
Tensura: Reincarnated As A Larva

In the heart of a dark and unforgiving city, a young woman finds herself abandoned and alone in a cruel world. Haunted by the dreams of heroes from the stories she loves, she longs for someone to notice her, to save her from the shadows that threaten to consume her soul. But fate has other plans... As her consciousness began to wane, a mysterious voice pierced through the darkness, capturing her attention. Despite the dire circumstances, she couldn't help but find the strange voice oddly amusing, its familiarity reminiscent of the countless novels and anime she had immersed herself in... [NOTICE! Processing requirements...] ___________________________________ Note: This is a straight ship. Other Tags: #NO HAREM #NO YURI #OVERPOWERED #FEMALE LEAD #ISEKAI #R-18 #SMUT #DASH OF DEPRAVITY #ISEKAI #Slice of Life #NON-HUMAN MC PPS. English is my third language, so be lenient and give constructive criticisms so I can edit any errors. However, it should be readable... I give ALL credit to the referenced pics since it is the art that inspired me to continue the story, and I can't draw for the life of me. If you own the pictures and art referenced, please notify me if it bothers you, and I shall take it down. Thank you!

JuicyGrape · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

I Forgot About That... {Part 3}

Warning! May depict a moody MC (maybe signs of the "crazies"). If you have a GF, then maybe you'll understand...? If you feel like she is jumping from topic to topic, then yeah...


||Short Recap||


But the most intriguing part was yet to come. As I continued to focus on the man's 'thread of fate', I began to see more than just his recent past. I could see who he was, is, and ever will be. I saw his life's journey unfold before my eyes, with all its twists and turns. It was a fascinating sight, sadly..., he was no "good man"... he wore the facade of a kind and noble mage, traveling to various cities and villages to spread knowledge and help the less fortunate..., but under this masked facade lay a sinister man... in truth, he despised these "people", he thought them nothing more but mere peasants... -rats, that were meant to be squished, stepped on, and killed... and that's exactly what he did a few moments ago...

I didn't know what came over me. I was filled with an overwhelming sense of power and control... With determination in my heart, I grabbed his 'thread of fate' with five of my limbs, holding it firmly as my sixth limb hovered menacingly over the thread. The sharp ends of my limbs felt almost dangerous, but I had everything under control. With a steady and booming voice, it echoed as I spoke, making my intentions clear. "I have seen enough... Others may have not witnessed your atrocious deeds..., but I have... And so, I bring upon you... {Judgement}..."



I cut his thread...


As I stood there, my eyes transfixed on the noble mage, I saw him stumble and fall to the ground, lifeless. I watched curiously as his physical body began disintegrating into a pile of dust right before my eyes. It was an eerie sight, as if he had never existed in the first place.

As I gazed unfeelingly, I noticed that his soul and magical reserves had dispersed into the atmosphere. It was then that I instinctively reached out and grasped what remained of his "thread of fate." With focused concentration, I cast 『Devour』, allowing me to absorb the residual magicule and with it, his soul. 

As I did so, I felt a strange and powerful sensation coursing through my body. It was as if I was absorbing the mage's very essence and gaining their power in the process.

As the energy flowed through me, I could sense something settling in my soul, adjusting and conforming to its new container. It was as though the mage's magic was now a part of me, and I was filled with a newfound sense of power and purpose.

The experience was both exhilarating and terrifying, and I knew that I had to tread carefully to make sure that whatever I did with this skill didn't upset that old star lizard...

"-But then again, it was only a High Human..." I muttered unconsciously as my mind halted.


'I just killed someone...' I thought.

It was so easy... -with only a slight tug and his very being came crumbling to dust... I recalled what I had just done moments prior, -and I wasn't very bothered by the thought of having just killed...

I don't know if it was because I was now a monster or if I wasn't that kind, to begin with, but to harbor sympathy with such a disgusting man -I hated it...

"Life can be so fragile sometimes... but I don't care if we shared a similar form of that from my previous life, nor if he had anyone waiting for him at home... I will judge everyone equally of my own free will..."



"PFT!~ Ha- Haha -HAHAHA! Oh, my~ Wooh~ couldn't say that with a straight face~" I laughed hysterically as I wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes; laughing too hard.

After laughing for a few moments, I stared into the ocean of stars above me.


I had never painted myself to be the purest of hearts and have the kindest of souls. I did what I wanted. I am not so innocent and kind as I seem to be~ 

My countenance became cold and serene as I thought,

'I have experienced hell for what my parents did; the parents who I looked up to, who I depended on, who I... -loved... The same parents who I shared my happiest memories with -abandoned me to fend for myself and repay their debt... I was ignored by my friends..., shunned by my classmates for loving the things that I enjoyed~ and eventually I was thrown out of my home by authorities for being unable to pay the debt of my family...'

