
TENSURA: That Time I Abandoned Humanity

(No one read the PS's, so I'll put them up here instead) PS: The first volume was just a prologue that's fast-paced AF and ALSO a canon copy only for the convenience of future plot. PPS: If you don't want to read a canon copy, just go ahead and read Volume 1; Chapter 1,2,3, skip to 11.5 another skip to 19 and 20. THEN, You can go ahead and open Volume 2. Also, THIS BOOK CONTAINS SPOILERS! 《DISCLAIMER》 《The following is a non-profit fan fiction. I do not own Naruto, Tensura, The gamer, and a bunch of other stuff in this fan fiction. Please support the official release.》 . . . . 《Confirmed. Reconstructing the spirit...『Gamers mind』 has been acquired. Report. 『Gamers mind』 and 『Gamers body』 evolved into one skill category: 『Gamer』 has been created 》 And that's what I heard after my death. Did I Hallucinate? Can a ghost even hallucinate? or did I survive, but the doctors gave me too much morphine?? well, no matter... [Additional tag: Genderbender ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] And yes, I own the book cover. Sincerely, Chair-kun's alter ego - Door-kun

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85 Chs

Chapter 5 - Forbidden scroll

Karma Uzumakis' POV

「Naruto! Never give him that scroll! It's a dangerous object that contains forbidden ninja jutsu, that's why it was sealed!」

Iruka said.

「Mizuki used you in order to get it for himself!」

This is nice... I've been watching from a bush for a while now.

I tried to decide when should I intercept, but I need to make sure naruto used Kage bunshins so that Iruka graduate him.

Mizuki laughed like a villain.

「I will tell you the truth」

Mizuki said

「Idiot! Don't do that!」 (Iruka)

「After that incident 12 years ago, a rule was created.」 (Mizuki)

「a rule?? 」 (Naruto)

「That is, naruto, a rule everybody but you know.」

「Except me?? Wh-what is it?」

Naruto asked again.

「Stop it, Mizuki!!」 (Iruka)

「The rule that forbids everyone from revealing that you are the Demon fox spirit...」(Mizuki)

「In other words, you are actually the Demon, a Nine-tailed fox spirit, who killed Iruka's parents and destroy our village!!!」

Mizuki finished.

「STOP IT!! 」 Iruka shouted.

「Everyone has been deceiving you from the beginning.

Don't you find it strange???

Why does everyone hate you so much?」

Mizuki paused.

「nobody accepts you! That's why Iruka hates you so much!」

He finished.

Mizuki throws a giant shuriken at Naruto, and Iruka protected him as naruto ran away.

Well, I am still trying to figure out when should I appear so let's watch a bit more.

「No one accepts him, but he knows the meaning of human suffering!

He is not the demon fox spirit, he is Naruto Uzumaki of the leaves!」

Iruka shouted.

Looks like I missed some scenes... oh well.


Mizuki shouts, spinning his giant shuriken to Iruka.

But then naruto charged in with a headbutt.

「Naruto!?」 Iruka shouted.

「If you ever lay a hands-on Iruka sensei, I'll kill you!」

I change my mind, I should probably not change this scene.

It's too good.

「shut up! I can take care of a kid like you with a single blow!」 Mizuki shouted.

「Why don't you try it then? I'll strike you back a thousandfold!」

『kage bunshin no Jutsu!』

Naruto shouted.

He beat the shit out of Mizuki, I am satisfied right now.

「I kinda got carried away...」

Naruto said while rubbing his head sheepishly.

「Naruto, close your eyes for a sec... I want to give you something」

Iruka said while forcing himself to stand up.


「Yoshi! You may open your eyes now!」

Iruka gave naruto his hitai-ate.

「Congratulation on your graduation, naruto」

Naruto stares at him dumbfounded.

「Yosh! As a celebration, I'll treat you ra-!」

「you! I'll kill you demon!!!!」

Suddenly Mizuki awakes and throws 5 kunai at Naruto who is still dumbfounded.

What the-! This is not in the anime!

What is-


Iruka ran in front of naruto trying to that the blows but.


Right before Iruka takes the blow, I jump in and activate 『hydro vision』.

I parried all the kunai with a water spear.

I sighed.

「I thought I can just relax and watch the happy ending show, but you are one annoying antagonist, Dattebane.」 I stated.

「Karma-kun!? No…wh-who are you!! 」

Mizuki shouted while pointing his fingers at me.

My bangs shadowed my face, I looked like a hentai protagonist character.

I pointed my spear at Mizuki with my left hand and deactivated my vision, my spear disappears and at the same time, equipped my mask from my inventory.

My face can be seen clearly as the sun has risen.

When my mask materialized on top of my hand, I dramatically introduce myself, while sticking my mask at the left side of my head like a hairpin.

「Just a passing through Demon Lord, Remember it well.」

I said as I used 『Haki』 lv 21 while smiling sadistically.

