
Chapter 1: Survive.

Being a professional hitman with endless job requests must feel good, but honestly it didn't. Every single job contains 0 to 99% of chance for me to die on the spot. Not even that just accepting the job may put my life at risk. Quite ironically, my first golden rule was to do the job no matter I live or not. However, there was that one job, that didn't risk my life at all as a hitman. The job was to kidnap a 40 year old man and bring him to my seller. Easy right? yeah that's what I thought too. I started to pack my guns, grenades, flash bang, and armour, and I headed to the south. I was around 20m away from my target house. From what I could tell was that the house is old and abandoned and no one lived there. I had a little uneasy feeling before entering the house with my shivering hands holding the pistol. Suddenly, I see a woman running towards me with an axe. Not being able to react fast I quickly went inside a room beside me and locked the door. Little did I know that the room was filled with fainting gas. I slowly started to faint with regret over my whole life. I woke up with my weak drowsy body and found my self shackled. Shackled in my arms and legs.