

My mind is empty.

No, lightened, as if I'd just smoked some super-grade weed, not only my mind, but even my body and my soul seem very light, as if all the weight of my body had suddenly been lifted from me.

This feeling of lightness is suddenly replaced by a sensation of immense heaviness, making me feel as if I'm carrying the world on my shoulders like the Titan Atlas.

The heaviness continues to intensify until, suddenly, a sound reaches my ears, incomprehensible voices reciting even more incomprehensible words.

Then my eyes open, but what I see is blurred, I hear nothing and my mouth and nose are clogged with a viscous-looking liquid, while my previously heavy body now seems to be full of vitality, so much so that I feel I could never tire.

I feel my body growing stronger, my mind sharper, and immeasurable power coursing through every part of my body.

[Hello my lord]

"Okay, I see what's going on."

[Good composure, I'd expect nothing less from the future ruler of the omniverse]

"Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into."

[Don't worry, dark lord, I'll explain everything]

[Contrary to what many people think, no entity was here before everything and created the omniverse]

[There was simply an abysmal void until one day, the omniverse exploded with an infinite energy of life that created the omniverse and suddenly developed a consciousness]

[Unfortunately, the more time passed, the more the omniverse saw chaos within the many worlds, and ironically the omniverse had very little power over the various worlds]

[Seeing these divided and chaotic worlds without being able to do anything about it gave rise to one of the first feelings the omniverse could feel]

[Frustration, so powerful that it led her to take matters into her own hands, it was very long and a lot of primordial energy was sacrificed, but the omniverse managed to be able to grant immeasurable powers to a normal human, making her a champion]

[The champion's mission was simple: unify the omniverse through peace]

[Unfortunately, this was a failure, as the champion soon discovered that the omniverse had no control over her and that nothing stops her from doing what she wants]

[Nevertheless, the idiot didn't realize until it was too late that she needed the omniverse to travel between worlds, finding herself stranded in the world of one piece as Im]

[If you accept the omniverse's mission, you will, no doubt, be brought face to face with it to recover the second half of the omniverse's primordial energy, but that's not for now]

[As I was saying, seeing that its approach was a failure, the omniverse tried again, but with a new, darker, and more destructive approach].

[Unification of the omniverse through domination, war, and blood]

[It took even longer and used up all its remaining primordial energy, but the omniverse created another champion, you]

[Unfortunately, with no primordial energy left, the consciousness of the omniverse has been extinguished, leaving only you, the last hope of my creator's dearest wish].

[So I ask you, do you accept the mission entrusted to you?]

It's...a lot to take in, just the fact that higher/celestial entities exist is a big blow to my atheism, the fact that the worlds I saw through screens and paper excite me greatly, but conquering them, I mean, I did box in high school, but I doubt it'll do me much good if I have to face Beerus or Yhwach.

[Don't worry, for the sake of the mission, a drastic change will be made to you]

"What kind of change are you talking about?"

[As I told you, if you accept this mission, you must conquer the entire omniverse through domination and blood, in short, you must become the embodiment of violence, darkness, and evil, to do this you must transform so that you have the power to crush anyone who gets in your way]

[Emotions such as fear, doubt, and other useless emotions will be erased, power from primordial evil will be given to you, and equipment you can't even imagine will be given to you].

[In other words, you would cease to be human and become the greatest evil in the omniverse].

This... is not at all what I expected, but it's strangely tempting, very tempting even, who wouldn't dream of such power, especially someone like me, I wouldn't say I've had a miserable life, nor an incredible life, just, you know, normal and a bit insipid, I didn't expect much from my life and when I died in that plane crash, I mostly thought "meh".

But, this is...an opportunity that only a fool would refuse to seize, admittedly, this objective is frightening and may seem interminable, but honestly, all great quests are, I'm well aware that I've probably been chosen by chance and that's fine with me, because I've been given this opportunity, and I'm going to let it pass.

"I accept."

[Wonderful, the process will now begin, see you later]

A great fatigue crosses my body and my eyelids become very heavy, guessing that this is part of the process, I don't fight the fatigue and let myself fall into the darkness.


In the vast desert of the Land of Wind, to the west of Sunagakure and slightly below ground level, lies an eerie-looking room, the walls made of a stone so dark that the walls appear to be shadows.

