Rey, 27 years old, an average guy who was an orphan but lived a pretty decent life. One afternoon, after waking up from a heavy hang over he made some coffee and tried to cook some food. But he didn't knew that his gas hose had some damage. He picked some cigarettes from the table, but before he could light his cigarette... His whole apartment exploded, Causing him to die... But he gets to have a second chance, and gets reborn to a world where magic exists. DISCLAIMER NOTICE: PHOTO NOT MINE! BUT MY IDEA OF THE MAIN CHARACTER'S APPEARANCE RESEMBLES THE ONE IN THE PHOTO.
The Tournament will be divided into four sectors.
Sector A, B, C and D.
Each Sector will have sixteen pairs, Team 1 to Team 16 that will battle with each other until two pairs will remain and battle for the championship title.
The Tournament will last for five days, each day will have a battle within each sector.
Each Team participants will be given a "Crest" a defensive Item that is powered with mana, It'll break when the estimated damage is taken. After it breaks, the participant will be no longer be able to fight.
The first day, Sector A Combatants.
The second day, Sector B Combatants.
The third day, Sector C Combatants.
The fourth day, Sector D Combatants.
And the fifth day will be the Grand finals.
Me and Hailey were placed at Sector B along with other students.
Leon and Kiba were at Sector C, while Annie and Ryan were at Sector D along with Red and Maris.
Dante was at Sector B, the same us ours.
The students in each Sector will be shuffled at their Battle day, And will be matched against other students.
The Principal then stood up from his chair and announced the First match alongside Sector A's Match Line up.
"The Combat Duo Tournament shall now start! Introducing the First match participants! Team 1 against Team 2!" As the Principal declared the First battle.
Team 1: Luigi Agron, A Sword Combatant which had the features of a Soldier, Manly looks and had Mature presence, He is also a Dwarf. His partner Ruffol Weins, A Beginner Stage Mana user with composed appearance, And was also a Dwarf.
Team 2: Althea Clains, A Sword Combatant which had a pretty nice figure, Sharp looks and was straightforward, She's an Elf. Her partner Wayne Rouge, A human and a Intermediate Stage mana user from Mana Class 1. One of the Potential Geniuses from the Mana Class, He had an average look and was also composed.
The two teams then went inside the Battle Arena at the center of the Fields.
'Ruffol, make sure to stick to the plan.' As Luigi said.
'Yes, don't worry about it Luigi.' Ruffol replied.
'Wayne, Make sure to cover me properly okay?' As Althea said.
'Don't worry, I got your back!' Wayne replied.
'Now, The first match up will begin!' As Instructor Michael yelled.
Althea then pulled out her sword along with Luigi.
The two confronted immediately as they face in the front, While Wayne and Ruffol was at their back Providing them Support.
The Students cheered for both teams, As the battle started.
Me and Hailey sat at the front and watched their battle along with the four idiots and their partners.
Wayne used water spells to subdue Luigi's movements by splashing water in his area and made it slippery, While Althea's ground was dry. Team 2 gained the advantage after this magnificent plan of theirs.
Ruffol on the other hand used, Fire magic to make a smoke screen and covered team 2's vision.
They managed to buy some time and Luigi got out of the slippery floor.
'Wayne! Use your Wind magic to remove this smoke infront of me!' As Althea yelled.
Wayne then used Wind magic immediately to remove the smoke infront of them, But after the smoke cleared. Only ruffol was seen infront of them.
'Huh!? Where's Luigi?' As Althea looked around the arena.
Ruffol then casted earth magic to bind the two on the ground, reducing their movements.
Althea struggled to get out of the Earth magic that was holding her feet. While Wayne used earth magic as well to remove the binds.
Althea looked at the binds that were holding her feet and noticed that another shadow was seen below her, So she immediately lifted her head to see and saw Luigi falling down above her.
Before Althea could react and block it, It was already too late. Luigi managed to slash Althea and broke her Crest by inflicting a decisive blow.
After Ruffol's Smoke screen plan occured, He boosted Luigi's jump with Wind magic and sent him up in the sky, And before reaching the ground, Ruffol would use wind magic to decrease Luigi's landing impact.
