
That girl, Ajia

In the emergence of the undead world, Ajia, a 15 year old girl, takes her own courage and survival instincts to test. Left alone in the brutal world with only a pair of shoes? Will she overcome the challenges that lie ahead?

nanimotto · Fantasi
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6 Chs


Lights on!

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Confetti flowers fell down covering Ajia's who is in a state of shock. "Who are these people?" she asked herself while her mouth is open and her body frozen. Only her eyes are moving to see the faces of people she never met in her life.

"Where's Mama and Papa?"

"Happy Birthday! Ajia!" shouted by a man she never met. And they all started to sing, the birthday song! "Happy birthday Ajia! Happy Birthday Ajia!", now she is seeing a familiar face her loving mother holding a cake while her father just behind both walking towards her while singing the song with the rest of the guests.

"Happy birthday dear Ajia! Happy birthday to you........" and they all cheered and urged her to blow the candle. "Go blow your cake, our not so-baby Ajia!" teary eyed her mom said. She probably got emotional now that Ajia is no longer a child.

Ajia who has regained her self awareness of what's happening, slowly smiled although still confused, let go of her confusion and blew the candles.

And everything turned black as her breath touches the edge of the fire, she has lost her consciousness.

"Ajiaaaaaaa!!!!" cried her mother.

Moments later, they all stared at the unconscious body of Ajia on the floor. Noone moved an inch. Only the sobs of the mother is heard. "Oh my baby, but she is still young for this..."

"Nathalia, why are you too emotional? She is your child! Have confidence, she will make it." says, her husband, Marcus, trying to comfort his wife.

"But what if?!", her eyes opened wide at the thought in her mind, and sobs again.

"You know the rules." said Marcus. "Get your acts together, it's time, she will be waking up very soon."

The guests then looked at Marcus as if asking for a permission to leave then Marcus waved his right hand as a sign of approval and they left one by one without opening the main front door.

They just disappeared into thin air.

Marcus who is walking towards Ajia, who is still unconscious on the floor, raised her with invisible force supporting her back and making her afloat like a feather.

"You will know what to do, Ajia. We will be waiting for you." said Marcus in a soft voice.

"My daughter, Ajia, be strong!" and Nathalia kissed her daughter on the forehead leaving a fading glow.

The invisible force ushered Ajia's body into the third unused room of the house or the guestroom.

Marcus said in a serious tone of voice, "and so they arrive."

Nathalia who turned her gaze from Ajia's to the front door recited an encantation and the suddenly door flung open and a strong wind gushed out of the house while she and Marcus disappeared in a blink of an eye. There are gone.

And so Ajia was still unconscious in the room while the house remained very open. The wind outside the house was errie and cold.

In her dream, she was having a nice dinner with her Mama and Papa. There were all laughing and cheering each other while having a nice time. Suddenly, Ajia's mother and father because very serious and stared at her, "wake up Ajia!"

Then sweat broke Ajia's slumber. "What happened?" She asked. Upon realizing that she was supposed to be celebrating her surprise birthday party she suddenly recalled having guests in the house to celebrate. Come to think of it, "Where are they? Why are they so quiet outside?"She dismissed the thought because it must have been very late and the guest have already left. She noticed that she was still wearing what she remembered putting in the morning. So she grabbed her bag and tried to stand.

"I must go to my room and change." said Ajia. After few steps she heard a lot of noise from the outside. A noise that is sure not of any humans, Ajia was reluctant to get out of the room. Outside the room four undead entities are being burned as they attempt to touch the door leading to where Ajia was sleeping. The door is magical defense infused by Marcus with fire element as the enemy approaches, it knows what to burn. There were four undead slowly retreating as soon as they realized they are in bad shape. When the guestroom door, opend, and startled the undead.

Ajia came out to see what she thought was non existing in this world - ZOMBIES? She was again shocked, the head of the first undead was already a thread connecting it to its main body. The foul smell coming from the undead registered immediately to Ajia's nose.

"What the f*** is happening? Papa? Mama? Where are you?!" she asked in a trembling voice while looking for any signs of her mom and dad. This is not funny anymore. No signs. Only the undead are moving closer to her and she started to move backwards slowly going back to where she lay down and she stumble and went inside with a thud.

Then the four started to walk fast to seek the human flesh when they were caught like an insect inside a spider's web and burned!

Astounded Ajia, was again shocked to see how the undead burned to crisp. Noticing that she is now safe she then went out of the room and check each of the rooms for signs of her father or mother. Nohing.

She was still wearing her school's uniform and decided to change but as soon as she got out of the room, she suddenly heard scratching noise and more than ten undead appeared out of nowhere and started approaching her. She dropped her plan of changing and just grab her back and get out of there.

Little did she know that a headless zombie saw her and immediately created a noice as if telling the other zombies that target is alive and it is preparing to leave the house.

This is not good. Immediately Ajia scrammed to get essential goods from the kitchen to her bag bag. "I must leave" said by Agia.

And so immediately she left running while the undead were slow to react and catch up. She is now in the main road going to nowhere. She went passed the old lady when she was startled to see that the old lady was again waving at her from her window. The old lady motioned for her to come in the house. Ajia attempted to sign that she was not available but the old lady was insistent.

She was stunned. What is it this time?