
Terra Tower

Story of a Young Man completing his journey of clearing the tower. WILL HE BE ABLE TO CLEAR THE TOWER? Will he clear tower from its misery? What more mysteries will unlock as he moves up the towers. Author- I just wanna say some things 》This is a little bit slow progrssing manga but still it is enjoyable l. 》If you like op mc to fight op villains at his own level 》i will produce 14 chapters per week.So cheer up and support me and my team

Anubhav_Thakur_6869 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


Shin quickly got up, ready to help the boy fight off the skeletons. He unsheathed his wooden sword and charged towards the nearest skeleton.

The boy smiled as Shin joined the fight. "Thanks for the help, my name is Kaito," he said, dodging a skeleton's attack.

"My name is Shin, nice to meet you," Shin replied, slicing through a skeleton with ease.

Together, Shin and Kaito fought off the remaining skeletons, gaining experience points and increasing their stats.

"Hey Shin, have you chosen your ability yet?" Kaito asked, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Yeah, I chose Elemental God. What about you?" Shin replied, catching his breath.

"Huh, Elemental God, what the hell, You got one of the S grade ability at first level up".

"Well anyway, I chose mist movement , I heard it's a powerful ability," Kaito said, grinning.

Suddenly, a horn sounded, signaling the end of the first test.

"It's over already?" Shin said, looking around for Manger.

"Yeah, we did pretty well, didn't we" Kaito said while smiling.

"Oh ho ho ho, We gog our top 1000 out of all participants now we will review the top 3 players

So the top 3 participants are" As manager said it.

A large blue screen appeared in the sky in which there are top three players and their points.




3. Andras Gorgon 3200 POINTS

"Who is Andras Gorgon" Shin asked while looking at the leaderboard.

"He is one of the 9 sons of Gorgon" Kaito replied.

"Well,how did you managed to get that many points,Kaito".

"Oh i got it with help of my ability it allows me to moves as fast as sound without creating noise but it is still hard to control" Kaito replied.

{You Have Passed the 1st test.Would you like to get some rest or move onto next test}

Shin got a notification on his system.

"Lets get some rest first".As he said this he got teleported again in that room in which he was earlier.

"You acquired Your ability Well Done" Redwing said.

"OH Lets talk about Kaito and Son of Gorgon".

"Well, Gorgon has 9 sons and 1 daughter.there are ten royal families in tower.You will know as you go ip the tower.Kaito is from Okira family.His family is the best family in term of Agility." Redwing said.

"All the children of Gorgon recieved Sword from gorgon Each one has its own sword.Those are not ordinary swords they consist of power which rivalled even that of a Manger"Redwing said.

"Who was rhe UNKNOWN" Shin asked as he sat down on floor.

"They are the people who are native of the tower".

"Well Natives should be strong he topped in 1st test.So,Redwing lets go o 2nd test, right away" Shin said.

With a flash of flash light around shin' s body got teleported to 2nd test arena.

"Welcome!!You are all now be able to take 2nd test, Are You all ready?".

Shin looked around the arena, which was much larger than the previous one. There were various obstacles like walls, pits, and traps scattered throughout the arena. He noticed that there were many other participants from different parts of the world.

The manager explained the rules of the test - "You have to reach the end of the arena within the time limit. You will face various challenges on the way, and you need to use your abilities and skills to overcome them. You can also form teams of two to increase your chances of success. The first team to reach the end will get bonus points".

Shin decided to team up with Kaito, and they set out to complete the test. They ran through the arena, dodging obstacles, and fighting off monsters that came their way. They used their abilities to overcome various hurdles, like Kaito's Mist Movement to pass through walls and Shin's Elemental God to create powerful attacks.

As they reached the halfway point of the arena, they sawanother team ahead of them, consisting of a tall, muscular man and a petite, agile woman. They were moving quickly and efficiently, easily overcoming any obstacle in their way.

"That's the team we need to beat," Kaito said, determination in his voice.

Shin nodded in agreement as they increased their speed, using their abilities to their fullest.

As they neared the end of the arena, they saw that the other team had hit a wall - quite literally. A massive wall had appeared, blocking their path.

Shin and Kaito quickly thought of a plan. Kaito used his Mist Movement to get past the wall, while Shin used his Elemental God to destroy it. They made it to the end of the arena just seconds before the other team, winning the bonus points.

"Congratulations! You have successfully completed the second test," the manager announced.

Shin and Kaito high-fived each other, excited for their victory.

"Let's check the leaderboardand see where we stand," Shin said, eager to see their progress.

They looked up at the blue screen in the sky, and saw that they had moved up in the ranks.




3."Andras Gorgon 3200 POINTS

4."Shin 3190POINTS

"We're in fourth place!" Kaito exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

Shin nodded, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

"Good job, Kaito. We make a great team," Shin said, smiling.

"Thanks, Shin. I couldn't have done it without you," Kaito replied, grinning.

As they made their way back to the resting area, Shin couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what was to come next in the game. He was determined to ascend the 1st floor.