
Chapter 6: Start of the Battle

-(Milim POV)-

'Why is Gaia lying there not moving?

Why can't I feel any life her?

Why were there dead soldiers on the ground???'

On an evening that felt no different than any other, Milim snuck out of the house to do some extra swimming and tried to meet with a pretty lady that she met at the bottom of the lake.

After looking for her until the moon was high in the sky, she eventually gave up and decided to head back.

'After all, Gin does get pretty scary when I sneak off.'

When she returned to their house, something felt off. The rainbow flowers and herbs that Gin grew in the front yard were all squished and destroyed, as if they had been stomped on. And the front door was knocked down towards the inside, as if someone ran into the door and broke it.

'Gaia, Gin, are you there?' Milim asked hesitantly before entering the house. But she heard nothing and incorrectly assumed that they must have either fallen asleep or left to search for her.

Then, when she stepped into their main sleeping area (A/N: They're all kids still, so they chose to live in the same room), her mind almost blanked out.

Not fully knowing what happened, Milim instinctively guessed that it was the dead soldiers on the ground who attacked Gaia. But Gaia was strong enough to put up enough resistance to kill the attackers before falling.

Briefly glancing at the fallen soldiers, she noticed an emblem with the words, Ultra-Sorcery Kingdom, written on it.

Thinking back, Milim remembered something that Gin said about a month ago.

"I found some soldiers from the Ultra-Sorcery Kingdom in the forest. It seems that they are trying to find us, and either kill us or capture us to use our powers. But as long as you are here, with your strength, nothing will go wrong."

Hearing this repeatedly, over and over and over again in her head, Milim was overwhelmed by pain, grief, guilt, and rage. Pain and grief from her closest friend dying (Gin is her sister, so she doesn't count). Guilt from not being there to protect him. But most of all, rage. Red, Hot, Fiery rage. Rage against this evil country for taking away that which is dear to her heart.

Milim's vision started to blur, and she started seeing colors.

Or more specifically, a single color.


Dark. Blood. Red.

The same color of blood which flowed from Gaia.

The same color that will flow through the streets of the country that took her closest friend.

And with these thoughts, Milim blacked out and her wrath took control.


-(Gin POV)-

Rushing back to the home, Gin was just in time to see a large explosion blow up the house, causing wind to blow in all directions, with pieces of the house scattering in a large mess.

Taking a second to look more closely, it wasn't an explosion that destroyed the house, but instead a small figure that leaped straight up. The figure leaped high into the sky and launched off into the distance in a seemingly random direction.

After looking at the small figure flying off, Gin immediately realized that was Milim, and the direction that she was heading in was not random, but instead was towards the distant Ultra-Sorcery Kingdom.

But before chasing, Gin used [Entertainment]'s to store as much of the house as possible so that if they decide to go back, they can rebuild the house.

As Gin was collecting the pieces of the house, she saw what made Milim go berserk.

In a room seemingly untouched from Milim's rampage, Gaia's dead body was lying on the ground in a pool of dark red blood. Surrounding him were multiple dozens of soldiers, all dead. And each of the soldiers had emblems showing that they came from the country which Milim was going to destroy.

*Sigh* "It seems that even with all the training I made Gaia do, she still fell to the soldiers. But at least she put up a good fight." Gin said while cleaning up Gaia's body with water.

Gin decided to not store Gaia's body or resurrect her yet. Instead, she wanted the Chaos Dragon to be born first, so that the myth shows Rimuru how to become a Demon Lord will still exist.

Then, Gin quickly summoned the Greater Water Spirit along with some other spirits that agreed to help out and flew towards the rural part of the country.

Gin wanted to avoid Kagali, Sylvia, and Sarion (A/N: Sylvia and Sarion are Elmesia's parents who founded the Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion) as the both of them are also trying to save people to form their own countries, and Gin didn't want to change that. Instead, she only wanted to save the innocent people who would have died.

With this in mind, Gin flew as fast as possible towards the areas she marked ahead of time and started evacuating the citizens. The area that Gin focused on was a number of agricultural communities that surrounded one small town, and was primarily made up of elves.

This area was perfect, because the area here is very isolated, meaning that no one would know that Gin was here, keeping her identity perfectly anonymous to the outside world.

