
A burning city

( Meanwhile at Briarhelm )

At the same time that Uprising forces launched their attack on Fort Ironclad, another wave of destruction swept through the heart of the Eastern Duchy—and the home of the Eastern Duke, Briarhelm.

As the assault on the fort unfolded, chaos erupted simultaneously within the city.

Without warning, six fires blazed to life in key locations, shattering the morning calm.

The granary, the town hall, the library, the barracks, the city administration office and the sewage plant, were all engulfed in flames, marking the beginning of a well-orchestrated assault on the city itself.



As the fires raged, the infiltrators left behind a gruesome display. In front of each burning building, a message was scrawled across the walls in thick, dripping blood. The words left behind being clear and haunting:

"The corrupt nobles of this land will be judged for their crimes."