
That Time I Seduced a Vampire

Jake Landrum is a down and out veteran with no prospects. But his life is about to change when his application to be someone's roommate (on Craigslist no less) gets accepted by the most unlikely of potential candidates, a vampire princess.

JDLinderman · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Discerning the Heart of a Vampire

Jake awakened the next evening, Mara still nestled in his arms beside him. He was still in shock that she was a part of his life now. Her beauty amazed him. He bent his head down and kissed her on top of her head. The scent of her hair filled his senses.

Mara stirred at his movements, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up at him. A soft smile spread across her lips as she took in his features, her fingertips trailing gently over his skin. "Good evening, roomie." she murmured, her voice low and husky with sleep. "Did you sleep well?"

"Better than I have in a long, long time." Jake felt his cheeks flush as he saw her lithe body. Mara stretched lazily, her body arching gracefully as she settled back down beside him. Despite her nocturnal nature, Mara had always appreciated the comfort of sleep, especially when she's curled up beside someone she cares about.

"Are you hungry?" she asked, her eyes glinting with mischief. "I might be willing to make a meal for you, if you're interested. I slept better than I have in ages."

Jake smiled at her warmly. "This sleeping during the day thing is great, and I could always go for your cooking."

Mara smiled back at him, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "I'm glad to hear it, roomie. I was hoping we could share a nice dinner together tonight." She stretched languidly, her arms arching gracefully over her head. "I have a few recipes in mind that I've been wanting to try. I was thinking we could start with a nice salad, and then move on to something more substantial."

She rose from the bed, already planning out the evening's activities. "But first… how about we shower and get dressed? I have some clothes that I think would look lovely on you. And I want you to look your best for our little feast."

Jake crawled out of bed and followed her to the shower. He couldn't help but notice how her hips swayed as she walked. Her perfectly shaped ass, sashaying back and forth in front of him. She tossed him a knowing look over her shoulder, her lips curved in a mischievous grin.

"Don't be shy, roomie. We're just going to be sharing a shower. It's not like you haven't seen it all before."

She stepped into the spacious shower and let the warm water wash over her body as she began to soap up her skin. Jake couldn't help but notice what a sensual process it was, her long fingers tracing the curves of her body as she lathered up with a seductive grace.

"I could wash your back for you." she offers, her voice low and intimate. "It would be a nice way to start the night, don't you think?"

Jake wasted no more time gawking and scrambled into the shower. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and started kissing the nape of her neck. The slickness of the soap sliding between their wet bodies was incredibly arousing, and Jake made no effort to hide his stiffening cock.

"You know, I have been thinking…" Jake said between kisses. Mara sighed contentedly, relishing the feeling of his warm body pressed against her own. She leaned back into his embrace, her head tilted slightly as he kissed her neck.

"Thinking about what, roomie?" she murmured, her hands sliding over his forearms, soaping them up. She took in a deep breath, inhaling his scent and reveling in the sensation of being so close to him. "You know you can tell me anything, roomie." she added, her voice low and soothing. "I am always here to listen."

Jake grinned as he continued to kiss her neck. "Well, I have been thinking, and I think I have you figured out."

Mara raised an eyebrow in curiosity as she turned in his arms to face him. "Oh really, roomie? And what do you think you have figured out?" She looked up into his eyes, her expression one of amusement and interest. Mara could sense that Jake had been observing her closely, but she was confident he hadn't pieced everything together yet. "Enlighten me." she added, her tone playful and teasing.

"Well, vampires hunt humans for food, yes?"

Mara laughed at his question, almost surprised he was asking it. "Of course, roomie. You didn't think I kept you around just for your company, did you?" she teased, her blue eyes glinting with amusement.

She pauses for a moment, her expression growing more thoughtful. "But there's so much more to it than hunting and feeding," she continues. "Being a vampire means never growing old, never facing death, never experiencing pain or hunger. It's a powerful feeling, one that's hard for mortal beings to understand."

Jake grinned at her. "Well, it's not that. See, I have finally figured out why you call me 'roomie' instead of by my name." he grinned at her wickedly. "It's because you are scared."

Mara paused for a moment, her expression unreadable. "Scare? Me?" she scoffed. "Of course not. I call you 'roomie' because that is what you are to me - a roommate. Nothing more, nothing less." Mara lifted her chin in defiance, a subtle change in her blue eyes. "Why would a centuries-old vampire like myself be scared of anything?"

Mara's facade was a careful one, but she could sense Jake was getting close to the truth. She wasn't sure how much longer she could maintain her pretense, but she was determined to try.

"You, my love, are scared of seeing me as anything other than food. Don't get me wrong… I enjoy what we have," Jake's face turned thoughtful for a moment. "But you called yourself an 'amoral monster' as a way of trying to keep me at arm's length." Jake had a fierceness in his eyes that she had never seen before.

He pulled back from her for a moment, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look him in the eyes. "You love me, and you're afraid to admit it. But you know what? As long as it takes…" Jake wrapped his arms around her again, pulling Mara close. "I will wait for that confession. Because you are worth it."

My dear readers,

Thank you for being patient with me while I get life sorted out. I finally transposed all 184 pages of notes, and I will try to get back into a schedule for releasing chapters.


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