
That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix

In the world of that time I got reincarnated as a slime there are seven sins. Prideful king Lucifer. Greedy king Mammon. Envious king leviathan. Wrathful king Satanael. Slothful king Belphegor. Gluttonous king Beelzebuth. Lustful king Asmodeus. But what if there was one more sin, a sin that everyone who knew about it thought it was almost impossible to obtain. Follow our young mc as she tries to find her place in the world, while trying to get over her horrific past. This is the story of the sin of Sorrow. I do not own that time I got reincarnated as a slime everything belongs to their respected owners. I also don't have any right to the image above. If the artist wants me too I will take it down.

Dark_light · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
200 Chs

Chapter 48 Poe vs Charybdis

"Oh god! Get away from me!" One of Clayman's men yelled as strands of purple smoke attempted to wrap around him.

His attacker could only sigh in disappointment. "I just don't get it, why are they all so afraid of me~"

"Because no one what's to touch your disgusting self." Pinky growled but Elena didn't seem bothered at all, in fact she had now turned her attention in his direction.

"That's not what you said the firs-huh?" She was about to say something but stopped herself all of a sudden.

"What was that you were about to say?!" The lightish red blank hissed but his purple companion didn't say a thing as her attention was now elsewhere.

Noticing her strange behavior, Dai and the other two members of their squad appeared behind them. "Elena?" Grey asked as he walked up to her. "What's up?"

"Something is coming..." She muttered as she looked off into the distance.

"What are you...talking...about..." He trailed off when he noticed it.

That's when it happened, a massive amount of energy was released all at once as the equally massive creature known as Charybdis was reborn. Almost immediately the surrounding fighting mostly stopped as friend and foe alike now had a much bigger problem to deal with.

"Errm...guys?" Grey muttered as he looked at the absurd thing rising up into the sky.

"Yeah?" Dai sighed in frustration but before Grey could ask his question Pinky beat him to it.

"What the fuck is that thing?!"

"A giant stupid looking fish." Dai explained with an annoyed and unimpressed look on his face.

"Maybe it's friendly?" Ray asked with stars in her eyes.

Grey slowly shook his head at that. "I don't think so...hmmm?" He suddenly stopped himself when he noticed a rather tiny figure jumping off of the top of the canyon wall. "Is that who I think it is?"

His words quickly pulled everyone's attention to the being as well and the moment they noticed it they all became much paler, even Pinky. "Ooooh shit..."

"Oh no...~"

"We should run, like right now." Grey muttered while taking several steps back, Pinky and Ray agreeing as well.

"Fuck this shit!"

"Hehehehe...hehehe...we are in danger..."

Dai for his part immediately gave the order to run for it. "Retreat! Get as far away from here as possible!"

Chaotic, that is the easiest way to explain the stampede that took place as everyone tried to escape and it all started with those five individuals. As the five of them yelled and ran some moves to join them, at first it was only those who knew what was about to happen, all of which were from the Abyss, however soon others followed after seeing the panic and alarm on their faces. 

As for Clayman's men, well, they were at first a little confused, some even laughed at those who were running away but that quickly changed when they noticed that Yama was also retreating as well. Even the mad berserker that had terrorized them started pulling back when he noticed the falling entity, as such even those that had once laughed at the "cowards" started to become weary of the coming events while the smart ones also began to move.

"We're not gonna make it!" Someone shouted over the chaos.

"Teleport everyone you can into the pitfall traps!" Mika yelled as strands of energy wrapped around dozens of nearby people before she and all of said people vanished.

The other abyssal blanks quickly followed out her orders, they knew what was coming so they were definitely in a panic but still did their best to grab everyone that they could. Once all of that was done however they themselves teleported down as well before quickly readying themselves for what was to come.

"This isn't going to be fun..."

"Here it comes." 

"Brace yourself." 

For a moment there was silence, it was as if the whole world had gone eerily quiet, that when it hit. The moment the object touched the ground everything was smothered by a dark aura that caused all those close to it to pass out from terror. Everyone was affected by it in different ways but everyone was affected, even Benimaru felt a shifter run through his whole body as the aura washed over him.

