
Ten days later

Just when I thought it was a normal day, I found myself in a bind. When I thought I could escape by simply playing the game of death, I found that people began to awaken to supernatural powers. When I thought this was "where God was made," everything was forgotten.

LovetoNunnery · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
111 Chs

Chapter 59: One Hundred Percent

"Oh?" The human pig was puzzled, "I don't understand what you mean."

Lao Lu also had some doubts: "Boy, what are you talking about?" Is there a "must win" in this game?"

"I dare not say how to win." Qi Xia shook his head, "But the" pig game "is definitely not a" luck "game, but a thorough" probability science."

'What do you mean? Lao Lu was confused, "No matter how you distribute, the number of sunspots and white children is fifty, which means that the probability of you touching all the pieces is half."

"Is it? Qixia shook his head, "Just because of this, this game seems to be close to the" luck class."

"To tell you the truth, boy." Lao Lu came to Qixia's ear and whispered, "The first time I divided the black and white pieces into open, so that as long as I can pick the bowl with sunspots, it will win, but I lost." The second time I evenly distributed the black and white pieces into the two bowls, the result still did not touch the spot, it was too bad luck."

Lao Lu touched his chin and said, "Think about it carefully, if the ratio is broken, how many black and white chess pieces are in each bowl, which will be more detrimental to me to touch the sunspots." So there can be no winning formula anyway."

Qixia nodded: "This game is impossible to" win ", I can only try to make their chances of winning higher."

"Huh? You have an idea?"

Qixia did not answer, but said to the pig: "I am ready, let's begin."

The pig smiled and then held out his hand in a "please" gesture: "Start distributing."

Qixia looked at the two identical bowls, and looked at the black and white chess pieces with the same texture and touch, silently grabbed a handful of chess pieces and put them into the bowl.

Lao Lu silently looked at Qixia, do not know how he is going to arrange the one hundred pieces.

See Qixia has been grabbing pieces, constantly throw into the bowl, as if not counting the number of black and white children.

"Hey... Will it work?" Lao Lu asked hesitantly, "Do you want to calculate how many have been put in?"

Qixia did not speak, but kept throwing chess pieces into a bowl.

Lao Lu and Lin Ngo looked at each other, not knowing what Qixia was going to do.

Qixia did not stop until he had thrown all the pieces into the same bowl.

Pighead man saw some anger: "Hey, hey, hey! That's a foul! It has to be divided into two bowls!"

"I know." Qixia nodded, "The distribution is not over."

With that, he picked up a black chess piece from the bowl and dropped it into another bowl.

"My assignment is over." Qixia raised her head and looked at the pig calmly.

"What? "

Several people present were a little stunned.

What kind of distribution is that?

One spot in one bowl and the remaining 99 pieces in the other?

Lao Lu looked at the two bowls on the table, his pupils moved, and after a long time he opened his mouth and said, "Wonderful... Wonderful..."

He understood Chia's tactics.

No matter how old Lu originally distributed, the "optimal distribution" of the pieces in the two bowls was that both became half.

That way he's guaranteed to have a 50-50 chance of touching the spot.

But Chia broke the balance.

He made the probability of finding a spot in one bowl 100 percent, and the probability of finding a spot in the other bowl as close to one in two as possible.

Since a bowl had to be chosen by random machine at the beginning, it is very likely that Qixia directly selected the bowl with the black spot, and he did not need to pick any more pieces from the bowl, and directly won.

Even if he is unlucky and picks another bowl, the probability of picking a spot is not much less than one in two, after all, it is 49 percent

He has added a secret "insurance" to his victory.

The human pig saw this scene, the eyes under the mask obviously became a little bleak and cold.

"Are you trying to be clever with me?" The tone of the human pig changed, and it no longer sounded so naive, but with a hint of cunning.

"Clever?" Qixia felt a little amused, raised her eyebrows and said, "What I have done is not against the rules, how can it be clever?"

The human pig took an eye patch out of his pocket, slowly handed it to Qixia and said, "I know a lot of smart people, most of them are very unlucky."

Qixia nodded and took the blindfold: "I can't refute this, after all, smart people rarely rely on luck."

"But we're gambling at the end of the day." The human pig said in a low voice, "The most important thing in gambling is" strong luck ", you are very smart, but how about your luck?"

"I don't know." "But we shall soon find out."

Qixia slowly put on the blindfold, hands on the table no longer move.

The man-pig took the two bowls and began to shake the chess pieces.

This rule was originally meant to deal with opportunistic people who would use white gold as a base and then spread all the black spots on the top so they could reach them.

But now this rule is completely ineffective for Chia's tactics.

The man-pig knew that no matter how he shook the chess pieces, the man in front of him would choose one without hesitation.

After all, what he had to do had already been done, and he was ready to hand everything over to his luck.

Thinking of this, he shook casually, and disrupted the position of the two bowls, one left and one right to re-arrange.

"Qixia, which bowl will you choose?" "Asked the pig." Your left hand side... Or to the right?"

"I..." Qixia bowed her head and was silent for a moment. Then she said, "Left, I choose left."

Cystoids and old Lu at the same time a terrified, feeling bad in the heart.

Because on Chia's left hand is the bowl with ninety-nine chess pieces!

The human pig's eyes suddenly lit up a ray of light: "Very good, then please choose pieces from it."

He sarcastically pushed the bowl in front of Qixia, as if watching his joke.

Qixia raised her mouth slightly and said, "Don't you want to test my luck?" This bowl is just right for testing."

"What?" "You, you know this bowl is" wrong "? "

"Something like that." Qi Xia slowly put his hand into the bowl and said, "In fact, choosing 'left and right sides', like choosing' rock, paper, scissors', seems to be a balanced probability, but it is always due to human thinking and lead to deviation."

'What do you mean? Old Lu in the side puzzled asked.

"Just like most people scissors rock, paper and scissors first, the probability is not even." Qi Xia explained that "cloth" will make his palm wide open, lose the sense of security, and "stone" will clench the palm, making people subconsciously feel depressed, so "scissors" has become the most moderate choice. People's subconscious will think that the left side is safer, after all, most people in the world are right-handed, they often use the right hand, the right hand is far more likely to be injured than the left hand, so when choosing a safe direction, it is easy to choose the left side."

"You... Not ordinary people." "Said the pig.

"There's no need to praise me, because you know that too." Qixia said, "You put ninety-nine chess pieces on my left hand, is it not accidental?"