
Tensura: Path beyond Godhood

Izuku Midoriya finds himself in a pickle, being framed and betrayed by the very people he trusted, his naive inner hero dies, But what if he finds out that he was never a human in the first place? But rather a being even the Gods worshipped. Will he take revenge on those who had wronged him, or will he just live an eventful life in the world of a unusual Slime? [NOTE: THIS IS A DRAFT FOR THE SAME STORY I WILL POST LATER ON WATTPAD, SO ANY SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME SINCE I WILL BE ADDING NEW ELEMENTS AS WELL AS SCENES AND BENDING THE PLOT A BIT IN THE OFFICIAL RELEASE] {Note: This is kind of a rewrite of my earlier story "I died but became an OP God in my Favorite Novel" from Wattpad(I recommend reading my stories from there), so many things will be similar. Also, this series is going to actually start somewhere in 2024 so please be patient since I cannot do much right now. You can read my previous story to get a basic hint of how the story is going to be along with the trailer.}

J_D_Johnathan · Komik
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26 Chs

My Father's Reunion

A/N: Desperate Author here. I am once again asking for your support in the form of Reviews and comments. It doesn't matter is they are critical, I will try to write better, just give me your thoughts on the story and chapters. 

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What the hell?

I looked at the person again, then at my Dad then at him again, repeatedly until I could reassure myself that my eyes weren't playing on me.

"It has", his eyes landed on me, "Who is this little kid?"

"Michikatsu", I said, not sensing any harmful intent from him, nor was he faking his pleasure on meeting us, "Michikatsu Archos"

"Eh," He gasped, "Your Reynold's son right?"

He suddenly came near me, his face extremely close to my own.


Hearing my answer, he put his hand on my head and gave it a rub, with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"You can call me Uncle Sumiro, I am the older brother of your Dad"

I looked towards Dad, asking for confirmation if 'Sumiro' was telling the truth.

Dad just deadpanned, "You do know that we are twins right?!"

"Doesn't matter, I am a whole lot minute older than you"

Dad sighed, before they both sighed and enveloped each other in a warm hug.



"So… Did you miss me?" 

"Nah, I just came to meet my nephew"

I soft smile paved its way to my lips, as I watched the brothers have a heartfelt reunion.

"So, how is Claude doing?" 

Who is Claude?

"He's a bit upset that you didn't visit for 5 years, but I can't blame him, he's the youngest of us after all"

So, Claude is Dad's younger brother huh?!

"Let's go in, We'll surprise him"

Uncle Sumiro grabbed both of our arms and began practically dragging us with him.

"Alright Alright fine", Dad said, stopping him, "Why don't we have Michikatsu take us there?"

Uncle Sumiro looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ray, he's just a kid"

If we really think about it, I am older than Aether itself, let alone time.

"He can control Space, so it will be a good surprise"


Uncle Sumiro's head bolted towards my own, the expression airing blatant disbelief.

"I accidentally obtained 『Spatial Manipulation』 with my Unique Skill when Dad was training me"

I lied through my teeth, scratching the back of my head.

It was not a good idea to reveal myself as a cultivator, and since Dad had told him about some of my ability in the open, I concluded that I don't have to keep an extremely low profile.

Dad looked at me for a moment before turning to his brother again, understanding what I was trying to do.

Uncle Sumiro just looked at me with a baffled face, having trouble believing what I just said. He sighed after a bit and turned to my Dad.

"It seems that the son is an even bigger prodigy than the father"

He boisterously laughed as I gave a wry smile at this behavior even though Dad joined him.

"Alright, show me what you got"



"I don't know where to go"

I said, pokerfaced. 

I did not know where to go, but there was also a Spiritron barrier around the castle that prohibited spatial abilities, though I could since Yi doesn't exactly follow the laws of this world.

"Oh right, my bad", he gave me a sheepish smile, "You see that small cottage besides the wall surrounding the castle"

He pointed towards a small rectangular box that closely resembled a marble house. 

The houses in general looked quite advanced compared to the mentality of the people here. While it had been Eons since I decided reincarnate, only a few tens of thousands of years have passed in the Central World. This was due to the fact that I had calculated the time from the World where I last parted with Athena and Vel, where time moves differently than the Central world.

Anyways, the house was quite a unremarkable one and was difficult for me to figure out which one among the group of identical structures.

I nodded.

"Just take us there"

Using the Dao of Space, I locked onto the coordinates right before the cottage, and teleported us there in a manner that resembled 『Spatial Transfer』.

Since the distance was quiet significant and that I had to transport more than just myself, it took much more Yi to cast it, but it was quickly refilled by my Core's output which was constantly feeding Yi to Azura.

"Wow", my uncle exclaimed, "That is a weird feeling. You must have a special Unique Skill eh, Michi"

Wait what… Why the hell does everyone I meet start to call me Michi?

Of course, I didn't let the irritation show on my face as I just smiled while laughing it off.

He then opened the door of the miniature house, revealing a clean white room that didn't seem any different than a room in an Inn, though it lacked a bed. 

I walked in, following the lead of the two. I looked at Dad's face who had a subtle look of nostalgia and a hint of sadness.

