Fugaku smirked, "You'll be fighting the strongest and most talented Uchiha youth. Who is also the strongest Genin"
Itachi and Izumi gained a look of confusion on their faces while I paled in realization.
I mumbled, "But that title belongs to…" looking at the smirking boy who simply ruffled my hair.
Dad smirked, "That's right, you'll be fighting him . So, I'll wish you the best of luck." He chuckled and added, "Try not to get your assed kicked."
Mom glared at Dad, "Language!"
Dad shrugged, "You know it's true!"
Mom sighed at Dad, "That may be so but you shouldn't lower their spirits before it even begins."
I watched as Itachi's eyes widened in realization. Izumi saw the expressions on both our faces and furrowed her eyebrows.
Finally running out of patience, she stomped her feet, "Who is this Mr. 'Strongest and most talented Uchiha Youth' anyway!!" she demanded.
None of the adults answered, but the vicious smirks on their faces said it all.
Finally, I answered her doubts, " Izumi, he's standing right in front of you."
She tilted her head, "But the person standing right in front of me is…"
"It's you?" she asked, confused and mostly disbelieving.
"Hah, of course it's me. In case you forgot, I'm the second youngest person to ever graduate from the academy! I turned into a Genin last week!!! Not only that…."
Izumi waved him off, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, I don't care."
Shisui's jaw dropped. "You don't care!!!!! What do you mean you don't care!!!"
Izumi gave him a deadpan look, "Genin are nothing but cannon fodder. Or at least, that's what Arata told me"
All eyes were on me as all I could do was shrug.
Shisui was silent for a moment. Then, "Well it's good that you think so. Because I'll be participating in the Chunin exams this year. I'm also considered to be the person with the highest chance of promotion."
That seemed to put Izumi on guard. Shisui continued, "I hope you train well. Because I won't be holding back." He said confidently
"And I Definitely won't hold back against you, Izumi" he said venomously.
Poor Izumi gulped. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to kick Shisui in the place where the sun doesn't shine.
Shisui smiled eerily, "As for you two, well, I'm gonna break every bone in your body, then I'll eat you up, chew you and spit you out." He finished in a demonic voice.
The three of us shuddered. It was clear to all that Shisui Uchiha was out for revenge.
But… I was never one to back down. I had to have the last word. With that thought in mind, I began,
"Nii-san. By the time that I'm done with you, you will never challenge me again."
"'Strongest Genin! Don't make me laugh. The hokage probably decided to have some pity on you and started calling you that. After I beat you, you can go crying to kaa-san an tell her how your little imouto-kun bullied you."
Although that was a pathetic attempt at trash talk, it was the best I could do without uttering blood-curling profanities at my opposition.
Even so, it was coming from a four-year-old kid. And not just any four-year-old kid, but your little brother. That stung more than anything.
Shisui was a great guy. He loved me a lot and genuinely cared for me.
But, Shisui was an Uchiha. The descendant of Uchiha Kagami, the previous head of the Uchiha clan. He was considered the greatest prodigy to arise from the Uchiha clan in long time.
So, this was a huge hit to his pride. And if there was one rule when facing an Uchiha, it was to never, never hurt their pride.
Thus, Shisui's reaction was something that I fully anticipated.
Shisui lowered his head. His bangs shadowed his face. It was for a second, just a second but I saw his eyes flash crimson.
It was then that I knew that I was truly and utterly screwed.
Shisui remained silent. Fugaku that as an opportunity to conclude the meeting.
Shisui silently, wordlessly left the house. Seeing him leave the compound, I also decided to leave.
I opened my eyes and blinked my eyes to force the drowsiness away. Looking around me, I saw that no one was around.
(Good. Perfect, even.)
Without making any noise, I quietly stepped out of my room.
Once again, I looked around. Nodding to myself, I opened the door as quietly as I could as sneakily left the house. Sticking to the shadows, I warily made my way to the Uchiha compound library. I was closed, even better. I entered the library through the window and made my way to the ninjutsu section.
I saw a book there, 'Katon Ninjutsu for Dummies'.
Rolling my eyes at the name, I silently opened the book.
Now, normally, if a person wanted to learn a single B or C rank jutsu, it would take them a month. For a smart kid, it would take at least a week. For a genius, it would take a day or two.
However, for an Uchiha Genius it would take a few hours.
Compared to kids my age, I am a chakra monster, I have mid genin level reserves and I'm 4. I'm pretty sure that by the time I turn 7, I'd already have chunin level chakra reserves. When I'll be 12, my chakra level would probably be as large as, if not larger than a Jonin's.
If you wanted a comparison, my chakra reserves were just slightly smaller than Sasuke's at the beginning of the series.
Given a few years, I'd definitely turn into a chakra who could spam high-level jutsu without breaking a sweat.
But, the problem is, I don't have that kind of time.
*Sigh* "What a drag"
Wearily, I opened the book and came to the page describing the jutsu that I wanted to learn.
'Katon: Goukakyuu No Jutsu.'
It wasn't a complicated or difficult jutsu. It wasn't the strongest jutsu in this book either. Not even close, even so, it would have to do because for my age and chakra reserves, it was the only jutsu I could offensively use without putting myself in danger.
I grimaced. As I was now, the fireball jutsu was a last resort. Even if it was incredibly simple and just C-ranked, it would take all my chakra just to spew one of these fireballs.
I read up on the jutsu as much as I could. Teaching their son a C-rank jutsu at the age of four was not something my parents would do. They were rather overprotective.
Rubbing my forehead in annoyance, I made my way to the Taijutsu rection and read up the information about the intercepting fist.
It was quite simple really, a combination of muay Thai, taekwondo and karate would sum it up perfectly. In addition to this, Uchiha clansmen often used shurikenjutsu and ninja wire for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Uchiha relied mainly on their speed and reaction timing. The faster the Uchiha was, the better his performance would be. Even without the sharingan, a Uchiha had minor eyesight enhancement. The sharingan simply took that to the next level.
Right now, the sharingan was useless to me. No matter how good I was, I simply wouldn't be able to use it properly. My chakra reserves were too small for proficient use.
Finishing my rant, I decided to head back home.
Now all I had to do was practice.
Heh… just you wait Shisui-nii. I'm gonna kick your ass.
This chapter was relatively short. Originally, I was planning on simply posting all the content in one chapter but the it resulted in failure.
The word count went over 5000 so I decided to change my mind.
Be sure to review. If you like it, don't forget to add it to your library.
If you have any ideas or some things that you want to see in the fic, comment and let me know.
See ya tomorrow!