
Chapter 9: The Aftermath and a Survivor

'Who is this person?' Gin thought.

After learning the direction that the life signature was in, Gin transformed back into her dragon form and flew to the place directly above the life signature and started digging down using [Control Particles].

Digging decently quickly, about 15 minutes later, when Gin had dug to almost a kilometer below ground, she hit a metallic material.

'Finally, I dug something besides dirt and stones,' thought Gin as she dug the area around the metal, finding that it was a large box. Or rather, a saferoom.

This Magisteel saferoom was sturdy enough to survive Guy and Milim's battle, though it has become heavily damaged. Observing the box, Gin noticed that this saferoom was not impenetrable, as most of it had already been destroyed. Coming up with a hypothesis, before she was even able to ask [Great Sage], a report was given.

{Received. User is correct in guessing that the saferoom would have been destroyed if not for the being inside holding it together. However, the being inside must have run out of energy, which was why we were able to notice it.}

Having her conclusion confirmed by [Great Sage], Gin quickly rushed to the entrance of the saferoom and broke open the door using her large body.

*Crack* *Crack* *Boom*

Breaking open the saferoom, Gin's eyes wandered around the interior of the box. The walls were a very plain metallic silver, but had started cracking. The ceiling had a large piece of blue Magic Crystal Ore lighting up the room, though it started to crack and dim. The floor had a darker blue carpet that was soaked with blood.

Laying on the carpet was a face down figure wearing grey robes which covered his entire body. But the moment Gin broke in, he quickly got up and glared at her.

"YOU! You're the partner of the disobedient dragonoid girl. But unlike her, you won't be able to escape the control of my Ultimate Skill." Yelled the figure as he raised his left hand in a choking manner at Gin.

Surprised by his sudden movements and afraid after hearing of the figure having an Ultimate Skill, Gin screamed to [Great Sage], "DO SOMETHING!"

{Received. Initiating [Auto-Battle Mode]}

After saying this, [Great Sage] temporarily took control of Gin, opened her mouth, and bit down on the figure.

*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*

After chewing the figure a few times to make sure they died, [Great Sage] had Gin take the entire person into her [Inventory] the moment she felt that his life signature disappeared.

{Received. [Auto-Battle Mode] disengaged. Soul of Jahil, the evil king, has been stored and analyzed. Jahil's body has been swallowed and digested, slightly raising the user's EP Value. Jahil's soul can be used as a catalyst for evolution into Dragon King, though this should be done at a later time, after you have mastered your current power.}

'THAT PERSON WAS JAHIL? Thankfully he was very injured, barely away from death.' Gin thought. If Jahil was at full power, or even just one percent of his full power, she would have been easily overpowered and either controlled or killed.

Gin was very glad that Jahil was killed. Not just so that she could evolve whenever she wanted, but so that he wouldn't become a problem later.

Storing the Magisteel box, Gin left the area.


Gin, satisfied after counting all her gains, flew away, to the island where the Greater Spirits sheltered her people.

Thanking the Spirits before they smiled and teleported away, back to the Spirit World, Gin gathered all of her sleeping people in one general area and woke them up.

"HELLO EVERYONE!!!" she screamed causing them all to awaken.

Then, for the next 10 minutes, Gin explained the situation to them, how Jahil attacked Gaia, causing Milim to destroy their country. If this wasn't surprising to them, then Gin had definitely surprised them all with her next words.

"If you don't have anywhere to go, I'm planning on starting my own country and want to invite you all to be the first citizens." Gin announced. Hearing this, all the people she had gathered were surprised, because to them, Gin did not look much older than a teenager. But acknowledging her strength and the fact that she had protected them, they all agreed.

Having [Great Sage] do a quick head count, Gin learned that there were exactly 950 elves and 50 humans, making a grand total of 1000 people total. All of the people were adults, no one being younger than 18. Also, for some reason, about 90% of the elves were female, but [Great Sage] said that this was the natural distribution of gender for Elves. The humans on the other hand were evenly split between male and female.

Liking the statistics, Gin had [Great Sage] teleport all of them to the north-east half of the Land of the Forgotten Dragon. Since the Land was already naturally divided in half by a river, Gin decided to take half of Milim's future territory since she doesn't really want land anyways. And since she would end up getting Frey and Carrion's territory, she wouldn't miss a small piece of land.

Thinking this, Gin decided to have her people settle down and start a small community. [Great Sage] would divide all the tasks that people need to do, and once things get settled, she would either take charge or have [Great Sage] continue to manage things.

The first steps would include building a village, creating farmland, and creating extra clothes. But Gin noticed that because of Magicule Poisoning, the human citizens were very weak and tired.

{Received. One possible solution that would also assist in the future would be to turn them into Dragonewts.}

Liking this idea, Gin brought this up to the human group, which they all agreed. The transformation process would take about a week, so Gin created some clones to do the initial work to cover for the resting and transforming Humans.

Initially, Gin worked very hard, but thinking that setting up farmland is tiring, she looks at the Intrinsic Skill she received during her evolution.


[Dragon Roar]: Releases a loud roar that causes fear in those weaker than the user. It will have a lesser effect on Monsters and a greater effect on Humans and Dragons. This roar does not effect subordinates, and even temporarily increases their strength. Morale of allies and subordinates will slightly increase.

