
Eliminate Worry

Imagine one day you woke up and you didn't have to worry. What would you feel like? You would be

peaceful; there would be no thoughts moving through your mind. No thoughts sending stress emotions

through your system.

Imagine waking up and you didn't have to run or control other people's behaviors or control the

government with your thinking. Imagine you didn't have to believe the latest fear rumor.

Byron Katie says, "I could only find three kinds of business in the world - mine, yours, and God's.

Whose business are you in?" You become more relaxed when you decide to take up residence in

your own mind and your own business. Life is easy when you simplify and make peace with your

train of thought. When you believe your 'bad' thinking; you suffer. How many people, events, and

things did you try to control with your mind today? Stay in your own mind and enjoy the laser like

energy of having a clear mind.

You don't worry because you care; you worry because that is what you have learned to do. Worry is

a very creative mental process. The questions you ask in your mind create your worries. If you ask

'what if' questions, you set your mind up to worry. If you consistently ask, "What if I lose my job?

What if I crash my car? What if criminals attack me?" All these 'what if' phrases create 'movies' in

your mind that constantly loop different scenarios, which creates a state of worry. Rather, say to

yourself, "What would I do if I lost my job? What would I do if I crashed my car?" These movies

that are created by these questions don't loop you into worry. They give you action steps that direct

your mind. Create a procedure for different scenarios and make peace with your thinking.

Learn to practise peace because if you have no attention you have no retention.

Most people swing from one emotional extreme to the other. Concentration is about learning how to

stay centered. When you concentrate your power, you can achieve anything. Imagine your mind was a

torch. Most people allow their torch to jump and shine all over the place. You want your torch to

stand still and shine brightly. Nothing outside of you is going to fix your concentration; it is an inside


You need to make a decision today: do you want to improve your concentration or don't you? It is

always up to you. Therefore, eliminate your excuses, clean up your beliefs, and be here now!