
Chapter 15.3 : Koji

One month later,

Although one might think that obtained such critical information, like the fact that Jotaro's corpse had been dug up, would have helped the Speewagon foundation find him, this was not the case in the slightest.

After all, how difficult could it be to find a rotting corpse inside a relatively unpopulated area.

At worst, using its resources, the Speedwagon foundation should be able to just brute force research every single person who had travelled in the near vicinity of this area in this particular period of time.

Of course, after around one week of fruitless searching, the foundation moved to that method, sadly though, this did not seem to do anything, as they were not able to find any trace of Jotaro's body in the slightest.

Not only that, another rather large issue was currently filling up the mind of Amaya Minori, the lead investigator in this case.

Usually, Minori would have abandoned this case and focused on the work given to him by the speed wagon foundation, but sadly, he was not able to do so.


At this moment, Minori could be seen inside his office, staring at a certain document in his hands.

"Another one, and it's still a doctor, this is insanity, does this person have no sense of reason left inside their mind?" mumbled Minori as he touched the photo of a recently deceased woman.

In just under a month, twelve doctors had 'died' in rather similar circumstances, too similar to be exact, if Minori's intuition was to be trusted.

Suddenly, Minori raised his eyes up from the document and stared at the door, which had just been opened.

"Has everything gone alright?" asked Minori as he looked at his assistant, who had just walked into the room with a stack of papers in his hands.

"Everything is going as expected, even smoother than I could have expected to be honest," said the assistant as he picked up a few documents and placed them onto Minori's desk.

"None of the major and medium-sized news channels in Japan will pick up this story, as for overseas, there was no issue after using some of the contacts of the foundation," said the assistant as she sat down at his own desk and began writing.

"At least that's some good news, having too much attention be placed on this case would be really bad for us," mumbled Minori as he touched his chin and looked at the documents which his assistant had just given him.

As he read through the description and personality of each doctor, Minori fell deeper and deeper into thought, as he noticed a certain coincidence that he was not aware just a moment ago.

Every single one of the doctors that had been killed were good people who wanted to help and save other people.

As this thought entered Minori's mind, he suddenly froze for a few moments, staring at the wall in front of him with a shocked expression on his face.

The moment Minori learned of this fact, a rather ridiculous yet extremely sound theory had popped up into Minori's mind.

Everything that Minori had learned, and was unsure of, had become completely clear once she understood this.

Every single little piece, which made no sense alone, formed a huge picture that horrified Minori.

"Someone wants to revive Mr. Jotaro," mumbled Minori, causing his assistant to freeze for a brief moment.


As he stared at the blank screen in front of him, Ozaki Koji couldn't help but feel sweat fall down his forehead.

Without any warning, the blank screen had suddenly disappeared and was replaced a rather blurry hooded figure.

Perhaps if the quality of the video was a bit better, one would be able to make out the face of the figure, which was hidden by a hood, but because of the hood and video quality, this was not possible in the slightest.

"So, how is your work going, is everything going as planned?" asked the figure as it stared at Koji, causing sweat to fall down the latter's forehead.

Without letting the hooded figure say anything else, Koji walked away from the figure, and knelt down, his forehead touching the floor.

"Forgive me mistress, I have failed in my task," said Koji as he repeatedly moved his head up and down from the floor, causing it to hit the floor multiple times.

Seeing this, the hooded figure slightly narrowed her eyes as she stared at Koji.

"Very well then, tell me, how have you failed, what did you do?" asked the hooded figure, causing sweat to once again begin falling on Koji forehead.

"In this past month, I have attempted to awaken stands within twelve different people, but sadly though, all the attempts had ended in failure," said Koji, causing the hooded figure's eyes to also narrow.

"I'm currently quite busy at the moment, I will come back to Japan in around a month, I expect everything to be prepared by the time I get there," said the hooded figure, causing the sweat on Koji's back to disappear.

"Understood mistress, you can rest assured, Ozaki Koji will not let you down again, I will follow your instructions to the letter, everything will go as planned," said Koji, causing the figure on the other side to let out a slightly disdainful snort.

Without any warning, the woman suddenly hung up, allowing Koji to suddenly take in a deep breath.

After being transformed into a vampire around a month ago, Ozaki Koji no longer felt any fear in the slightest from humans.

There was, though, one exception, his mistress, the person who had turned him into a vampire and held the method to control him.

Although his mistress had never actually done anything particularly bad to him whilst staying with him, Koji still felt an existential dread every single time the two of them met in person.

"I need to find a suitable stand user, otherwise I'm dead meat," mumbled Koji as he got up from the chair and walked out of the room, Koji had to get to work.