
TENSURA: That Time I Abandoned Humanity

(No one read the PS's, so I'll put them up here instead) PS: The first volume was just a prologue that's fast-paced AF and ALSO a canon copy only for the convenience of future plot. PPS: If you don't want to read a canon copy, just go ahead and read Volume 1; Chapter 1,2,3, skip to 11.5 another skip to 19 and 20. THEN, You can go ahead and open Volume 2. Also, THIS BOOK CONTAINS SPOILERS! 《DISCLAIMER》 《The following is a non-profit fan fiction. I do not own Naruto, Tensura, The gamer, and a bunch of other stuff in this fan fiction. Please support the official release.》 . . . . 《Confirmed. Reconstructing the spirit...『Gamers mind』 has been acquired. Report. 『Gamers mind』 and 『Gamers body』 evolved into one skill category: 『Gamer』 has been created 》 And that's what I heard after my death. Did I Hallucinate? Can a ghost even hallucinate? or did I survive, but the doctors gave me too much morphine?? well, no matter... [Additional tag: Genderbender ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] And yes, I own the book cover. Sincerely, Chair-kun's alter ego - Door-kun

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85 Chs

Chapter 58 - Chaos Dragon

Karma Uzumaki's POV

「Now now...

There's so much stress I get while back home.

So, I thought, why not visit Leon once in a while?

But here I am, meeting the group who tried to mess with my wife and rule the world.

Was this a coincidence?

And imagine my surprise when you "re-write" the black power ranger (Black knight) guy's personality back there.

It would be boring if I stepped in but...

Chloe-chan is my wife's student...

So I thought,

"maa~ doesn't matter if the fights are boring"

and so, I decided to stepped in. 」

I muttered.


Most of them blurted out.

Including Leon, Kagali, and even Chloe.

「Chloe-chan~! It's good to finally meet you! Rimuru talked so much about you! 」

I turned my head to her as I gave her a heart-warming smile, and a joyful wave.

「Uh... It's good to... Meet you? 」

Chloe replied in confusion.

「Yuuki-sama, can I kill this guy?」

Kagali said in annoyed manner.

「You're no match for him.」

Yuuki retort.

I can see Chloe's confusion written quite clear on her face when she greeted me.

This also concludes that I have never appeared on a single timeline she has gone through.

I realized that,

And it was the same for Yuuki.

That explains his wariness upon meeting me.

His playful side has disappeared.

「Now then, which one of you is this fucker called Yuuki Kagurazaka? 」

I said while activating all my Haki.

The whole area got silent.

After a while, a hand was raised.

「Haaaai! That would be me! 」

It was Yuuki.

I thought he would respond like all the villains I've met so far but...

I was bewildered.

I was too bewildered, that my hakis got deactivate on its own.

「"Ah Yuuki-kun, You're diggin' your own grave..."」(Karma)

「Aww, come on man~

You should tolerate me a little.

I am your wife's ex-friend!

I'm sure if its Rimuru-chan,

she would at least punch me once, and talk about something about "Friendship" and other stuff.

Just in time to make me more depressed,

It looks like Rimuru-chan has a boyfriend already... sigh*

Isn't that right, Demon Lord, Karma Uzumaki? 」

Yuuki ended with mischievous grin as his cheerful side has come back.

By this, Chloe and kagali narrowed their eyes.

「Hoh? What gave me away? 」

I grinned.

What is this... feeling.

This mutual feeling...

This guy is....

「Oh that was quite easy, my good man.

Hearing your name, there's no mistaking you're a Japanese.

And for you see,

You're the only demon lord I have met in this world that has made references as I do, in the last 10 minutes that is. 」 (Yuuki)

「Ah yes... I should've known that would-」

「Wait... You get my references?!!」

I exclaimed, getting excited.

「Eh? Yeah?? I just realized you-」(Yuuki)

「"frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."!!」(Karma)

「Oh! Uh, "Gone with the Wind"! 」(Yuuki)

「"Welcome to die"!」(Karma)

「X-men, Magneto, 1992! 」(Yuuki)

「"Just a passing through-"」 (Karma)

「PFFT-! Too easy! Kamen Rider Decade! 」 (Yuuki)

「"Ah meyer, you're digging your own grave" !!!! 」(Karma)

「Ahhhhhhh, getting tricky aren't we? But you're no match for me! "Better Off Dead", 1985. 」

Yuuki said with satisfied smile.

