
Termina: Life in the undeground

Dan Owens is a young man followed by calamity. His whole life a series of unfortunate events. He who was tired of living, woke up only to find himself in a completely different place. Termina. The last bastion of mankind in the fight against the mutant beasts that plague the surface. Will the good for nothing Dan be able to cope with his new situation? Or will he remain stuck at the bottom of the ladder, never to reach new heights? One thing's for certain, he needs to pay his phone bill! Updates once or twice a week for now.

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82 Chs

Corpse Exchange

After the heated conversation, there was still silence. Neither I nor Hawk spoke much. I did try to convince him to let me take night watch duty from him as a way to forge a better relationship but was always met with refusal.

"No, you are probably still injured… you can go and sleep instead…" Hawk was really unwilling. I simply shrugged off his words. I had already slept plenty. Plus, after waking up so abruptly from that odd dream I couldn't really fall asleep.

We both stayed up watching the sun slowly rise on the horizon. Following that, the other members came out as usual.

To my surprise, nothing special happened. We ate dry bread, we conversed, we chilled a bit and then we were divided into groups again.

The main difference was that both Colt and Lytton were part of the short training expedition. As for whether I was still the leader or not…

The answer was obviously no. Kaiser had prompted me if I intended to hold the position again but I simply shook my head in response. Hawk who had been gazing at me with murderous intent nodded after hearing my response.

Now, I had no intention to let others dictate how I was supposed to act but I think it's a good idea to listen to kind-hearted advice. Even if the delivery itself was a bit.... offputting

I never considered the possibility that my previous reality had perhaps gone downhill due to my lack of sociability. In a world of connections that was setting oneself for failure. But even if that wasn't the case, not having someone to fall back on, including family, was a life-altering downside. Because nothing shines brighter than kindness when stuck inside a dark pit of despair.

Anyway, we went our separate ways now in groups of four. Lytton, the medic, had come with us this time around. I wasn't sure if Kaiser was suggesting anything or if that was just how things had turned out. Regardless, we went on our merry way.

This exact same routine was followed for a good amount of days until finally, Rook came by. The loud engine of the vehicle was hard to miss in the silent but deadly prairie.

"Dan, Jimmy, Nardo, come with me" Kaiser called us up to meet Rook effectively separating both sides into two groups. From there, he instructed us to collect some of the larger mutant corpses and help move them.

The three of us followed Kaiser and headed towards the not too far off-road. We did so carefully and luckily encountered no hassle.

"You boys are looking quite sharp now huh?" Rook was simply waiting next to the driver's door with a smile. He was more likely than not referring to our grades.

Through the last couple of expeditions, everyone had reached grade three.

"So, what do you all have for me?" Rook proceeded to ask the approaching group.

"We are not sure of the names, have a look at them yourself" Kaiser said and signaled for us to bring forth the goods. We did so and Rook took a cursory glance before making a troubled expression.

"I'll be honest guys, this week's yield is a little unsatisfactory" Rook said still frowning.

While I hadn't been made aware of what kind of deal Kaiser got into, I could tell that Rook's words were reasonable. The highest grade creature we had hunted was a spear bison, that one nearly cost me my life.

We took all of the crystals for ourselves and gave them all of these mostly useless mutant corpses. The useable materials were also very small after these bodies had been left outside exposed to the elements.

"You should know we aren't capable of much more for the moment" Kaiser told Rook without a hint of anxiety at his troubled words.

"Hehehe you are right, I'll let it slide. In fact, let me help y'all out" Rook seemed rather carefree as he laughed off the matter and even offered to help us in return.

After experiencing his driving however I knew better than to trust the happy-go-lucky attitude he often employed. He was without an ounce of doubt sinister!

Well, in reality, there was nothing that suggested so and there was also no reason for me to believe that his bad driving equated to treacherous intentions. But I still knew not to let my guard down.

Rook walked over to nardo and inspected the monster parts he carried. He then began to speak.

"This is a duster, these horse-like creatures can be made into some nifty running shoes. Unfortunately, however, there really isn't much of a demand for them so I'd stay away from them. Since you hunted them you should now know they are more trouble than they are worth." His tone carried hints of genuine concern as he continued to instruct us on which mutants he recommended we take on or not.

"That's about all the time I have for you guys then, keep my recommendations in mind and I'll see you in a week" Rook didn't spend any more time than was necessary with us.

After teaching us about the mutants we hunted as well as which ones might be more profitable to pursue, he took to the wheel and continued his drive to what I could only assume was the surface city of Eden.

"Alright, it looks like we might need to step up our game for the next week hahaha" Kaiser laughed off the matter after we saw Rook speed off. He was laughing it off due to the tense atmosphere Rook had purposely or inadvertently created.

Although his teaching seemed to come with good intentions, it could also be taken as you brought me trash, I'll tell you how to do a better job from now on. Harsh, right?

Maybe we were all wrong to think that but this wasn't a regular deal. This was a deal between mafias, something shady and without morals. For such a deal to work out both sides had to fulfill their ends of the bargain. Otherwise… the price to pay was one's life.

Sorry for not keeping to this very well. I'll get on it.

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