
Terjebak Dalam Mimpi

Penulis: Guniragun
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What is Terjebak Dalam Mimpi

Baca novel Terjebak Dalam Mimpi yang ditulis oleh penulis Guniragun yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Hari ini hujan deras mengguyur kota ku, suasana ini menurut ku sangat nyaman saat di kesendirian ini ,kadang pula ku merasa sedih ,ya memang beginilah aku hanya bisa terdiam sendiri di dalam apartemen...


Hari ini hujan deras mengguyur kota ku, suasana ini menurut ku sangat nyaman saat di kesendirian ini ,kadang pula ku merasa sedih ,ya memang beginilah aku hanya bisa terdiam sendiri di dalam apartemen ku yang hanya bisa menatap keluar jendela sebenarnya hari ini aku berniat untuk mencari pekerjaan ,melihat kondisi sedang hujan aku mengurungkan niat ku ini di saat udara dingin seperti ini ,tidur adalah hal terbaik , aku pun merebahkan tubuhku di kasur kesayangan ku ,dan akhir nya aku pun terlelap tidur. tiba tiba aku di kaget kan dengan suara yang memanggil namaku "Nico Nico "seketika aku membuka mata ku ,tapi aneh nya kenapa aku terbangun di tengah hutan yang rimbun ? aku pun bertanya pada diri ku sendiri "apa aku sedang bermimpi? "sambil menepuk nepuk pipi ku, "tidak ini bukan mimpi ,ini nyata." aku merasa heran dan tidak percaya dengan apa yang aku lihat dan yang aku alami semua begitu nyata

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ब्रिंगिंग द नेशंस हस्बैंड होम

क्यूओ एनहाओ और लू जिनियन ने चुपके से तेरह साल तक एक-दूसरे की चाहत और इंतजार किया। अब जब उनके एक-साथ होने की संभावना दिख रही थी, भले ही परिस्थितियां स्थिर न हो, लेकिन वो अब अपने मन की इच्छाओं से इनकार नहीं कर सकते थे। झूठे विवाह में फंसने के बाद, क्यूओ एनहाओ ने बड़ी ही सावधानी से रूखे और शांत लू जिनियन की ओर बढ़ना शुरू किया, लेकिन सालों तक गहरी गलतफहमियों और करीबी मौकों को खोने के बाद, यह आखरी मौका इतनी आसानी से कैसे मिलेगा? नेशन हसबैंड एक कोरियन शब्द है, जो ऐसे व्यक्ति के इस्तेमाल किया जाता है, जो जनता की नजरों में अति उत्तम हो-एक आदर्श पति।

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Transmigrated as Mew

Hello, my name is unimportant, however what is important is that I’m dead. I’m sure you already know how it goes, first you die in an accident, second you meet god, third get your lovely cheats, and finally start your new life Well, in my case, it’s more like this: first you get assassinated, second you wake up in a white room with two items: a laptop and a note. Still being disoriented from dying, you do the logical thing, read the note of course, that’s when you realize just how much of an asshole god is. In the letter you come face to face with a very ‘descriptive’ and ‘vibrant’ explanation, it's worded with quite the ‘colorful language’, it almost made me cry. “F**K OFF! Go enter 7 wishes into the computer or whatever, Just, Don’t, You, Dare, Interrupt, My, Vacation, Again, I NEED THIS! ~GOD” I thought I could get away with ridiculous wishes, surely I could become a god myself... well, I'm a baby god now at least. "Also not completely human anymore... and, of course my wishes were locked away by a stupid system, cause I'd explode or something from so much power" "Now I have to actually work for my wishes... wwhhhhyyy... wwwwhhhhyyyyuuuuuu... guess, I have to collect those stupid, stupid, growth points. *haaaaaa*, I'm starting to think I actually met a genie instead of god. *DISCLAIMER* The cover art doesn't belong to me, instead it belongs to White Wings on Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/whitewings/art/Human-PKMN-Mew-137174431 I will happily replace the cover art if I'm requested to.

Shadowstar01 · Komik
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Cream or Coffee? || BWWM

If you are reading this, the virus has now entered your phone, you have five seconds until it spreads to every part of your being. You have been warned. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Time's up! * * * It all started when Ruby let down her guards. She let an enemy into her house. Beryl was the sister to her husband's friend. That's how the got to know each other. So like new friends, Beryl began visiting Ruby oftenly. And she would cook and spend time with her. So one night, her husband Peter went out to buy weed. It was nothing unusual for Ruby since he did that often. He came back a few hours later and claimed he met some of his friends and they hang out for a few hours as they smoked. They had sex a couple of times and slept. Fast forward to a few weeks later. Ruby discovered something and took her friend Beryl's phone. Guess what she found in the trash can? Pictures of her husband and her backstabbing friend completely naked, posing in all the styles they could master. Some even had them stick their tongues out and middle finger pointing at the camera. She had deleted them but she clearly doesn't know how to get rid of evidence. Ruby was pissed. She had always known her husband was cheating but since she never had any evidence, she was always dismissed. When she looked at the date on the pictures, her heart broke. She remembered the day so well, it was the day he lied about getting weed, seems like the weed was Beryl. She locked the door and threw the keys behind the sofa. She asked her friend about it and obviously, she lied. She showed her the pictures and suddenly, Beryl couldn't speak anymore, she had gone dumb! Ruby beat the living daylights out of her. Neighbours got wind of what was going on due to the screams and called Beryl's mom to go save her daughter. Her mom arrived and pleaded with Ruby to open the door but she didn't. She beat some sense into the girl some more before agreeing to open the door since plans to break it down.

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Jilid 1


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