
Chapter 7: Destruction

"OH NO. With this new dragon added into the battle, there will be more energy than we can handle. What do we do?" Ramiris asked worriedly.

"Not to worry, I have a plan!" Gin said as her scales started glowing. But this glow wasn't the glow of her Intrinsic Skill [Light Armor], but something else entirely.

For a moment, the Magicules in the surrounding area were even more rapidly absorbed. Then Gin felt that she was bursting with more power than she's ever felt before.

{Confirmed. Individual Gin is now evolving into a Light attributed Arch Dragon successful.

Intrinsic Skill [Dragon Roar], [Dragon Aura], and [Dragon Eyes] successfully acquired. EP Value increased … Successful }

When the evolution finished, Gin didn't have enough time to check her stats as the Chaos Dragon was right about to reach the city limits, so she quickly departed to face him. If Gin didn't intercept the raging dragon, he would be destroyed by two superpowers dueling it out.

With the Chaos dragon just up ahead, Gin calmly faced towards the rapidly approaching foe. The midnight black colored dragon was oozing a dark purple miasma from its growling mouth. Its wings, flapping, blowing the miasma in all directions, and its soulless eyes stared forward, battle intent aiming at Gin.

The Chaos Dragon, although originally Gaia, was nearly unrecognizable. There were some features that were similar, but the Chaos Dragon looked like an older, larger, different colored version of him. However, without knowing before hand, no one would guess that this beast was once Gaia.

Gin decided that it was too risky to try to put Gaia's soul back in the middle of battle, so instead she decided to knock out the dragon first. However, that would be a challenge, as even with the powerup from evolution, the Chaos Dragon still seemed stronger.

"[Great Sage], what are my chances of beating the Chaos Dragon?"

{Received. After your evolution, your EP Value has risen from 15,018 (A- rank) to 150,181 (A rank). However, the estimated EP Value of the Chaos Dragon is over 1,000,000. Your estimated chance of victory is less than 1%.}

"What! That low, huh? Then what do I do?" asked Gin as panic started to settle in. She didn't realize that she powered up that much with her evolution. But it wasn't enough, as the Chaos Dragon was a major rank above her in strength.

{Received. If you ask the individual, Guy Crimson, he would be able to take down the Chaos Dragon. You can notify him by telling the individual, Ramiris, to send him a telepathic message.}

'Perfect. If I had to go to Guy in person, I would be killed before I even got within a mile of his fight.'

Thinking this, Gin used [Control Particles] to make a clone out of dirt and sent it to tell Ramiris to ask Guy for help.

{Confirmed. Skill [Earth Clone] successfully acquired.}

'Great, now I only need to hold on for a few minutes.' thought Gin as she activated [Light Armor] and started evasive maneuvers.

Right now, it looked like the Chaos Dragon is invincible. It has very sturdy scales, sharp and strong claws and fangs, and long range attacks with an energy beam and miasma. But fortunately, the it's intelligence wasn't up to the level of its power.

Charging up a few energy blasts, the Chaos Dragon ferociously targeted Gin, aiming to blast her out of the sky.

Gin flew in zig zags, swirls, and even tried spinning, dodging multiple beams until after a few minutes of dodging, a lucky shot grazed her wings, knocking her to the ground.

'Gah, even with [Pain Resistance] in [Abnormal Status Resistance], it hurts,' she thought, pushing through the pain. But then she had an idea.

Pouring her Magicules into the wound, she told [Great Sage] to speed up recovery of her wings. She was aiming to have her Magicules reinforce her wings to allow her to fly, even with multiple holes in her wings. But unexpectedly, something else happened.

{Confirmed. Skill [Self Regeneration] successfully acquired.}

'Unexpected, but not unwelcome' thought Gin, as her wings quickly healed. She would have used a healing potion, but using them in the middle of a battle could leave her open for another attack, so she felt lucky that she got this skill.

Gearing up to counter attack from above, Gin leaped up and charged a full powered [Light Bomb].


After the blast connected to the center of the Chaos Dragon's face, shaking could be felt on the ground, but dust was blocking Gin's vision of the Dragon.

Not having much battle experience against a stronger opponent, Gin hovered over the ground watching and waiting for the dust to settle. But that turned out to be a mistake she was not ready for the giant Dragon to rush out of the smokescreen and directly swat her.

Barely grazing her back as Gin leaped up high to dodge, she felt she was out of danger, so she charged up [Light Beam] from above.

But this proved to be a fatal mistake. The miasma of the Chaos Dragon was blown directly into her mouth, dispersing the unfinished [Light Beam] and knocking the flying dragon to the ground.

Fully inhaling a large amount of the miasma, Gin was struggling to move, and poison spread all throughout her body, causing a massive amount of pain.