I had knelt in front of them, begging..., crying, to at least consider my situation... but all they did was laugh...

That day was the day I died in some stinky alley one winter night...



I looked at the many silvery white threads.

'I don't know if this would affect the true dragons or even the primordial demons... -but better not do anything too extra with it...'


I spent a lot of time experimenting with my abilities, pushing myself to try out new things and see what else I could do. Whenever I had a moment of free time, I would sit and watch the miniature world in front of me, fascinated by the intricate strings connecting all the creatures living there.

As I continued to observe, I noticed that the number of creatures in the small world began to grow. Newborn creatures would appear seemingly out of nowhere, their strings connecting to the other creatures in the world and adding to the complexity of the web.

Despite all of this, I found myself losing track of time. Hours seemed to pass by without me even realizing it, lost in thought as I watched the miniature world unfold in front of me. 

The only things that accompanied me were the vast, starry sky and the floating island beneath me. I dubbed this place the {Astral Domain} due to the multitude of stars that glittered above me.

I continued to explore and experiment with my abilities...

With 『Identify』 being essentially useless, I had to figure things out myself...

After a few experimentations and dead High Humans and Vampires alike, I finally had a grasp of my ultimate skill's subskills!

"Kukuku~ Behold, my genius!" I shouted in pride at the desolate floating island as I puffed my imaginary chest.

Kuku~ granted, I don't know exactly what their exact effects are, but through research and experimentation, I summarized my subskills into four major parts!

Mainly {Threads of Fate}, {Prophets Eyes}, {Fate Manipulation}, and {Devour}. 

The first one was more or less an improved version of my previous intrinsic skill; universal thread, but it could now be weaved to harness the power of destiny, and partnered with 'prophet's eyes,' I could see the strings of fate connected to every individual, allowing me to see their past, present, and future...

Fate manipulation is exactly as it sounds. I can create, change, and even destroy these threads of fate. Something I did find interesting was that the threads' durability can differ according to the power level of the creature it was connected to...

The High Humans and the Demi-Humans were particularly easy to pass {Judgement} on... don't get me wrong, I didn't go around cutting their threads short just for fun... I simply pass "Judgement" to those who were being particularly naughty~


To be honest, I may or may not be playing a dangerous game here, but it's not like Veldanava has given me a warning... Plus! I few bad people less should do the world better, Hmph.

I looked up above me. I was staring at exactly 420 beautiful dark-colored balls of energy; they were souls~

"Ah~ they're such a lovely shade of bright purple~," I said as I stared at the souls admiringly. They were placed in rows throughout the entire island, resembling purple lanterns radiating like little purple suns. 

I only picked out the most sinful of beings to kill for now~ ranging from aristocratic High Humans to blood-crazed vampires, and even some High Elves!

Granted! Reaping the souls of "evil" creatures would give out {Good Karma}, so the souls I hold wouldn't be very useful in awakening my demon lord seed that thrives on feeding on souls with {Bad Karma}...

I just collected the souls to decorate this island, and I noticed evil souls looked nice~

Moreover, I've been curious about how a soul's quality will affect the awakening ceremony. It was stated that at least 10,000 were needed to start the Harvest Festival, maybe more, but would the quality and amount of souls change anything...?

That should be a thought for another time~ 


It was strange...

I felt like I had only been here in the {Astral Domain} for a few hours, a day max, but the rise of Elven cities is quite the peculiarity. To confirm something, I quickly navigated the miniature world as I looked at all the forests, looking for an inconspicuous clearing. after looking through it for a few minutes, I saw it. A vast forest with what seemed like a bald spot at its center.

The fauna and flora had become wilder than what I last remembered... I immediately went to the huge tree where I had dug my nest in... 

I zoomed in to the ground. I saw my nest... and scarily enough; it was empty!

Well, I know that I'm in this weird separate world..., but...





Hi Guys! Sorry for this chapter if it seems sloppier than normal...

The purge is coming... I mean - my holiday vacation has ended so I will be switching to 1-3 chapters a week. I do pre-med uni from 8 am-7:30 pm and my only weekend is Sunday, been so lazy the whole day since tomorrow marks "me" going back to the real world... I'm so sad, but thank you for reading. Love ya'll <3< p>

p.S. POV switch on the incoming chapters~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

JuicyGrapecreators' thoughts