
Chapter 16 : Hidden

As she stared at the expensive looking villa in front of her, Shinohara Haru, who was completely wrapped up in many layers of clothes, and wearing sunglasses and a hat, couldn't help but open her mouth in amazement.

Although at this moment Haru could only see the back of the villa, and not the front, she was sure that the latter looked even more impressive.

Even though Haru was not really that poor, she had never set foot in any place that looked nearly as impressive as this.

"What are you waiting for, although there aren't many people around here, and most of them won't pay attention to you, do you want to risk being seen?" asked Koji, who was also completely covered up.

In fact, Koji was even more covered up than Haru, as other than his face, which was covered by an umbrella, he did not show any other bit of skin.

A moment later, Haru began to briskly walk towards one of the entrances of the villa.


Feeling the texture of the luxurious couch she had sat on, Haru couldn't help but realise what she had been missing out on all of these years.

'Wait, I can't be side tracked, I need to use my powers to save as many people as I can, I can't become complacent,' thought Haru as she suddenly put herself back together under Koji's careful eyes.

"It looks as though you have made yourself quite comfortable, but sadly, you will need to live in the basement, as we can't risk you being seen through a window," said Koji as he pointed towards one of the large windows of the house.

"Couldn't we just cover them up to get rid of that risk?" asked Haru as she looked at the unfamiliar man in front of her with a confused expression on her face.

"That would be a little bit suspicious, and although no normal person would investigate further, if somebody was investigating this neighbourhood, it would look very suspicious," said Koji as he looked at the rather stupid woman who was sitting down on the sofa.

Based on her grades, and how she did in college, Koji would have thought that Haru was quite smart, but upon further inspection, this couldn't be farther from the truth.

Hearing this, Haru hesitated for a few moments before looking at Koji's eyes, which were staring at her with a cold look.

"Alright, if you say so," said Haru as she got up and began following Koji.

Although Haru knew that following an unfamiliar man who had just subtly threatened her was not a very good idea, she did not have much of a choice.

"Don't worry, the basement isn't very shabby, I also live in there most of the time," said Koji, causing Haru to nod and continue following him.


As he looked at the screen in front of him, Koji couldn't help but kneel to the ground, causing Diana, who was sitting on a chair, reading something, to nod in approval.

"I assume the reason you have contacted me is that you have found a suitable stand user, am I right?" asked Diana as she looked at her minion with a faint smile on her face.

At this moment, Diana had placed the report she was reading onto a nearby desk, and had placed the entirety of her attention onto Koji.

"Yes mistress, the stand user has been found and secured, she has been cooperative, so far at least," said Koji as he stared at the ground.

Hearing this, Diana couldn't help but faintly smile.

"Very good, get up, you can stop kneeling," said Diana, causing Koji to rise from the ground and stare straight at his mistress without saying.

"So, what is the stand of this person you have captured?" asked Diana as she tapped her nails onto her armrest.

"At this moment, I have yet to ask the user for its ability mistress, I have contacted you as soon as I could after obtaining her, but based on my observations, I can be sure that it is a healing stand," said Koji, causing Diana to faintly smile.

"Very well, I still have some more things to do in Russia, but I will come to Japan by the end of the week, make sure to inform me of the stand's ability and weakness before then," said Diana.

"Very well, mistress," said Koji, causing Diana to faintly nod.

"One thing, a secure communications system will arrive by your house tomorrow, we will begin using that from now on, instead of this system."

The moment Diana said those final words, the screen in front of Koji went blank, leaving him standing alone in the middle of a dark room.

"A new communications system, that's a bit of a surprise," mumbled Koji as he shut down the computer in front of him before walking out of the room.


At this very moment, inside a military base in Eastern Siberia, Russia.

As she sat down on her chair, Diana couldn't help but tap her nails on the armrest, as she fell into thought.

'After the rest of the 39th, 41st and 45th fall under my control, this area should be secure,' thought Diana as she once again picked up the report that she had been reading before her minion had interrupted her.

Several minutes passed this way, with Diana reading the report in her hands.

But after seven minutes, Diana was once again interrupted by a knock on the door.

"You can come in," said Diana as she raised her eyes and looked at the door.

A moment after that, a Russian man dressed in a military uniform walked into the room with a report in his hands.

"Lady Diana, here is the report you have ordered," said the man before handing Diana the report.

"Do you have any opinion which one of the suspects is the real one?" asked Diana as she looked at the man, causing him to frown for a few moments before nodding.

"I'm not very sure, sorry, Lady Diana," said the man as he looked at the ground.

"Very well, thank you for not lying, Andropov, you can leave now," said Diana, causing Andropov to promptly walk out of the room.