
Chapter 32.2 : Encounter

A week later,




As counted her one-handed push-ups, she couldn't help but suddenly stop, noticing that her left hand, which she was using to do push-ups, was sinking into the stone below her, causing her to suddenly frown.

A moment later, Diana quickly lowered her other hand, which was currently balancing the huge dinosaur that she had placed on her back, and began using it instead.





Although Diana was not very tired back when she finished doing 323 push-ups with her other hand, all push-ups, even one-handed ones, exercised many muscles, which meant that a lot of the exhaustion carried over.

As such, at the moment, large beads of sweat could be seen falling off Diana's forehead, onto the rock below her, which then dripped onto her trembling hand.


After finishing the 324th push-up, Diana finally had enough, causing her to suddenly throw the huge Souroposeidon off her back and to the side, causing the ground to shake and large dust clouds to form from the sheer weight of the thing.

"This is really not worth it..." mumbled Diana as she jumped into the nearby river to wash out her sweat.

In the end, Diana's observations were indeed proven to be truth, as she did have more potential to be unearthed.

Although Diana did not know by how much, over the past week she had indeed become a bit stronger.

The effort that she had to exert for that bit of power was not something that Diana particularly enjoyed, but even though she always mumbled that the gains were not worth the effort, Diana persisted, using nearly the entirety of her day to just exercising, hoping to squeeze as much power out of herself as possible.

After swimming in the river for just under ten seconds, Diana immediately jumped to the shore before using some fur to wipe the water off.

Diana then walked up to the huge dinosaur that she had thrown to the side, preparing to pick it up and continue, when suddenly, she froze.

In an instant, Diana turned her head to the side, staring in a particular direction, her eyes widening.

"Someone else?" mumbled Diana, with the surprised expression on her face turning into a happy one.


As he stared at the Island that was quickly approaching, as well as at the treasure map in the hands of his captain, John couldn't help but feel sweat falling down his forehead.

"Captain, are you sure this is the right island?" asked John, causing the captain herself, Emily, to suddenly turn her eyes away from the map and onto him, who was a bit shorter than her.

"Do you really think that I, Storm Emily, would make a mistake like this?" asked the seemingly pretty captain as she suddenly grabbed John by the neck and raised him into the air.

"No... captain..." mumbled John, finding it hard to both speak and breathe as Emily held him up by his neck.

Hearing that, Emily seemed satisfied, causing her to suddenly throw John right onto the main deck over ten meters behind her, where two younger pirates were currently moping.

"Even more to clean..." mumbled Kirk, one of the two cleaners, as he stared at the blood coming from John.

A moment later, the fifteen-year-old boy grabbed John's body and threw it into the ocean before going back to cleaning.

Although Kirk was young, and just an apprentice, he had been part of the Storm Pirates for a pretty long time, and was well aware of the temper of the Captain, who had gotten her bounty increased to 5 Million Berries not too long ago because of her brutality.

But even so, there were always fools that continued joining this crew and pissing off the captain as not long after, making more work for him and the other cabin boys.


Uncaring about the thoughts of the young pirate that was cleaning the main deck, Emily stared at the island in front of her, which was getting closer and closer.

"Slow down, we're getting too close too fast," shouted Emily, causing the pirates who were next to the three sails of the ship to begin getting to work.

As it approached the unnamed island in front of her, the Ship Finally began slowing down.

By the time the ship was around 2 meters away from shore it had completely stopped, as the anchor had been thrown out, causing Emily to turn to the crew.

"Make camp on the shore, I'm going to investigate the island," said Emily before suddenly jumping from the ship, towards the shore.

In one jump, Emily nearly reached the shore, landing in water that was just above her ankles, causing her to quickly move out of it, not willing to be in such water for more than a few seconds.

A few moments after that, the Pirate Captain crossed the shore and reached the beginning of the forest, which she then walked into.


A minute later,

As she was being held up by her neck, Emily couldn't help but feel a bit of pity to that 'John' that she had killed not too long ago, but even so, these thoughts of sympathy were quite brief as Emily focused on the person that had overpowered her so easily just a few moments ago.

A completely naked horned woman, over two meters tall, even taller than Emily, who Emily assumed had eaten a devil fruit.

'A zoan, how annoying...' thought Emily as she stared at the horn of the woman, who then shocked Emily by beginning to undress her.

Sadly though, as her neck was being held right, Emily was unable to speak, as such, she could only use all of her strength to struggle while the tall woman undressed her.

After undressing Emily into her underwear, the tall woman clicked her teeth.


"The underwear is too small..." mumbled Diana before letting the woman fall to the ground gasping for air while Diana began dressing herself in the latter's clothes.

'A bit tight,' thought Diana as she fully dressed herself using the clothes she had just stolen.

In fact, the clothes were a bit more than just 'a bit tight', but Diana would have to do for now.

At that very moment, the woman suddenly shouted something in a language that Diana instantly realized was Japanese, before suddenly jumped towards Diana and letting out a kick at her neck.