Suddenly, the doors behind us closed as the tile below us split into two, dropping in tens of meters down, revealing a dark subway filled with lanterns that lit up as we approached them.

"Takes you back huh?" 

"Yeah," Dad meekly replied to Uncle Sumiro's question, even if it was rhetorical, "It does."

I just followed in silence as I felt the tile which dropped up rearrange itself.

It wasn't a totally dark walk, considering the lanterns that lit up as we went on, but wasn't exactly one with high visibility.

We ended up in an impasse, as a thick wall of Stone seemed to be blocking our way.

However, it was actually a hidden door per say, which led us into an extravagant hallway with almost totally white interior and a red carpet underneath our feet, something I had already sensed by my continuous use of the Dao of Space.

They both looked about to see the hallway completely abandoned, not having a single soul besides us. Uncle then pointed to the left and we all moved ahead, with Uncle in the lead.

Was Dad the son of a Noble or Something? Why do they know about a secret passage leading straight to the palace?

"It's time"

Uncle Sumiro said as if we were about to meet the final boss in a game.

Suddenly, I felt a presence in the proximity as I looked to the front to see a man with short blonde hair with 2 crystal blue eyes walking towards us, his eyes partially shadowed by his hair. (Image here)

The tension in the air grew as both of us slowly stepped aside, leaving Dad facing with the new blonde.

The silence continued as none of us present could make our lips move, much less utter a single word.

The man then leaped towards my father as his fist reeled backwards, as if to give a punch.


I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned about to find out that the culprit was Uncle Sumiro who shook his head as if denying something.

What the!?!

Only now did I realize that my body had unconsciously readied itself to leap at the one who was attempting to hit my Father.

I could only watch as the man hit my father, sending him flying back a few meters. 

I clenched my fist, as I saw him get hit, also feeling the grip on my shoulders tighten.

The blon… bastard's lips shook as tears started rolling down his face.

While this did surprise me, it did not suppress the slight resentment in my heart.

Dad then hugged the bastard who for some reason broke down in tears and began sobbing intensely, with my father having tears of his own building up in his eyes.

Then it hit me. The one who was upset by my father's absence, the one who was the younger brother of my father, that Claude. They may have not looked similar but I could tell nonetheless.

Looking at my Uncle, I nodded and then went on through the hallway alongside him, leaving the 2 brothers to their own devices.

"So, you are quite a fighter huh?"

He said, in a weak effort to start a conversation, to drive away the awkward atmosphere between us.

"I just like to think that I am a bit above average"

I answered.

I was not a lie, even as strong as I was at the moment, I was still weak in the hierarchy of this World as a whole.

"What about a sword?"

"I think I am quite skilled at that, maybe even more than you"

I said, my tone which was identical to that when I joked.

While I did know that my skill was most likely unparalleled in this World, I didn't want to come off as arrogant.

"Heh, Follow me"

And follow him I did, finding myself in an armory again, feeling a bit of nostalgia as mind went back to the moments when I first found Tsukuyomi.

This one however, had far more weapons than even 10 of the ones that Night Garden had couldn't compare.

"Choose anyhow you like, it's the gift from this Awesome Uncle"

He said sheepishly, pointing at himself with his thumb.

Okay, then here goes.

I spread my consciousness with Yi around the armory, hoping to find a suitable weapon, with a bit of luck for it to be similar to Tsukuyomi. 

However, my search ended up in a failure as none of the weapons had properties even remotely close to a weapon capable to being used with Yi. 

While I didn't actually need a weapon, it would seem rude to just reject it completely.

I skimmed through the load of weapons stacked one after the other, but only a few caught my interest. They were not extravagant, but had an ego of the material they were formed of, namely the hard skin of some monsters.

While they were better if used correctly, they didn't have much value here since there are not many who can use these tools to their full potential.

I picked up the staff, which was a simple greyish white stich that I could sense was carved by a Dragon's bone which I could tell was nothing to scoff at.

While trying to contract something like this would harm my soul, the ego of the staff was very weak, likely due to it being killed centuries prior.

"Are you sure?", Uncle asked, clearly surprised by my choice, "It's just a staff"

I nodded with confidence, showing my appreciation at the gift.

"Well, it's your choice", he turned around and started walking, "Now come with me, I have something for you"

I turned to my staff.


 A weak Draconic Soul has been detected, would you like to add it to the Legion?]


I could nourish his soul and return it to its former might, so it was an incomparably better option than just having it as an extra weapon when I already have Tsukuyomi.

Pushing these thoughts aside, I rushed behind Uncle Sumiro.

Following him, I found myself at an Arena a bit larger than the one I was used to back at home.

I was also told by him to change into more comfortable clothes, which I did, having my regular kimono really felt a lot more natural and didn't restrict any sort of movements. (Image here) 

Though he squealed like a baby and pinched my cheeks saying that I was 'too cute' for a while.

In the center, I saw a lady that was making all my nightmares come true. 

She spotted the two of us, as asked Uncle a question.

"Who is that Sumi? He seems familiar?" 

"Of course he would he is th…eh? What are you doing?"

I heard his voice as I found myself on my knees, sobbing inside for having to see such a sight.

What was in front of me was Yoriichi in the flesh, with everything just like how I remembered it, but there was a problem.