「Hot Damn... You're the real deal...」(Karma)

「Kufufufu.... This is so unfortunate, if we're on the same side, we could've been best buds.」 (Karma)

「I second that, dude.」 (Yuuki)


I can not only see Leon's or chloe's bewildered face.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

「But that doesn't change the fact that you tried to kill rimuru.」

Once again, my face morphed into anger.

「Oh come on~... We're fellow Japanese here, Tolerate me some more, will ya?」(Yuuki)

「Heh, sure. I'll let you decide how you want to die」 (Karma)

「Then I'll take you up to that offer. A death match, 1 on 1, No Ultimate skills」(Yuuki)

「...You do realize you're like, what, 50 levels way behind me right?」(Karma)

「Oh yeah?? Isn't that fine? Or you wanna set this world's difficulty setting back to easy mode for this little ol' me??」(Yuuki)


You had chosen hardcore mode from the start you dumb dumb!

2 minutes preparation, Sounds good? 」(Karma)

「More than enough.」 Yuuki grinned




「What are you trying to do?」

Leon asked to me who had my rinne-sharingan active glaring on the black knight claude.

I can see Yuuki discussed something with his groups too.

「What else? Trying to save your subordinate. 」

By this point, Leon's Knights surrounded us while still taking defensive pose at yuuki's direction.

I used Rinne-sharingan to dive into the black knight's memory, unlocking his locked personality and memories, and re-animating all his experience this whole time.

But It looks like I didn't need to do that.

Chloe had tinker with Yuuki's Overwrite in the first place, I met her consciousness when diving to the black knight's mindscape.

「...May I know who are you?」

Chloe asked.

「Ugh... I'm a comrade? What else? Actually, this is too much troublesome, I'll give some of my memory to you, How's that??」

I replied.

「...All right」

She answered after a pause.




I proceed to see the black knight's memories after sending some of mine to chloe.

「God damnit, This memories... I need to erase my own later on I guess... His life is too cheezy!」

I exclaimed to the black knight while I can see chloe's weird stare at me.


≪『Rinne-Sharingan-Reverse』 has evolved,『Kotoamatsukami』 has been added into the skill set≫

That's... Interesting...




After that, I came back to my sense, and told leon everything.

Claude is not controlled by yuuki now, as Chloe has managed to tinker with his soul.

I advised him to let Claude be a spy.

Which he agreed so.

I had told Leon not to interfere with the battle, as much to his complaints but decided to stay silent.

I also put a barrier with fuinjutsu.

It's not like Yuuki can defeat me anyway.

And I am confident that I wouldn't die from chloe-chan's attacks.

Maa~ He said no Ultimate skills, He never said no Ultimate "techniques"

I learned to use make a Rasen-shuriken not a week ago while testing them in the underworld.

I'll just be a Naruto and Rasengan my way through the bullshits, I guess.


「You're ready to die there?」

「Oh? How can you be so sure about that? 」

「Heh, even If I let you go, You'll get killed sooner or later. But enough talk, We fighting or what? 」

「Sure, just let me do this one last thing before I go and KILL YOU!」

With that, he tried to use the element of surprise and try to back stab me in the back.

The Yuuki in front of me was just an illusion all this time.

And so was I.


Everyone watches in awe as the images of yuuki's sword flew pass through me.


≪『Rinne-Sharingan Reverse』 has evolved, 『Kamui』 has been added in to the skill set≫

「Now now, I gave you a chance, And you cheated! You used an item didn't you! 」

「Hey, I never said, "No buffs", so there ya have it.」

Kuh... This bastard...

We clashed swords.

Well, not swords.

He had his sword, while I shape my clothes as a hardened sword by using Rashomon, shaping to Kirito's elucidator.

This guy is tough on his swordmanship, though not as good as hakurou.

Maa~ I'm still winning though.

Slowly, Yuuki got pushed back while I stared at his sweating face flatly.

「You okay?

Wanna die now?

I'm not a fan of torturing someone who's on my "must-kill" list dattebane.

I would at least torture someone if I really wanted to torture. 」


「Heh... As expected of a demon lord. But you underestimated me too much y'know? 」 (Yuuki)

「Oho? Then why does it look like you're going to get crushed by trees there??」 (Karma)

As I said this, I giant mokuton trees sprouted from the ground and made it ways to yuuki from the back.

