
The Plan

"This… this plan is too risky-" Leo muttered, as he stared in disbelief towards Lin Mu.

While the plan she suggested could theoretically still work, it has a lot of what-ifs and depended a lot upon Leo's skills as an actor.

"It's the only way. Ben Faulkner is the only figure that the commoners and even the Emperor will believe to have pulled something like this off and the only way the two of us walk out of this scot-free is if we fabricate a story such that, you were never here, while I was knocked out unconscious by Ben Faulkner before he killed the Royal Counselor" Lin Mu said, as Leo gulped in a mouthful of saliva in nervousness.

The plan that Lin Mu suggested was very risky, her plan was to play the victim in this murder and pin all the blame on Leo's master, who in reality had nothing to do with this murder at all.