
Come rain Come shine!

Maxwell was about to head inside when he saw Mary and his mother walking out, he held his breath as he took in her appearance. She was not wearing any makeup like last night when she had walked in looking like a temptress. Now she was putting on a casual blue pant and a black shirt, her hair was tied up. Even with the ordinary look she still looked like she had just walked out of a shoot. The sun seemed to have noticed her and was now working in her favor as she stepped outside and the sun bathed her in all it's glory.

"Ahhh my precious bride."

Maxwell cringed at the words that came out of his brother's mouth, he could not help but notice how Howard sounded like a pervert chasing after high schoolers.

Mary flashed her captivating and beautiful smile and Howard smiled sheepishly in return as he seemed to now be hovering over her like a fly drawn to dirt.

It took all of Maxwell's will power not to smash Howard's head there and take Mary far away where no one would find them.

"Hello," Mary paused as her she remembered how bittered Pamela had been when she had called her by her name without adding her title. "Hello prince Maxwell."

"Good to see you Mary."

Maxwell quietly fought the urge to just shout at the top of his voice and make her understand that she was his reincarnated bride. He did not like how Howard was hovering over her, or how he was playing with her hair or how their hands were now entwined or how his feelings were not even allowing him to think properly, he felt like a teenager that just witnessed his crush dancing with another boy on prom night. He just did not like it!

He took in a deep breath with his eyes closed, when he opened his eyes, his face was clear of any contradicting emotions. His eyes returned to it's usual coldness and blankness. Yes that was it! there was no need of allowing his emotions cloud his mind, she was his soulmate after all. He would seduce her and make her his once more, he would make that emerald eyes look at him with so much love once more and he would be damned if he did not make those eyes stare at him with so much desire in them. Mary brace yourself, 'come rain, come shine I will make you love me again' He smiled to himself as he vowed silently to himself.

"We are heading to the farm now, perhaps you would like to accompany us?"

Maxwell reluctantly tore his gaze from Mary and looked at his mother.

"Of course, I will always want to accompany my bride."

Maxwell noticed the change in Mary's expression. She looked angry, irritated or just plain exhausted, he wasn't sure but he was certain that she did not like what Howard had said.

"Please just call me Mary."

"My bride c'mon.."

"Please just Mary!" She said firmly. She looked away from Howard, giving him no chance for a protest.

"Fine. Anything you say."

Howard looked displeased with the request but he went ahead with it anyways.

A six seater golf cart stopped in front of them and their Butler named Chester alighted. He bowed to them and gestured with his hands to let them know that he was ready to drive them to the farm.

"Chester, about time."

The queen pulled Mary and they settled on the second seater, while Howard and Maxwell stayed at the back.

Chester settled himself in the driver's seat and slowly drove, indirectly giving Mary a tour of the castle.

The castle stood majestically tall, the structures and foundation were solid, displaying the amazing work of the architectures. The garden added a fine tone to it, giving it that fairy tale vibe during the day. At night, the castle always looked eerie and haunted, which earned it the name 'Two faced palace.'

"We are here young miss." The butler declared as the drove through the gate of the farm.

Mary eyes swept around the farm and took in everything. The animals appeared well fed, they all moved around lazily as the enjoyed the quality amount of attention they got from the royal farmers.

'Living the good life huh?' Mary chuckled to herself. This animals were clearly over pampered.

The farmers caught sight of the royal family and they quickly started guilding the cows that were roaming freely inside their stalls. They couldn't risk having them attack the royal family.

Mary stepped down as excitement shook her whole being. She had never been this close to farm animals so she looked around with her mouth open and her eyes sparkling with joy like a little kid that just got her present from Santa Claus.

Her whole attention was on the animals that she didn't hear when the queen was calling her. She moved ahead of all of them as her eyes hungrily took in the whole sight.

She heard someone shouting something but her brain already zoned everyone and everything out. The animals were just too beautiful and graceful to ignore.

"Mary! Ahhhhhh." Someone ran past her with so much speed she almost thought her eyes were decieving her. Howard had been tagging along beside her all this while and she didn't even notice, how could Howard be this fast? She knew his powers didn't involve agility. Most importantly, what was chasing him?

Her head snapped towards the direction Howard had run from and her mouth dropped open.

She felt a sudden rush of adrenaline as her eyes widened in shock and terror filled her whole body.

Who let this mad cow loose?

The cow was raging towards her with so much speed, one would think she and the cow had had some undisclosed issues in the past.

A terrified high pitched shriek escaped her lungs as she saw her dear life flash before her very own eyes.