The room is empty except for a large basin in the middle, filled with a shiny green, opaque liquid, making it difficult to see anything inside the basin.

Suddenly, a hole forms on the ceiling, letting the bright sunlight illuminate the room, several people climb down the hole to stand in the room.

"This must be the source of the black sand, Kazekage-sama." Said an elderly woman with black eyes and gray hair tied up in a bun, she was wearing traditional Sunagakure garb which consisted of a loose dark-colored outfit with a poncho-like top.

These words are addressed to a man standing next to her, with auburn hair, black eyes, and a stern, serious face, dressed in a black jacket and pants with mesh armor underneath, he's also wearing a small can attached to his hip.

The Kazekage's gaze sweeps across the empty room before focusing on the basin, which overheats his ninja instincts, as do all the shinobi present here.

It's been a few weeks since a strange phenomenon appeared, in the desert near Suna, the sand has turned black, and the atmosphere always seems to be dark and malevolent only in this precise spot.

The appearance of the place alone is worrying, but when several villagers were affected by a strange and very painful illness, the Kazekage knew exactly what the cause of this new disease was, so accompanied by a dozen of Jonin and Lady Chiyo.

The further they got into the heart of the black sand territory, the more they could feel a kind of energy that anyone with a bit of chakra could sense, even without being a sensory ninja, which helped them find the black room, at least the top of it.

Even if Suna specializes in Fūton, some of them are still skilled in Doton, so digging through the sand to reach the room was easy enough.

Rasa looks at one of the shinobi and nods in the direction of the pool, the shinobi quickly understands the order and heads for the pool which is totally calm, not a single ripple or disturbance can be seen on the surface.

Once at the edge of the pool, the sand shinobi kneels and pulls out a kunai to dip into the pool, but when his eyes look down at the pool, he sees a pair of red eyes looking back at him.

The red eyes seem so hypnotizing that the outside environment seems to fade away for the shinobi, who, without hesitation, dives into the pool to the surprise of everyone present.

Nothing happens for a few seconds before a bubble rises to the surface, then another, then another, and so on, until the pool seems to boil, and then nothing.

With all the shinobi in the room in a fighting stance, several pairs of red eyes appear in the shadows that form the walls, quickly followed by inhuman growls and howls.

The source of the howling is soon revealed to be huge black humanoid figures with four muscular arms, powerful clawed hands, powerful legs, and hooves that shake the ground with their footsteps, while their red eyes seem to contain nothing but violence and bestiality.

"Fuuton: Daito..." Just as one of the jonin was about to launch a ninjutsu, one of the monsters moved quickly despite its size and flattened the ninja with its fist, giving the other monsters the signal to start the carnage.

Despite their power, the Suna shinobi are being slaughtered by the humanoid monsters, who don't give the shinobi time to launch their ninjutsu, forcing them into hand-to-hand combat where the monsters slaughter them with their superior physical strength.

Rasa, quickly realizing that they are at a numerical and territorial disadvantage, quickly uses his gold dust to grab Chiyo and the last three survivors out of the twenty jonin and quickly escape from the dark room, fortunately, and curiously, the monsters don't chase them, but gather around the pool where Rasa can see a silhouette emerging from the green liquid.

Rasa quickly moves to the edge of the black sand to put the three shinobi down. "Chiyo, go back to Suna and gather as many ninjas as you can, we'll try to hold them off as long as possible, go."

Understanding the urgency of the situation, Chiyo wastes no time and speeds off in the direction of Suna, while Rasa looks at the three remaining jonin. "The second those monsters come out, launch the most powerful ninjutsu you know, we must hold them back until reinforcements arrive."


As they get into position to attack at the slightest sign of the monsters, inside the dark room, the man who emerged from the pool stands proudly, he's a handsome young man with dark skin and long black hair that reaches to the middle of his back, his body is quite slim but quite muscular, those red eyes, as well as those abnormally long canines, give him quite a vampiric style while black fingernails that look more like claws than fingernails only adds to the vampiric style. He smiles as he looks at the holographic interface in front of him.

[The transformation process is now complete, welcome your Highness]

"The monarch of evil and darkness has just awakened, tremble, pitiful creatures." He says proudly, as the monsters all bow before the man, their bodies still stained with the blood of the shinobi they've all just slaughtered.