I've been leveling up Haki for this whole 2 years, by playing Ghost ID while intimidating them.

It's quite useful.

I used it on hibachi and the other bullies once.

They cried, pissed their pants while running home.

Served them right.

They called me a tomato and other shit, I intimidate them and call them human trash.

The effect?

No one wants to be friends with me.

And I'm fine with that, probably...

Moving on, Mizuki is very scared right now.

He trembles and then passed out due to my haki.



Yaaay level 22

「K-karma-san」 naruto whimpered.

San? I looked at him behind me, he is scared?

Oh, I haven't turned 『Haki』 off.

I turned the skill off and talk to him.

「Yo! You've got your hitai-ate huh? That's great! Let's celebrate later! 」

I said while smiling...




Hiruzen sarutobi's POV

This event plays exactly like what karma-kun says!

This boy... what kind of genius is he? Just how far can he see?!


「Hokage-sama! This can't be called pranks anymore! We need to catch that boy immediately!」 a jounin exclaimed.

I command the jounins and chunnins to find naruto.

I used the telescope techniques from the crystal ball.

This event plays exactly like what karma kun says!

This boy... what kind of genius is he? Just how far can he see?!

At this rate, he'll turn my hair white in no time! I cursed internally.

Sigh, let's just do this paper works in the meantime.




Karma Uzumaki's POV

Currently, we went to hand Mizuki to Hokage sama on the way to celebrate narutos' graduation.

At first, some chuunin accused naruto loudly of stealing the scroll and saying something about injuring Iruka or some shit too, so I used 『Haki』 once more to shut them up, it works perfectly like a charm.

After the misunderstanding was cleared, we celebrated naruto's graduation at ichiraku.

I don't know it's because of Uzumaki genes or something but THIS RAMEN IS AWESOME.

Naruto and I end up cleaning all the insides of Iruka senseis' wallet.




「The sexy Jutsu... that's quite the devious technique」 Hokage-sama said while whipping his nosebleed.

Right now, I am standing next to naruto after he got his picture taken for graduation.

A huge sweatdrop appeared on my head as I watch naruto use the 『Oiroke no jutsu』 on Hokage-sama.

He transforms into his naked girl self, I wonder what would be his reaction when he found out he's a real girl.

I got bored so I pulled out a familiar orange book from my pocket. You guessed it right, it's the smut... I mean the 'adult literature' Kakashi brings everywhere.

No, I'm NOT a pervert, I'm just curious why it's so popular so I bought it while henged as an adult.

「Old man! Get ready to fight!」

A boy who wears an oversized scarf and a shuriken at hand.

This boy is konohamaru.


He stepped on his scarf and fell comically.


「You must have done this to me! 」

He pointed at naruto who's just sitting on a chair.

A vein pops out of naruto's head

「you tripped all by yourself, stupid!!!」

He shouts while clenching konohamaru's scarf.

The event ends with naruto getting out of the room and konohamaru followed him.

After Ebisu left screaming

「honorable grandson!!」


「Pfft! BUAHAHAHAHAHA, OH GOD THIS IS PRICELESS. I'll definitely watch their scene later! 」

I laughed while holding my stomach.

「Care to share your insights, Karma kun?」

Hokage sama asked.

Eh? Insights? I turn my head to Hokage sama with a confused look, at least to me It was.

「I'd like to know what will happen to them too, your predictions are always accurate after all, I'm not surprised for you to know what will happen next as much as a genius you are」

What?? Genius??? Predictions??

What is he talking about?


*Invisible realization*


I'm an idiot! He should've misunderstood me for a genius or something!

Now I feel guilty.

Combined with my stoic, fake smiles and information I give him in the past, no wonder he has such assumptions.

But If I correct him now...

it will become awkward...

Let's just pretend for now...

I managed to get 『Gamer mind』 to take over and a grin appeared on my face.

「Naruto Uzumaki has been seen as a mentor figure by the hero konohamaru!

Together they will defeat the evil lord Ebisu with the legendary Jutsu,

『oiroke no jutsu』!!


I said dramatically before, clutching my stomach while rolling on the ground as I see Hokage-sama's bewildered face...




Hiruzen sarutobi's POV

After dismissing karma-kun and other meetings I held with Iruka,

Currently, I am watching Naruto and konohamaru through my crystal ball.

『Kagebunshin no jutsu』

Naruto shouted.

『henge no jutsu』

Naruto shouted again.

Ebisu knocked back from a nose bleed comically.

'He combined the multiple clones and his sexy jutsu... another devious technique, I might not be able to survive this one... probably'

I thought as I fix my hat.

That matters aside, this event was the same as what karma-kun told me.

I only asked for his 'insights' to test him, but it looks like he is a genius.

When the time comes, I only can hope that he doesn't swear revenge on Konoha if he ever breaks, I wonder just how far can he see...





To be continued.