
That one weird side character

the side character who can do anything.

wishes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

wait what?

"Okay everyone calm down, it's just a false alarm. Professor Albert used the wrong spell while trying to make a new one".

Everyone calms down after the detailed explanation given by the Academy.

Except for this certain one guy who claims he's not gay.

'I am indeed not gay'

See, he's claiming he's not.


As the situation calmed down, everyone started doing their own revision..or so.

The smart one continues studying they will always get the front seats.

The popular one will gather together and gossips about the new kid.

You don't wanna know how I know they were gossiping about him, because I don't know.

And lastly people who are less smart will sit at the back.

'but...but I'm smart though'

Yeah right.

"Hey, don't you think the new kid kinda handsome?"

"He is though, I want to get to know him but I'm shy, can you help me"

Suddenly a creepy silhouette appeared behind one of the girl's shoulder and slowly creeping in their circles.

"But I don't see the handsomeness you just mentioned"

"AHHHHH" just like that, Aiden got slapped by beauties.

He must have been happy.

"Why did U slapped me for?!"

"You're ugly that's why!"

"What the, so cruel', you ain't beautiful either"

These two kids continued fighting verbally as both are not satisfied with each of their comeback.

Haru and Aiden were childhood friend.

At one point Haru even fell in love with him, but Aiden's so cruel' he said he's not into girls without bbl.

Haru the noble lady being from the medieval era was dumbfounded by such information as she does not know what bbl meant.

Day by day her love for Aiden slowly wither.

Seeing the new handsome boy that came into their class, she couldn't help her heart from beating faster.

What is this phenomenon said Haru.

"It's just heart attack, you need to exercise or you'll have short life"

Once again, Aiden got slapped.

Few hours gone by and it's time for the students to get back to their assigned dorm room.

Walking slowly towards the information desk at the front of the academy front gate, Aiden was suddenly met with Aeon.

'why did I see him again, shouldn't I see him like once only in every chapter?'

Shut up

As both of them walking towards the same destination. Aeon can't help but look towards Aiden who was trembling and sweating profusely, hoping that the protagonist won't be able to see him.

But reality is cruel, Aeon saw his ugly face.

"I'm not ugly"

Looking at Aiden who suddenly talks about his insecurity, Aeon thought he was talking to him.

With kind face and charming eyes he turn towards Aiden, holding his shoulder he said,


Just kidding that was my imagination only, this was the real one.

"I think you're handsome actually, girls would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend"

'the fuck is going on'

With intrusive thoughts about the male lead started to appear in his head, he couldn't help but ask one of the important question he's been keeping since the first class.

"Are you gay?"

"Wait what?"