
A Murder

Chapter 10

"Get Up Everyone!" Clementine sat up groggily as the world brightened around her. It was early morning and the sky was still an orange hue as the Sun climbed over the horizon. Everyone seemed to be on edge, including the guards to the pen. Carver paced at the gate as the inmates were lined up in front of him. Sarah was positioned beside Clementine, she was gazing up and down the line "where's my dad?" the girl whispered to her. Taking a look around Clementine noticed that the doctor was nowhere to be seen.  "Sarah, be quite" in truth Clementine was worried about the girl's father as well, to say she liked the man would be a stretch, but she did respect how he wished to protect Sarah, however stupid it was. 

Once everyone was lined up Carver stood still, his face twisted into a scowl. "Someone here is a murderer. Someone among you has killed a man that some of you love, that some of you may have only met recently, a good doctor, a loving father"

'Oh no'

Carver motioned to his men, and at the order they brought in a walker… Carlos. Carlos had a small puncture wound in his jugular, and his shoulders had been dislocated(presumably to restrict movement). 

Sarah began to sob, falling to her knees. "Quiet, girl" Carver commanded. The witch that had met Clementine outside the lodge, bonnie, said something to the man, to which he shook his head. "Fine, get her out of here. She's off work a couple of days. Doubt she would do anything anyways." he mumble the last part, but Clem just managed to pick up the words. Sarah was escorted somewhere by the ginger woman, and Carver continued.

"Now I'm gonna ask this once, who's nail file is this." he held up the bloody tool, the murder weapon.

20 minutes later… 

Nobody had answered. 

Carver said it didn't matter if they admitted it or not, he would find the killer. After about ten minutes. Clementine's nails were apparently too long; Reggie was stated to be to weak to kill someone, whether he was weak of mind or body Clementine did not know; Carver had checked Philip for weapons personally, and hea had already taken his only weapon, a pocket knife, the day before; Rebecca was assumed innocent, as well as Sarah.

Clementine wasn't there for the rest of it, they had already sent her off to load clips with Bonnie, who seemed apologetic enough, she even gave her a jacket, which she didn't particularly like, but it certainly kept out the cold. That job didn't last long either. Now she stood, silently collecting berries in the community's greenhouse.

"How can you tell if a stem is dead?" with Philip

"It's wilted"

"Um… thanks"

Philip had tried to initiate a few conversations, but the boy's conversation skills were less than mediocre, and Clementine couldn't really think of any topics either. The two of them worked in silence for a while before Philip suddenly spoke. 

"I think I know who did it." 

Clementine put down her scissors and looked at the boy "what?"

"I… I think I know who killed Carlos" The boy looked guilty, as if he were confessing a sin. "Who?"

The boy gulped. "Last night I had a hard time going to sleep, so I stayed up for a while, I saw that weird girl, the one with the orange jacket climbing the fence. I thought she was trying to escape, and I ignored her. Eventually I woke up. She was still here, and Carlos was dead. If I had told someone, he might… he might still be alive."

WHOOO! you may not understand my enthusiasm, but I'm damn proud of myself. I've released four chapter's within the past few weeks, so far I' been posting a chapter every three or four days. That may not sound too good, but for me it's amazing.

Please comment, review, and all the other stuff. the former two preferably.

shady_elfcreators' thoughts