

"Hi, little miss Zola!" Helena greeted, as her and Mark arrived at her birthday party, the woman holding her baby. "Oh, you look so pretty in the dress auntie Lena and uncle Mark gave you."

"Yeah, you do." Mark told her, smiling at the baby. "Happy birthday, Zozo!"

Meredith chuckled as Zola stared at Alice, reaching out with her hand as if to touch the baby. At that, the blue eyed girl babbled. "!"

"Oh, I think they want to go play." Meredith pointed you. "Do you wanna go play with Ali, Zozo?"

At the older girl's smile and nod, Helena offered. "I can take them to the couch, Alice misses her friend."

Meredith passed the baby to Helena, who held her up along with her own daughter. At that, Alice giggled, Zola putting her hand on the younger girl's cheek, as the three parents let out an 'aw'.


As Helena sat on the living room floor, her baby in her lap, Cristina held Zola, holding up a teddy bear. "You know what auntie Cristina did today? I operated on a heart this big! It was as big as a bear!"

"And Mama helped this little tiny baby, you know? He was super tiny, only twenty five weeks, and mama helped make his tummy all good again." Helena shared, her daughter smiling up at her as Zola giggled.

As Callie approached them, sitting down with Sofia, she asked. "Can Sofia join the party?"

"Of course she can!" The short girl told her excitedly. "You look really pretty today, Miss Sofia. Do you want to hear about what auntie Cristina and auntie Lena did today?" She questioned, as Alice reached out for Sofia, putting her hand on the baby's leg.


Everyone was in the living room, Helena standing by a chair Mark was sitting on, the man holding their baby. They were listening to Webber's surgery stories, everyone smiling.

"It was my third year of residency, when third years could take the lead on surgeries. It was a gallbladder-"

The man was interrupted by Owen's yelling coming from the kitchen, the man arguing with his wife. "You do what is good for you. You don't care who gets hurt."

At that, Helena and Meredith shared a worried look, Mark nodding at his wife, who left to meet the blond near the coffee table. The two start for the kitchen, planing on trying to get the couple to calm down.

However, at Owen's yell, Helena and Meredith froze in the doorway. "You out baby! You don't forget that."

The short girl could almost see Cristina's soul break, she could almost see her spirit snap, as she flinched. Then, she entered the kitchen, where Owen had gone silent, starting at the two women in the doorway.

"I think it's best if you leave, . Right now." Helena warned, her voice cold and sharp, the threat behind her words palpable. The man glanced at his wife, before grabbing his jacket and leaving the room, without another word.


"Good morning, honey." Mark whispered as he pressed a kiss to his wife's cheek.

Helena let her eyes flutter open, moving to rub them as a soft, sleepy smile grew on her face. "Morning, querido. Happy Valentine's Day!"

"Happy Valentine's." The man told her, moving to kiss her lips. "I can't wait to bring you home after dinner."

At that, Helena smiled into the deepening kiss, rolling them over so that she could sit on his lap. "This is a nice way to start with the Valentine's celebrations."

"It will be nicer when I've taken your shirt off, doll." He smirked, pulling the girl's shirt over her head and moving to kiss her neck.


"Morning, Campos." Owen greeted, arriving at a the nurses station Helena charted at.

"Good morning, Dr. Hunt." She answered, her voice cold and impersonal.

There was a moment of awkward silent, before the redhead spoke up again. "So, any plants for Valentine's Day with Sloan?"

"Yes, Dr. Hunt." She deadpanned, the awkward silence returning.

The attending shifted on his feet before clearing his throat. "Lena, it's been two weeks. A week with you answering me with 'yes' and 'no' and calling me Dr. Hunt. This is between me and my wife, I cannot understand why you are so angry at me."

At that, Helena scoffed, giving him a look. "Really?"

"Really! I mean, I had a fight with my wife, and now offended?!" He furrowed his brows. "I mean, I get that she's your person o-or whatever, but t-this is-"

"This is not only between you and her, that's the point." Helena shook her head. "Yes, I mad that you treated Cristina the way you did, but I'm also mad about what you said, Owen. You had no place telling her what you did, you had not place yelling that in front of all our friends and you have judging Cristina for the choice that she made. That she had to make. Especially not after you held her hand through the abortion."

At that, Owen shifted on his feet once more, scoffing. "? Lena, that was my baby! She killed, she our baby!"

Helena's eyes filled with tears at the statement. "And there you go again. She your baby....?" She shook her head again, looking down at the floor. "I'm mad at you for how you treated my person. I'm mad at you for what you said to her. But she's a grown up, she knows what she's willing to have be said to her and what she's not. What I am is furious, is offended, is hurt about that sentence that you just keep throwing around like it means nothing." Helena looked up from the floor, her blood boiling. "Because when you say that she murdered your baby, you are saying that I murdered mine. You are saying that I and every other woman that has gotten an abortion has killed their child. You are that's at nineteen years old, when I was raped and put in the hospital, when I had my virginity stolen from me... you are saying that I had to have had that child. You are calling a murderer. And am no willing to have that be said to me." Helena finished, her voice harsh even if quiet. "So I will keep calling you Dr. Hunt and I will keep answering 'yes' and 'no', because right now, I'm not willing to have a relationship with you that isn't strictly professional. Not yet, at least."