
Present time. When fire meets ice

Maxwell stepped into Lewis's room and immediately felt a change in the temperature.

Lewis who out of the six prince's was the only one who chose to still live in the palace alongside Howard and their only sister, princess Pamela.

The room was empty and tidy except for the king size bed, a rocking chair and a reading table and a chair beside it. Lewis on the other hand was no where to be seen in the room.

Maxwell found his way to the bed and laid down. The room was just as hot as a sauna and it made him break into sweats even though it hadn't been that long he walked in.

He looked around the room and his gaze fell on the rocking chair, he chuckled lightly to himself. He picked up a book from the bed post and aimed it at the rocking chair.

"Watch the face," Lewis said as he caught the book and finally made himself visible to Maxwell. "Why are you in my room by the way? Shouldn't you be downstairs with the rest of the family and guests?"

"I should be asking you that."

Lewis groaned loudly.

"I really don't want to attend." He whined like a child.

"Except you're ready to face mother, I suggest you get dressed." Maxwell said.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Lewis asked as he eyed Maxwell's casual dressing.

"Actually no, the places I went to did not have anything I liked."

"You knew about the welcome party two months ago," Lewis hissed. "I literally already expected this from you, that's why I got your clothes and mine ahead of time."

"I knew I could count on you."

Lewis walked to his wardrobe and opened it, he fished out the clothes and handed it to Maxwell.

Maxwell thanked him and began stripping with his back to Lewis. He planned to spend only an hour at the party and then head home.


The palace was one of the most beautiful places in Bure. The carefully manicured grounds were amazing and the chateau itself dated back to the sixteenth century.

The grand ballroom and the small ballroom were filled with beautifully dressed elite guests from all over the world and uniformed servants offering endless glasses of champagne. Huge buffet tables were set up, displaying different astonishing varieties of food.

Maxwell, looking handsome and ridiculously fit in a black suit that went very well with the dark aura he always gives off, matching it with black wrist watch and shoe.

Lewis on the other hand was dressed in a white long suit, his golden hair packed at his back. He matched it with a gold wrist watch that went well with his hair and a white shoe. He looked like a saint, like the god that gives hope.

Simon walked up to them wearing a casual brown suit, he was not a fan of fancy events and dressing up. Yet even in the simple cloth, each step he took had girls giggling and whispering.

"I should be at the club right now." Simon said as he gulped down a glass of champagne.

"I should be in my bed, sleeping." Maxwell said and also gulped down his own glass of champagne.

"I should be in my room, reading." Lewis complained and sipped his champagne.

"NERD." Maxwell and Simon said in unison.

Lewis and Simon looked behind Maxwell, who had his back to the party for some seconds.

"I think I'll go greet some guests." Lewis said and excused himself.

"Same here, just they'll be mostly females." Simon chuckled and walked away.

Maxwell confused, turned to see who or what was behind him and his eyes fell on Shirley.

Shirley Tudor, the princess of Qui and the heiress to her father's company, one of RDW most loyal partners, Maxwell's fiancee.

She wrapped her hands around him and placed a kiss on his lips which he did not return. She being used to it didn't take it seriously, she released him from the embrace and locked hands with him instead.

"You have not been picking my calls of recent." She started.

"We have no official business to talk about, we concluded the deal with the buyers last week." He replied, not sparing her a glance.


"Mother is coming in, be quiet."

She stared at him for a few seconds, the anger she felt disappeared as she admired him, her eyes hungrily scanning him. His sharp chin as he looked straight ahead, his now over grown hair that rested nicely on his neck, the small hairs growing on his jaw, showing that he had been too busy to shave, the way his Adam's apple moved up and down when he swallowed. Her eyes traveled down to his nicely built body, what she would give to rip the suit he was putting on. The loud clang of a fork against a glass cup interrupted her thoughts and her gaze fell immediately on the woman drawing everyone's attention.

Maxwell watched his mother attentively as she handed the glass cup and the fork to one of the uniformed servants. Her gray hair packed in a bun, Mrs Dankworth was a no nonsense woman, people feared her more than they ever feared the late king. She looked astonishing in a sky blue gown, she matched it with silver heels.

"As we all know, the long awaited day is finally here," She began, picking her words one at a time. "The day we finally reveal the chosen bride for prince Howard."

She paused and there was a round of applause, everybody eager to know who the bride was.

"First of all," she continued. "We had chosen the child right from when she was born. But we decided to keep it a secret from the public so as not to mount too much pressure on the girl, so she could focus more on her training as the future queen."

Another round applause, people were getting impatient.

"Let me introduce to you all our chosen bride, prince Howard's fiancee, the new crowned princess and the future queen of this kingdom," she paused to catch her breath, she raised her left hand and pointed it to the door which everyone turned to look at immediately. "Mary Loughty....."