Responding to this attack, He deliberately dodge it one by one.

Even though we had a chat carefreely, the others outside this barrier watched our fights in the speed of light.

I stopped the high speed mokuton barrage as he dodges the last one.

「Humu. If you're really asking for a torture, I don't really mind actually. I guess we'll see what this leads us eh? 」 (Karma)

「...After putting up such a bluff, please don't say something cowardly, okay?」

Yuuki activated his ability, and a very large magic circle began to appear on the ground.

Within the circle were numerous corpses composed of Yuuki's subordinates and the dead red knight.

Their bodies began to expand and became lumps of flesh.

Then the wriggling, wicked thing that crawled out of Yuuki's magic circle mixed with the lumps of flesh...

It let out a roar in fury.

Oh shiiiiit....

It happened just like the WN...

I should've known...




「Awaken, Chaos Dragon! Your true master is me! 」

Yuuki shouted.

Aiyaaaah, I messed up!


This bastard...

He used an Ultimate skill.

By using the Ultimate Skill『Greedy King Mammon』, Yuuki controlled the chaos dragon.

The Chaos Dragon that had just awakened, released an overwhelming pressure, and absorbed the surrounding magic power to build up its own power.

As a direct descendent of the dragon race, its total length exceeded 20m.

Right now, the strongest dragon or a pseudo-juubi moved according to Yuuki's will.

The roar and miasmic breath it spouted corroded the rocky surface and the arbor, from the hillside to the summit, crumbled.

This was the Chaos Dragon's ability, Chaotic Breath.

Yuuki sported a proud smile and Kagali turned pale.

「HEY! You said "No Ultimates"!」

「Hahaha! What do you think? This is something that you can't deal with so easily.

Right now, if you swear fidelity to me, I will gladly make you my companion, how does that sound? 」

Such bull was coming through his mouth.

I could just eat this thing whole, but it would change the event where Milim gets her Gaia back.

Such an unfortunate situation...

By this point, the barrier I had casted was blown off.


I cursed inwardly, before I heard a voice coming from behind...

「As expected, it was a Chaos Dragon...

You're a fool, to revive a revenant from ancient times, do you wish to incur the wrath of the Dragon Princess Milim?

This will be transmitted to Milim as soon as I cut the soul's connection.

It's the end for you, Yuuki Kagurazaka」

Leon accompanied by his knights not far behind me said.

And without anything else, Leon stepped in.

「Leave this one to me」

He said while stepping into the battle field.

I could've end everything here quickly, But eh, what's the fun in that?

「Sure, good luck.」

I replied thus, in calm manner.

With that, Leon turns his gaze to the chaos dragon.

「It seems I will incur Milim's hostility if I kill you.

Since that's the case, I will only make you fall asleep again!

Oh Holy spirits, flutter!

Triangle Pyramid, Sacred Tetrahedron Demon Sealing Barrier!!」

A small tetrahedron with four pillars made from crystallized spirits grew large and in accordance to Leon's will, it wrapped around the Chaos Dragon.

This was the ultimate holy attribute barrier that even surpassed Holy Field.

With the existence of this barrier, Leon could possibly win against Guy just once.

Of course, if it was Guy, he would instantly sense the danger of the barrier, and not get caught by it.

Therefore, not to be disparaging, but the success rate against Guy was only about 1 in 1000 attempts.

However, if the target was a mindless monster, it couldn't defend against this technique.

The poor Chaos Dragon struggled to break the seal, but its resistance was futile.

Furthermore, when the barrier's effect activated, it sucked the magic power from the Chaos Dragon and used it to reinforce the barrier's strength.

But… that name of a barrier made me cringed. Can't he think of anything else's?

It wasn't like the lifecycle barrier that Milim had erected, no matter how much energy the Chaos Dragon possessed, as it was, it could vanish before 100 years had passed.

In this matter, Leon thought that Milim could possibly resent him for this, but if he released the seal and handed it over to Milim then it would be fine.

It would be troublesome to incur Milim's wrath, but it wasn't really something that he should be thinking of right now.

He modified the barrier settings, so that it would immediately be buried under the ground.

In the end, the Chaos Dragon was sealed again in instant by Leon.

By this time, I turn my gaze back to Yuuki who had lost his smile.

「I wonder what will you do now....」 I muttered.

「Ahahahaha! I never thought that a Demon Lord was amazing, to this degree!

Honestly, I underestimated it.