A great battle tactic which relied with each other's specialties, A strategy made by Ruffol.
Wayne flinched after seeing Althea being taken out. So he was the only one remaining.
"Team 2's Althea Clains is now out! Now what will Wayne Rouge do to fight against two!" As the Teacher that acted as a Commentator spoke.
'Shit, Althea's down! How am I suppose to beat this two!?' As Wayne spoke Subconsciously.
The Students went wild cheering, Crowds of students were filled with excitement after Althea's defeat.
Seeing the first two teams battle made me excited.
It was my first time participating to something like this.
Hailey, Ryan were quietly watching while Leon, Kiba and Annie were screaming like crazy as they cheer for Team 1.
"Woooh! As the Crowd goes wild! Which team will be the winner!? Will it be Team 1 or Team 2!?" As the commentator spoke with excitement.
Ruffol then used Fire spells to attack Wayne, But Wayne used Water Magic to block it.
Causing a steam to occur on Wayne's point of view, While Luigi rushed towards him from the left side.
Before Wayne could notice it, Luigi was already infront of him. And Slashed him with brute strength, causing his Crest to break.
"Winner! Team 1! Luigi Agron and Ruffol Weins!"
The crowd cheered wildly as the commentator announced the winner.
'Looks like Team 1 will be hard to deal with.' I said.
'Yeah, They're pretty good. Looking at their Combination was so wonderful!' As Leon replied.
'Don't worry luna, We'll win this tournament.' As Hailey said.
'Kuhahaha! It is Us that'll win this tournament! Kuhahaha!' As Kiba spoke with confidence.
'Ugh, this idiots.' As I spoke in an annoying manner.
Annie and ryan laughed while followed by Hailey.
Then after that we continued to watch the entire matches throughout the day.
The next match was announced, Team 3 versus Team 4.
Team 3: Saul Conten, An Elf Sword Mana Combatant which mastered the Sword Elemental Technique, He had very gentle looks, composed and was well figured. While his partner, Louis Dandelion, A Human Beginner Stage Mana user which had princely features.
Team 4: Haden Reign, A Human Spear Combatant, Who is also known as of of the Geniuses from the Combat Class. He had an average timid appearance, but was very composed.
His Partner, Wendell Lamon, A dwarf Beginner Stage Mana user, Had a very bulky body and mature look.
The two teams then went inside the Arena and got ready for battle.
Wendell immediately used earth magic to bind them after the match begun.
But Saul and Louis managed to escape, Louis immediately used Wind magic to blow off Haden who was rushing towards them.
Saul then coated his spear with Fire attribute and confronted Haden.
The two exchanged blows one after another, But Saul was on the upper hand.
While Louis distracted Wendell by casting different types of Offensive spells towards him.
Wendell kept blocking Louis's attacks with his Magic while Saul and Haden fought with each other.
It was basically a one on one between two combatants and two mana users.
The Crowd cheered as the fight lasted longer, Students were screaming for the Teams as they fought.
The teachers faces were completely filled with excitement as they watch from above the stage.
The commentator kept speaking as he demonstrated the moves of each participant at the battle arena.
After a long fight, Saul managed to beat Haden.
And teamed up with Louis to take down Wendell, who was the sole survivor of Team 4.
But before they could take down Wendell, he managed to use a very strong earth spell that took down Louis, And after that Strong attack he used. He ran out of mana which exhausted him and got taken down by Saul.
"The Battle has finally Ended! Team 3 Wins!" As the commentator screamed with excitement.
The Students screamed as they cheered for Team 3's Victory.
Then after their match, Team 5 to 16 competed with each other until 8 teams remained, and the 8 teams that won their matches fought again with each other until 1 team remained.
In the end, Team 1 became the winner for the entire Sector A. And the Team that'll advance and fight against the Winning teams of the other Sectors at the Grand Finals.
After all that happened, The First day of the Tournament Ended.
Students left the field along with the Teachers, The students went back to their dorms while others scattered around the School buildings.
Me, Kiba, Ryan, Hailey, Leon and Annie along with their partners went back to Leon's Dorm.
