
Tensura: Goddess of War

I died in a tragic accident and reincarnated in another world and became the the-. I'm sorry what, is this script correct? It is, oh ok. *ahem* And became the Goddess of War for a certain slime.

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5 Chs

A Name Carved in Time

"My name is Storm Dragon Veldora, one of the four true dragons!"

(True dragons? That implies there are fake dragons, and you called me a dragon. What does that make me?)

"Well, there are only four true dragons. Then there are dragons that are really just overgrown lizards. There are dragon lords, then arch-dragons, and then lesser dragons. You are an arch-dragon from the looks of it but instead of commanding one element, you can command several."

(hmm, I get it but don't quite understand it. Wait a minute, I never introduced myself. My name i-), as Veldora interrupts.

"FHUHAHAH! You are an interesting one! Monsters don't have names. On top of that you are an odd one, an arch-dragon of multiple elements. You are quite the unique monster!"

(I feel as if I've just been insulted more than once since I've gotten here.)

Only a few years passed as Veldora taught the little arch-dragon about the world in the way he saw it before being sealed. He taught the little dragon about nations to the west and to the east. About the different creatures and technology the world had, and the dangers of things like the Holy Western Church being very against monsters. In turn, the dragon told Veldora of the life she had lived before reincarnating. The little arch-dragon grew and was no longer so little.

"So you're telling me that you destroyed an entire town! What in the world caused you to do that?! I'm surprised you didn't get hunted down instead." said the now not-so-little dragon.

"It was by complete accident!" Veldora exclaimed.

"That doesn't make it any better whatsoever?! How do you just "accidentally" destroy things like that?! You're lucky you got away with just being sealed.", the dragon continued on, "Speaking of being sealed, just how long have you been sealed?"

"About 300 years. I haven't made any progress on the seal and with my skills locked as well, doing anything to make progress has proved difficult.", Veldora said with what seemed like a defeated tone.

"hmm, It's been 300 years maybe a skill exists that can break it, I have no idea where I'd even start. Hell, I don't even know where the exit to the cave is." said the dragon in dismay.

"Even if you did know all of that and went to leave, you are too weak to even survive a fight against enemies from 300 years ago. What makes you think you can fight them now, let alone live after a defeat, assuming they have only gotten stronger?", warned Veldora, "On top of that do you even know how to use your skills or what they even do?"

The dragon looked shocked and defeated. "No, I don't."

"Very well, I will try and teach you how to use them.", Veldora grinned while looking proud with his arms crossed. "Skills vary based on how many magicules they consume and the strength of them. They go from common to extra, then unique, then ultimate." He then further explained how they work. "When you think of your skill focus on using it in a way that feels the most natural."

"I think I get it." She said puzzled, "Here goes nothing."

"<Total Elemental Control>", Then six orbs appeared each a different color. A reddish-orange orb for fire, a light blue one for ice, a purple and black orb for gravity, An orb of silver for wind, next to it a green orb for earth, and lastly a red and white orb for what seemed to be an ancient form of lightning.

Veldora stared, puzzled. "It seems to be a skill that can create new skills based off of combing different elements." He said seemingly questioning his reasoning.

[first person pov time woooooooo]

I chose the ice and fire orbs and combine them. As I did that everything went dark and I passed out. Only a few hours passed before I woke up.

"Oh you're awake, I expected you to sleep at least a day."

"What happened for me to pass out like that? All I did was use my skill once." I said with my head still foggy.

"It seems like you don't have a lot of magicules but at the same time, you recover them quickly. It won't do you any good to only halfway use a spell and then pass out." He said snickering.

"Don't tease me, how was I supposed to know I can't even use my own spells!" I said annoyed.

"Well there is a way to help that but it's not guaranteed and I have no clue how it will affect you." He said with concern in his voice.

"Well don't just not say it, come on spill it.", I said slightly annoyed.

"I will give you a name.", still concerned about what may happen, "I've also been meaning to do so anyway, so there's that."

"Well where there's risk there is usually reward so I'm prepared". I could not have been less prepared for what was to come. "Just don't give me something lame or I will, I don't know just give me something cool"

"FUHAHAHA! Very well I grant you the name, Varyta!"

Something then changed deep in my soul and then I fell into a deep sleep.

Fun Fact: Varyta is a slightly changed way of Varytita which is "Gravity" in Greek.

Please do tell me if I didn't get a character quite right in the way they speak.

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