Not having a choice, Gin took out multiple full healing potions to consume in hopes of clearing the effects of the poison, but it didn't work. The poison from a Disaster class opponent was too much for the potions to handle.

As Gin was blacking out, she saw a large shadow looming over her. The Chaos Dragon was slowly crawling overtop her head, about to squash her with its large front foot.


A few minutes ago, Guy felt another threat incoming. But he was too busy trying to hold down the girl in front of him. Using multiple means to try to wake her up, he taunted, questioned, pummeled and blasted her with a decent amount of power.

But none of this worked. If Guy just left her alone, there was a huge chance that she would continue her destructive streak, destroying more than just one country, and possibly the entire continent, or the entire world. Thinking this he continued to try and wake her.

Noticing the girl transforming into a seemingly older version of herself, Guy noticed that her Energy Levels were rising, leveling at a very high level, around his maximum level.

'Ugh. If she releases more power, Ramiris won't be able to handle anymore,' Guy thought, worrying about his long time friend.

But in in instant, the Magicule levels in the air dropped by more than half. Sensing where the energy was headed, Guy finally noticed that Ramiris wasn't working alone to absorb the raging energy, but instead with another person. Or rather a Dragon in human form.

Analyzing the assisting Dragon, he noticed she was much more interesting than he originally thought. This Dragon was an unawakened True Dragon, and was currently evolving. Unfortunately, it wasn't to a True Dragon, but just the next step in her evolution.

Witnessing the young Dragon transform and then approach the intruder, Guy thought the Dragon was a little stupid.

'What's she doing? The intruder is more than ten times stronger than her, so why is she fighting it?'

But then, he heard a message for Ramiris, telling him that the friendly Dragon's name was Gin, and she needs Guy's help to hold down this Chaos Dragon so that she could restore his soul.

Being amused at Gin's goal, Guy watches their fight. He thought that the battle would be heavily one sided, but is impressed with Gin's determination to fight an enemy she has no hope of defeating.

But that comes to an end as she gets hit and is about to receive a fatal hit.

"I'll applaud your strength and determination girl.

<Demon Summoning>

Rain, Misery. Go assist the young dragon in holding down the Chaos Dragon."

Summoning 2 demonesses, a blue and green maid, Guy stops focusing on their battle and starts fighting seriously. Letting his attention leave his battle was only possible since Milim was only launching energy attacks from far away.


Right before Gin was about to be squashed, she sees two figures approaching.

Rain, a blue haired maid swoops in and carries Gin out of danger before letting setting down and using a skill to clear the poison and paralysis.

Misery, the green haired maid then activates an <Anti-Monster Barrier> surrounding the Chaos Dragon, making it have harder time using its skills and magic.

"Thanks very much for the save. I'd have died without your help," Gin says politely with a bow, hoping to make a good impression of the two primordial demonesses.

Both of the demonesses nod before Misery activated <Anti-Magic Barrier> to further seal the Dragon. Seeing this, Gin focuses back on the Chaos Dragon.

'[Great Sage], can you analyze the barrier as well as the summoning magic for the demons?' asked Gin. Since she was given this opportunity, she wanted to learn as much of the demon's magic as possible and save it for a later date. But it seems it was unnecessary as [Great Sage] replies,

{Received. The magic <Anti-Monster Barrier>, <Anti-Magic Barrier>, and <Demon Summoning> have already been recorded and is being analyzed as we speak. }

'[Great Sage] is on top of everything, huh?'

Watching how the Rain and Misery had successfully held down the Chaos Dragon, and that it was unable to free itself, only able to struggle and use more energy, Gin went back to absorbing the Magicules in the air. Milim and Guy's battle increased to the next level, and Ramiris started to struggle again.

Feeling more and more power enter her body, Gin knew that her next evolution was close, though how close, she didn't know.


Side Story 3

While absorbing the Magicules in the air, Ramiris got bored, so she wanted to talk to her assistant. She then remembered she forgot to ask her name.

"Hey kid, who are you anyways?"

"Who are you calling kid???? I'm like, 10 times your size!" Screamed Gin. Though this was an unfair comparison, as Gin was in her Dragon Form.

"Don't get snappish with me, KID. If I wanted to, I could destroy you with the first move of my 48 Special Moves. You hear me. Compared to me, you're a weakling." Ramiris said before saying,

"Geez, what's with everyone thinking they're stronger than me. If I wanted to, I'd beat everyone. Even that little rampaging girl Milim and Guy.

But only if I wanted to...

Yeah, I totally could."

"..." Gin looked at Ramiris, speechless, with her mouth dropped wide open.

"Yeah, that's right. I guess my might is so strong that you must be speechless," boasted Ramiris as she continued to compliment herself.

For some reason, after this, Gin wasn't responding to Ramiris when she was trying to start a conversation, and Ramiris didn't know why.


Extra Authors Notes:

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