was truly an unrivaled beauty.

Too bad, her temper and unpredictable attitude was just as unrivaled as her beauty. That's why, it didn't come off as a surprise to me when she scooped up mom and Mikoto-oba-san into a bear hug. They simply chucked and reciprocated the hug, expressing their happiness of seeing each other after so many years.

She let go of mom and Mikoto-oba-san and started talking at a very fast pace, "Ohmygodyoutwoitsbeensuchalongtime!!!!!!"

Mikoto chuckled, "Easy Kushina. Take a deep breath. Then start talking. We can't understand a single word of the gibberish that you're spewing."

At that, Kushina chuckled and sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. I noted that action and compared it to her son. (Huh, guess they really are similar after all…)

I was broken out of my thoughts by a loud squeal as I felt my cheeks being pulled by two soft hands. "What the!!! Let me go lady! That hurts!!!"

Kushina ignored my exclamation and continued to pull my cheeks. Then she let go of my cheeks and pulled me into one of her bear hugs.

I wheezed as I suddenly found myself unable to breathe. Then, I felt her grip loosen as I finally relaxed. She grabbed me from below my shoulders with stars in her eyes. She spun me as I found myself near the brink of unconsciousness.

She stopped and buried my face in her breasts. (Well, that's a good way to compensate for my attempted murder.)

"Kyaaaa!!!! He's so cute!!!! He's even cuter than Shi-kun was at his age!!" Mom chuckled while Kushina finally released me from her monstrous grip. I dizzily walked around crashing headfirst into the wall.

Itachi chuckled while Kushina giggled, "And he's such a klutz too!!"

(I'm not a klutz you monstrous lady!! It's your fault that I can't see straight. I thought I was gonna die there!!)

As I finally regained my bearings, I saw Itachi getting the same treatment that I was getting before. Inside my head, I evilly laughed,

(Hahahahaha!! That's what you get for laughing at he you girly-assed bastard!)

As if reading my thoughts, Itachi glared at me. Not one to give up, I stuck my tongue out at him in a childish manner. He growled. I snarled.

Just as the two of us were going to rumble, one once again, we found ourselves trapped in the grip of the she-devil. I somehow managed to rasp, "Air…" Unfortunately, it didn't look like Kushina heard me.

I could feel myself dying. Suddenly, my soul started to escape from my mouth. I looked at my real body in shock as I desperately tried to force myself in but to no avail.

Finally, it seemed as if mom had enough and smacked Kushina over the head and pulled my soul and shoved it down my throat. I blinked as I regained my balance. Beside me, Itachi was knocked out cold. I looked at the poor kid in sadness.

I lowered my head in respect, "May you find peace in the afterlife Itachi. Don't worry, your secret stash of sweets and Dango will be safe with me."

At that comment, "Don't even think about it you idiot!!" And before one could blink, Itachi was on his feet.

Looking downright murderous. I sweatdropped at his obsession with sweets.

Kushina looked at us with a large grin on her face, "Well, how about we continue this conversation inside!" she suggested enthusiastically as if she had not just almost chocked us to death.

I was going to complain when I remembered exactly who I was dealing with. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for Itachi. "OI! Aren't you gonna apologize for almost killing us!"

Suddenly, her red hair started rising and took the shape of 9 tails. She gained a murderous aura around her as Itachi shuddered, "Eh? What was that, Gaki?"

"No-Nothing!" Itachi shouted, sweating buckets.

"Hmm… Oh well, As I was saying, why don't you come in? We can talk inside!"

Mom chuckled while Mikoto giggled. I shuddered and Itachi was petrified. Unable to move. (Damn this woman is terrifying! I really feel bad for Minato)

Mom and Mikoto smiled at her and went inside. I stood there, unsure of what to do. "Oi, Itachi. Let's go" Itachi stood there, unable to move.

I felt bad for him, so I pulled him inside myself. That got a reaction out of him, he suddenly started kicking and screaming, "No! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"