Even so, I already took the source of that dragon's power, I don't need it anymore.

I have restored the damage I received from you.

Then, should I get serious now? 」

Exactly as stated by Yuuki, his both hands were covered with dragon scales, his body is was covered by the same miasma that had covered the Chaos Dragon not long ago.

It was almost like it had transformed into an ominous black armor resembling the scales of dragon.

Leon recalled the buried barrier to himself,

「You bastard!」

He shouted at Yuuki.

The Chaos Dragon became bone, it weathered and then crumbled.

It was the result of the dragon losing its power.

Just as Yuuki had said, he had deprived it of its very core.

"With this, Milim's wrath is-! "

The moment Leon thought about that...

「Do you think now is the right time to worry about that?」

Yuuki leapt behind Leon's with a speed incomparable to before.

And delivered a strong kick to Leon's back.

Even though the shock wave from that kick was terrifying, that hit never landed on leon.

I was the culprit.

He may have the chaos dragon's power, But I'm a f#cking (Unofficial) True dragon.

I grab his leg as I YEET him up to some mountain, he blasted onto the mountain behind us in the speed of light and now, it creates a firkin HOLE on the giant mountain.

Well that was interesting.

The moment I turn my head to Kagali and Chloe's direction, They are gone.


I suspected that they must have teleported to Yuuki's location.

Didn't know when they coordinate, but that doesn't matter right now.

Now that I observe the surroundings, Chloe was also gone.

Maa~ he'll encounter Guy sooner or later.

For now, I need to do something with the chaos dragon.

We don't want to feel milim's wrath now do we?

I traced the chaos dragon's soul with 『Lust』...

It failed.

With that, I advance myself to the bones of the chaos dragon's leftover.

Analyzing its core was very tricky as I don't have its blood or its leftover magicules, Rather, It only have bones.

If I revive it now, it should work, but I won't be able to revive Leon's knight who's fused with it.

I could only revive one of them with their fused soul intact, that would create a whole new existence...

I can hear Leon's group advanced their way towards me.

「Even though I am thankful you helped, but I have to ask, What are you doing??」

Leon asked.

While he is in his calm, I can hear his thoughts full of suspicions on my actions through telepathy.

「Avoiding Milim's wrath, Obviously. What else? 」




There was a slight pause before...

「Surely you are not thinking about-」 (Leon)

「Your red knight over there is not dead.」

I said as the other knights turns their heads on me while having a glint light of hope on their eyes.

「Well, she's not alive either, and... I can't resurrect the dragon or your subordinate...」

I lied.

I could've use rinne-sharingan for that, but I need info.

Meaning, I have to go to Narutoverse, eat pein or nagato or heck, madara or zetsu.

Analyze their memories and soul, get my hands on that rinne-tensei technique.

And by theory, it would not actually work.

None of them have that much chakra at their arsenal for me to analyze after all.

The chaos dragon and the red knight's soul was fused into one, but rather than cursed, it has been purified by leon's power.

Both the souls of red knight and dragon was still there.

With that, I can theorize that we would be able to resurrect both the red knight, and completely revive Milim's dragon's pet.

And so, I told Leon.

We'll have to wait for Ruminas and Rimuru.

Ruminas have my evolved version of 『Lust』 after all.

And of course, Rimuru would be able to separate Milim's dragon's soul before the red knight's resurrection.

Well, the silver knight, Alrose has made his way to ask Rimuru's assistance.

With that, Leon thanked me as I left the scene.

I can feel unusual slight of trust from Leon's words, somehow.

But I could guess why.

He thought I had showed every power I had from the start, and saw me trying to helped him.

Well, that was not entirely false.

But not entirely true either...

I just had too much power to show in 1 go, but he probably thought I had showed everything.

With that in thought, He had decided to trust me.

Which is probably why he decided to stepped in, to seal the chaos dragon.

Maa~ that was not what I had in mind, I guess I'll just stop Velda from taking Yuuki over later on.

Yuuki is actually a "good" person in this dimension after all.

Wait, lemme rephrase that.

"Yuuki is actually a 'Talk no jutsu-able' person in this dimension after all."

That's right ladies and the gentlemen...

I will use the almighty 『Talk no jutsu』 on Yuuki.

Hey, I've gotta try.

If I fail, Well, Murder it is!

With that, it has been more than 3k words, so it's time for me to bid you readers, Adieu.





To be continue.