They waited outside as I made Curry for us to eat.
After that, they all went inside and we ate together and had conversations about the matches that occured earlier.
Me and Hailey who were gonna be fighting for tomorrow's tournament, planned battle tactics after seeing the matches from Sector A.
While Leon and Kiba were placed at Sector C and will be fighting against each other.
Leon's partner, Almir Sauce, who had the surname of a ketchup was an Elf Beginner Stage Mana user. He had a very shiny blonde long hair and was very good looking. He's pretty handsome and nice for my first impression.
Kiba's partner was Lauen Desire, She was human and had beautiful eyes, long eyelashes and had very chubby cheeks and big chest. Ehem...
Ryan and Annie were placed at Sector D which will also be fighting against each other, But the most cruelsome opponent they'll be facing is Red and Maris who teamed up together for the Tournament.
Ryan's partner was Kuro ramon, A dwarf Intermediate Stage mana user. He was very calm looking, had gentle expression and a nice personality.
Annie's partner was Genji Trailblaze, A human Intermediate Stage mana user which had a very high aptitude for Fire element. He was also among the geniuses of the Mana Class along with Hailey. Hd had a professional expression, Great body and a shy personality.
So we bonded together at Leon's dorm and got to know each other.
Meanwhile at the borders of Emperium, West side.
The Soldiers that were patrolling at the top of the walls noticed a huge fire at the vast forest outside of Emperium.
They called that part of the Forest, Yellow zone.
They named the lands that they've ventured outside of Emperium from Green to Black.
Green zones were the ones near the borders that they've built watchtowers as an extension for Emperium.
Places that they've discovered that had Small death rate were called White zones.
Yellow Zones were places that were occupied with monsters.
Red Zones were places that were extremely hard to explore due to being a home for the monsters.
And Black Zones were the places where Mythical beasts resides, Even the Monsters around Erendale tries to avoid them. Since they are very powerful beasts.
The place which Persona investigated, The yellow zone at the western part of Emperium that was supposedly to be an new base for the Goblins were set on a huge fire.
The Soldiers that were patrolling noticed it, They immediately ran and went to report it.
But after they left their posts, A team of unknown individuals covered in black robes made a hole in the wall from the inside, and covered it with earth magic as a temporary.
One of the Soldiers noticed an explosion and went to where it occured, After reaching the place were the explosion occured he did not see anything.
So he searched around the walls if there was anything suspicious, But after searching for several minutes he found nothing.
So got deep further in the walls, And the Unknown individuals appeared from behind the soldier like ghosts.
One of them immediately slit the troat of the soldier with a red dagger that had a golden gem intact shined.
The blood kept coming out like rain shower, and killed the Soldier.
Then one of the unknown individuals used earth magic to bury the corpse of the dead soldier deep within the ground.
After that, The Unknown individuals vanished like ghosts.
The next day, The soldier who died that night was reported missing.
The soldiers who were patrolling also reported the huge fire that occured at the western part of erendale.
But the military didn't do anything after receiving the reports.
Since going out of the borders was dangerous that could potentially decrease their military power if their soldiers were killed while venturing the lands outside.
So they couldn't send out some men to explore carelessly.
Since Emperium had only few soldiers unlike Aldien who had an Army of Dwarves and Elves.
Meanwhile at Emperium City, King's Personal Communication Room.
'Luther, I've heard reports that the place you've reported was set on fire. Did you know about it?'
'No my lord, After my men investigated that area they immediately left and searched for possible clues of the Deaths of the Nobles.'
'Okay luther, Report immediately if you manage to find something regarding to the Nobles deaths.'
'Yes my lord, Now I shall head out first since the second day of the Tournament will be starting soon.'
'Tournament? Is my Son also a participant on that tournament?'
'Yes my lord, The prince is also a participant. He'll be participating at the fourth day of the Tournament.'
'Okay carry on.'
'Then I shall take my leave.'
The Thought Communicator deactivated after their conversation ended.
'So my son will be fighting huh? I'll go visit him and watch If he finally improved.' As the king spoke to himself wearing a serious expression.
Chapter END: