
that indestructible bond of eternal love

Celine_Bednarz · Masa Muda
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Promise

The air in my room felt stifling, as if it were closing in on me. I stared into the mirror, and the face that stared back was a mere shadow of myself. Pale, tired, with dark circles etched deep into my skin. My hair, once wild and vibrant, now hung limp around my face like a mournful curtain. The bright blue of my eyes seemed dull, as though someone had drained the color from them. Even the fire that once burned within them appeared extinguished.

I loathed this life. The rules that surrounded me were nothing more than shackles tightening around my soul. I felt trapped, imprisoned in a cage of expectations and conventions. And now this – the move to Beijing. My mother had announced it yesterday as if it were the most exciting news in the world. Her new fiancé, Trent, and his two sons awaited us there. I could have strangled her.

Trent had known my mother for just a year. After he proposed, she had accepted without hesitation. And now it was time to pack our bags, to start anew. She hoped for a fresh start, better career prospects, and a glamorous life among like-minded individuals. Her words, not mine.

I turned back to the mirror. It didn't get any better. The longer I looked, the more I noticed how worn out I appeared. My skin resembled paper, my lips were chapped, and my hair – yes, I'd already mentioned it. I couldn't help but pity myself.

I spun around and left the room. Punctuality was a virtue, my mother always said. But what was virtue when you were trapped in a gilded cage? I could feel the walls closing in, the promise of Beijing – a foreign city, a new life. I didn't know what awaited me there, but I knew it would be different. Perhaps even better.

I stepped into the living room, where my mother impatiently waited. Her smile was forced, her eyes revealing uncertainty. Did she have doubts? Or was it merely the excitement of a fresh beginning? I couldn't tell.

"Ready?" she asked, reaching for my suitcase.

I nodded silently. The chance of her having a heart attack when she saw the dark circles and my pale skin was high. But I didn't care. I was ready for change, for a new promise. We walked through the door, and I came to an abrupt halt as I collided with a tall man standing right in the doorway. My gaze immediately fixated on his jet-black hair, falling in unruly strands across his face. He had a commanding presence, broad-shouldered and muscular, and he wore a black shirt that accentuated his rugged features. His eyes bore into mine, a deep shade of brown that seemed to hold secrets. There was an intensity about him, an enigma that left me both intrigued and wary.