About half an hour later, when Gin arrived at her targeted area, Milim's energy had greatly oversaturated the country, but was surprisingly not leaving the country's boarders. Judging by how strong her aura was, even from so far away, it seemed that Milim had already destroyed multiple big cities and became the second True Demon Lord.

With all the excess Magicules in the air, none of the residents in this area were able to stay awake. In fact, it was even hard for Gin to move around, but as a monster, Magicule poisoning doesn't effect her.

Feeling the stress and pressure from Milim's aura, Gin was surprised that Sylvia and Kagali were able to move around at all, since at the moment, they aren't monsters and should be weaker than her.

Since all the citizens were asleep, it was fairly easy to for the Greater Spirits to move them away and shelter them temporarily in an island decently far away. With this, Gin's first goal was a success.

With this complete, Gin left to track down Milim. Gin traveled all the way to the capital and stopped in the outskirts of the city to witness history in the making.

Milim just about razed the country. But the king, Jahil, was still alive, though just barely, and standing atop his ruined castle, screaming at Milim.


But instead of responding like she normally would have, Milim silently charged <Drago Nova> and lauched it with full power at the angry king.


The ground started shaking, dust and debris flying everywhere.

But Milim wasn't done. For good measure, she launched <Drago Buster>.

This attack completely flattened the city. When looking down at the ground from above, you would no longer see broken streets. Instead, all that was visible was a giant crater of stone and dirt in the ground, with no signs of life.

At this moment, two massive energy signatures started rapidly approaching the area. Gin was initially stunned, but thought that these must be Guy and Ramiris coming here to manage the situation. Milim also seemed to feel this, as she faced towards the approaching Guy. Ramiris, on the other hand, started to absorb the energy in the air to prevent the energy from spreading and further destroying the continent.

As Ramris was doing this, Gin went up and said, "Let me help you with that. If you absorb all of Milim's demonic energy on you own, there's a great chance of you becoming tainted."

"Huh!? Who are you and how are you able to move around so freely here?" Ramiris asked, being very surprised. But then she changed her mind and said, "Ah, it doesn't matter. I don't think you'll be able to help that much. Just absorb as much of this energy as possible."

Gin nodded her head in agreement, but she left something out. She didn't just want to help Ramiris, although that was one of her goals. Instead, she wanted to use this energy to try to either awaken as a True Dragon, or to at least become an Arch Dragon or Dragon King.

So as Guy and Milim started facing off, testing each other with lighter and more obvious attacks, Ramiris and Gin were desperately trying to absorb the energy in the air. To Ramiris's surprise, Gin was able to absorb a large amount of energy, only a little less than herself. She didn't know that it was mainly because [Great Sage] was using [Entertainment], rather than Gin.

The ongoing battle seemed to be less destructive than Gin thought. If this was because the surrounding country was was already destroyed or because the combatants were going easy, she was unable to tell.

In reality, it was indeed because Guy and Milim were not even close to fighting at full strength.

Milim was still a little tired from destroying the country. Also she wasn't even fully conscious since it was her Ultimate Skill [Wrathful King Satan] that was using her wrath to control her movements. But her wrath was going away since she already completed her goal of destroying the country. Because of all this, she was unable to unleash her full power.

Guy, on the other hand, didn't want to fight like this. Although he loves fighting, he wants a true test of combat skills, not just randomly throwing away energy and launching flashy attacks, so he was just trying to nock some sense back into his opponent. Plus, his opponent was a child, not even thirteen years old, so Guy decided to hold back.

Luckily he did, because Ramiris and Gin were barely able to keep up with the amount of energy they were dishing out.

But at this moment, a dragon's roar could be heard.

A Dragon colored in darkness, which used to be Gaia, was charging towards the fighting duo at full speed. The Chaos Dragon was approaching.

Seeing this, Milim's wrath once again grew, feeding more power to [Wrathful King Satan]. With this extra power, Milim grew into her assault mode, looking like around 16 years old, compared to her normal form of about 12. With Milim powering up, Guy reluctantly powered up as well.

"OH NO. With this dragon added into the battle, there will be more energy than we can handle. What do we do?" Ramiris asked worriedly.

"Not to worry, I have a plan!" Gin said as her scales started glowing. But this glow wasn't the glow of her Intrinsic Skill [Light Armor], but something else entirely.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Also, thank you Fi3l for suggesting I make a character sheet.

TowerOfFlowerscreators' thoughts