
first meet

tharn: hey type if you are hungry I have snacks here you can eat it

and its a lot of me so you can have it.

type: don't be so nice to me than 😇

tharn: 😊

1week later :

type : at locker to get his shoes when techno suddenly appeared

techno : type did you hear about humor about tharn ?

Tharn is GAY

..What did you say .

oh your room meet is gay


at night

type set on his bed

tharn was arrived .. and parking his car .

type you are so early today ..

cut the shit**

tharn I have something to till you

'you must answer me ..

'What is that you look so serious like you want to eat me alive .... *tharn was joking to answer this question.

.Than Are you GAY

.. silent


. you need to move out and also you need to know that I hate Gay Guy . I don't live with same air with you

...What's wrong with gay Guy I don't do anything to you..

.yes you don't but how about In future you must move -out. .

No : I don't want to move out just that your only reason just see- ing a gay .

ooh you don't move out. fine..😈

type : help me how to get ride of him to move out in my room .

techno: tips for he move

wait type write it to his phone

.okey start



that's its you do that I'm sure he move out😈

( evil plan was coming on his mind. )

tharn bring food & snacks to his room to save it later after practice drum to his band .on Jane bar.

type was arrive from school. .

and see that food from tharn table . .


(I EAT IT) open thr sprite drink after that he eat it little and take one snack and miss, unto tharn bed . lick it when you come back I know you were hungry now. after that type go go in his bed .

tharn : did you eat my food

type: I don't know

tharn : who's else

type : I don't know god damn it!! walk going in bathroom .

tharn was notice have a sticky note . write

( I Eat it )

while he read it have little smile come out to his face.

To be Continue