The emissary of despair had arrived and everyone felt his presence. It seeped into their bones as the black aura began to disappear and as it did a towering yet still growing figure could be seen rising to its full height.

"C-crap..." Sophia cursed as the wave hit her, as it did she was forced to her knees.

Gabiru who was using his trident to remain standing couldn't help but ask. "W-what is that...?"

"I'm shaking..." Hermes whispered as he tried to calm the raging fear that weld up inside of him.

Middray on the other hand remained calm but was also somewhat affected by the feeling of pure terror that oozed out from that dark aura. For a moment he was momentarily stunned but soon turned towards the massive dragon that stood next to him. "Sir Shinkusho?"

"That is Poe." The dragon answered with narrowed eyes. "A fellow servant of my creator."

""That cute teddy bear?!"" Several people asked at once much to the confusion of the Dragon Faithful who had no idea what they were talking about.

"That would only be a disguise, an illusion to hide what truly lies beneath that false skin that he wears." Shinkusho explained, without looking away from the figure that dwarfed even his large frame. "You're about to see what happens when he drops that innocent act of his."

Poe was now something completely different then what he once was, an amalgamation of gnashing mouths filled with misshapen teeth that stood around one hundred and seventy meters tall. His form was blanketed in bladed tendrils that were covered with long quill like barbs that seemed to shimmer dangerously in the moonlight. Armored bone like plates and spikes grew out of inky black skin that was slightly illuminated by the glowing purple drool that poured from his many mouths. He had dozens of eyes all over his body of varying sizes that seemed to disappear and reappear across his form. His skin was more like pure muscle in appearance yet each strand seemed to move independently like he was made of hundreds of thousands of different living creatures all writhing in agony.

His body still somewhat resembled that of a bear standing upright like a man but he now had four muscular arms that ended in bladed claws. Out from his head grew several long pale white horns that looked like a crown of jagged teeth. However, what was most intimidating about him was those eyes, those six disturbing looking eyes in his head. Unlike the eyes that covered his body these were just, well, they were just empty sockets, hollow and empty, yet they seem to burrow into your very soul with just a glance.

Long story short it didn't go well for Charybdis, yeah, not even slightly. Sure, Charybdis didn't just float there and do nothing, it attacked Poe with its eye lasers and its scales but it had basically no real effect, the little damage it did manage to inflict was healed almost instantaneously.

Poe was a little sad however, sure this thing was boring but if the pretty bug lady had been here he could have at the very least shown off a little to her. After a moment of thinking on this however his eyes narrowed, shaking the thought away, at least this would make a good gift for his creator he thought to himself just in time for Charybdis to blast him again.

Now very fed up with this annoying, hollow and pathetic thing all of Poe's mouths slowly opened with a slight creak that was followed by a world shattering howl that echoed for miles in every direction. As this happened the space around Charybdis cracked, bent and shattered into pieces, this somehow causing catastrophic damage to the fish like creature. It wasn't enough to kill Charybdis mind you, mostly because Poe was actually holding back quite a bit but it was enough to instantly destroy large sections of Charybdis's body.

With Charybdis temporarily stunned and out of action things didn't stop there, in fact it got even worse for the damn thing. What appeared to be meat hooks attached to long blood stained chains made of what looked like razor wire erupted out of Poe's body in a rather violent display, not that Poe seemed to care at all or felt any kind of pain or discomfort from this. 

Anyway, once the hooks pierced into Charybdis they began dragging the beast towards its imprisonment. And so as the chains retracted pulling Charybdis closer to Poe its body began to literally be absorbed by the massive bear, Charybdis's body was transforming into a blackish purple smoke that Poe was rapidly devouring with his many drooling mouths.

This ability was somewhat similar to how Rimuru could store things within his stomach, however unlike that ability things were somewhat more grim for those trapped within Poe's skill. Those imprisoned within Poe's internal pocket dimension will be subjected to an endless nightmare of torment, their fear and pain feeding and empowering Poe so long as they remain within him. What's more is that a person can not die as they're body is frozen in time to some extent with only their mind able to function and dream.

And so Charybdis was gone now, confined within its own mind and body while stored inside of Poe, yet despite this, despite easily defeating such an enemy Poe only had one thought. How very, very dull....