

Thaggar nearly choked on his own saliva when Akira started to do a little dance while pulling her dress higher until it was completely off. Before she could realize what was happening, Thaggar gently picked her up and lay her on the bed.

"Thaggar....you...." Akira gasped when he gently bit down on the flesh of her breast.

Her breathing quickly became rugged as he continued to bit down on every part he wanted and then sooth it with kisses and licking.

"Akira..." Thaggar whispered into her ear and she hummed in response,"Would you like to carry my children?"

"Our children." She corrected pulling on his hair and he smiled and nodded.

"Our children." He repeated returning to kissing her neck.

"Isn't that what we've been doing?" She asked remembering his question.

"I haven't planted my seed in you." He confessed.

"What?!" Akira exclaimed pushing Thaggar away from her, startling him,"What do you mean?"

"I wanted your permission to do so." Thaggar quickly answered like he was child who was reporting to his mother.

Akira was stunned but then it struck her that whenever they were together, she hardly had any recollection of the events after her orgasm. She felt a pung of guilt for not paying attention to him after he made her feel good.

She pulled him back to her and hugged him, mumbling a quiet 'sorry'. Thaggar nodded, unsure of why she was apologizing to him but he didn't ask her why she was apologizing. Akira cupped his face in her own and kissed him gently, successfully making him moan. She froze momentarily but continued to kiss him. He always groaned or grunted but for the first time he moaned making her feel accomplished. With a tilt of her head, she deepened the kiss and lost herself in it as well as Thaggar took the lead. Just when she felt him begin to trace wet kisses on her neck, she took the lead and flipped them over.

Startled, Thaggar asked,"What are you doing?"

"Let's..... let's try something new today." She said blushing as she sat in his lap with her legs on either side of him.

Thaggar's eye's narrowed on her as he observed her. He didn't hold her but let his hands lie palm down on on the bed. Akira brought her face down to his and she kissed him once more and she quickly made her way to his neck. She bit him and heard him gasp then she licked the spot to sooth it. She continued this kiss, bite and lick sequence until his breathing was quickened and he was groaning.

"Akira...." He called out weakly in his deep voice.

"Yes my love?" She responded as she kissed the area above his belly button.

"This is my job. This isn't been a man."

Akira stopped and looked up at him. He looked so vulnerable but also unwilling to go on being the one following his wife's lead. She didn't even know how to respond to him but she still wanted to make sure he got his fill tonight.

"What don't you like?" She asked sliding herself closer to his pelvic region.

Thaggar closed his eyes, trying to hide how he felt so she did it again earning herself a glare from him.

"This is something my aunt taught me before she passed." Akira stated continuing what she was doing,"She said I relieves a man's stress."

Thaggar's expression of displeasure and vulnerability morphed into one of shock as he looked at Akira who in turn seemed confused.

"How did she demonstrate this?" He asked at last.

Akira froze and then she tried to get off him but he held her in place and sat up to look at her clearly.

"Akira, answer me." He urged her making her look him in the eyes.

"She told me to watch."


"She didn't tell me I just happened to see them and wondered why it was different than how other's did it." Akira added hastily but Thaggar's face became paler with ever word she said.

"You saw others?!" He exclaimed and Akira covered his mouth.

"Shhhh.....I was young and I'm sure you saw how we rarely dress fully back home so it was....easy for one to see what they ought not to."

"But Akira you sound like you willfully stood to watch."

"To learn." She corrected flustered and once more she tried to get away from him but he held her in place.

There was a moment of silence as they both tried to think of ways to make what was happening less awkward and Thaggar was the first to speak.

"Fine then. I can't make you unsee what you saw so continue." Thaggar said,"I won't complain either."

Akira sat still and just stared at him. He sighed, about to turn her over but she quickly protested and held him down. As she moved to get comfortable, she felt him enter her and she moaned. Thaggar smiled up at her and moved slightly making her gasp.

"I'm getting impatient Akira." Thaggar said as he moved again.

"Then stop and wait for me." She pleaded making him smile.

Seeing as he hadn't teased her, Akira took the lead once more, holding onto his shoulders for support as he was still sitting. He circled his arms around her waist, pulling her even closer and then he kissed her neck, leaving her in a disheveled state.

Moaning, Akira guided one of his hands to her breast and he started to kneed it as if it was dough while he placed to other in his mouth. Akira stiffened as she neared her release and as she now had no strength left, Thaggar turned her over and lay her on the bed. Soon she was convulsing and screaming out his name. Moments after her own mind had become foggy she felt the familiar convulsions from him and she pushed herself on him more firmly to receive his seed. The feeling that followed was new but not detestable. He soon fell limp on her and buried his face in her bossom.

"Have our children my queen." Thaggar mumbled, lightly tickling her breasts.

Akira laughed and responded with a hearty 'yes' making him smile. Akira planted a kiss on top of his head so he moved himself to kiss her lips instead. The kiss turned passionate and heated, making the two lovers breathless and needy. Thaggar mounted her and started another round of passionate love making.