[Dragon Aura}: Releases an invisible aura all around the user. This aura slightly purifies the surrounding area. Enemies will be given a slight debuff while allies and subordinates will be given a slight buff in strength. Morale of allies and subordinates will slightly increase. This has a greater effect on Dragons.

[Dragon Eyes]: User's vision will be enhanced. Looking at an opponent using this skill will cause fear and paralysis. When this skill is in use, analysis type skills will have a greater chance of success. }

'Okay, these aren't bad, but there's no new damage skills' thought Gin, but then she had a brilliant idea. 'Since [Dragon Aura] purifies the surrounding area, if I were to use this on the farmland, will crops have an easier time growing?'

Testing this theory, Gin used [Dragon Aura] on the land, causing the soil to lightly grow and some of the planted crops slightly grew.

Realizing this, Gin had her clones focus on planting trees. One of her goals was to make a large forest of trees that reached up to the sky. After all, the stereotype for elves is that they are tree lovers. And with this, the planted trees that were just tree seeds a moment ago grew into short saplings and then small trees. They didn't grow past that, making Gin think that it would still take a few months or years to accomplish that goal. But it was a great start.

Going back to the farmland, Gin used her clones to finish planting the initial crops and then purified them.

Magically, the crops grew extremely quickly, to the point where they were already finished growing and ready to harvest.

Not wanting to do this herself, Gin had [Great Sage] designate others to harvest them.

One week of hard work later, the fully transformed Dragonewts stirred, waking up to a marvelous scene. After transforming, the Dragonewts were able to keep their human names, and these names counted as being named by Gin, causing them all to have a power up to C+ rank.

Somehow, in just a short week, the main structure of the village was already completed. Enough houses for each person to have their own was build. With Gin rapidly growing crops, they didn't have to worry about food shortage in this point of early spring. And since food and shelter were well on their way, [Great Sage] designated much of the population to work on making clothing and blankets.

Unknowingly, most of the elves were very good at sewing and making clothes. This being that much of them were female or that they were just naturally gifted, Gin didn't know but didn't care either way. After all, with more than three quarters of the elves being extremely talented at designing clothes, combined with Gin's knowledge of clothes from her life on Earth, the clothing and fashion industries would be their signature in the future.

Besides clothes, the food industry was also booming. Cultivating a large amount of purified farmland made growing crops very easy, even without Gin involved.

But more noticeably, they were able to create a large fish farm by temporarily rerouting the river that made up boarder of Gin's and Milim's parts of the Land of the Forgotten Dragon, transferring a large amount of water closer to the center of Gin's land.

Since elves were vegetarians, they only needed the crops, but this delicacy was very important for the Dragonewts.

Not liking their previous vegetarian diet, a brave soul tried eating boar meat, but puked shortly after. This had many thinking that they would never be able to eat meat again, but when someone else tried fish, they realized that the taste of fish was heavily enhanced after their transformation.

This had them creating a fish farm, which they succeeded with [Great Sage]'s help. This fish farm was very large, with the lake spanning multiple kilometers in circumference. And even better, since the lake was controlled by Gin, the Magicule count of the lake was able to be adjusted, increasing the rate at which fish grow. Also, as there were no predators, the Dragonewts had a continuously growing supply of fish.

With the village practically running on its own, Gin decided to do one last thing before going back to constantly training her skills.

She decided to use clones to scout the entirety of her territory, making sure that there would be no threats or others living there.

After spending a few days exploring, Gin learned that the territory indeed had no monsters, but it did have a small group of wild boar roaming the plains. But besides the boars, there were no other creatures. Plant life was also limited to just grass, weeds, and a few trees here and there.

Learning that the country was safe for the time being, Gin returned to the village. Since she wanted to practice her skills more, she didn't have time to run a country all day, so she appointed an assistant. This assistant was an elf named Emilia.

Emilia was a silver haired elf with purple eyes, and an innocent but dedicated heart. She was the only person besides Gin that knew how to fight, and she was good at it. Her EP Value almost 11,000, (B+ rank).

Wanting her people to know how to defend themselves, Emilia proposed that eveyone should increase their rank by one or two minor rankings. Since all the Dragonewts evolved and had names, they all had similar powers at an 8,000 EP Value (B rank). The elves on the other hand were a little more deviated, with EP Values at around 3,500 to 5,500 (C+ to B- rank).

Gin set a goal for everyone, that by next year she wanted the more powerful Dragonewts to reach for B+ rank and the elves to all get to B rank. This way, Gin wouldn't need to always defend her own territory in the future.

With everything set, Gin returned to training, not to increase her strength and EP Value, but to master her own power before she evolved again.

And with this, time started to pass quickly. A week, a month, and eventually, an entire year passed.

And on a specific day, Guy Crimson called, summoning Ramiris, Milim, and Gin to his castle.


Extra Authors Notes:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

If you did, please give me a comment and add the story to your collection.

I'm going to try my best to read and reply to comments so if you have question, feel free to ask things.

Something to point out, Gin's country won't be called the Land of the Forgotten Dragon. That's still going to be Milim's country. I'm just using that name to reference the land that Gin is residing in.

If you search up the Tensura map and look at Milim's territory, you'll notice that it is divided in 2 by a river. The north east half is where Gin is making her country, and the south west half is where Milim is going to make hers.

Also, this arc is coming to and end, so if you have requests or ideas, feel free to share them. If you have a suggestion that fits well with my story, I might include it.

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