
Tell the secret

Unlike other kids, she was special, really special. Anyone who saw her would think she was a witch who uses magic to heal people but no. Nature loved her and granted her the gift to use nature to heal. Alora grew up as a peasant, always helping her mother and others on the farm. But luckily, the head of the kingdom adopted her and she became a lady. Life doesn't give us what we always hope for but what if what life gives us is a blessing in disguise of a curse. Vampires, humans, werewolves and witches were the four creatures who descended on Earth millions of years ago but due to some reasons, they separated. Witches being the creatures in hiding because of their magic. Alora was forcefully taken away by the Alpha of the werewolf to settle the dispute between werewolves and humans. It wasn't as bad as she thought at first. A sudden twist came when she found out that she was his dead mate.........

Limah_Lisah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
171 Chs

Chapter Thirty four


"Why aren't you eating? At least have something to drink." Delancy gave her a glass of grape wine but refused. 


"No thank you. I really appreciate it. I just had something before coming over." Alora smiled. 


"But it isn't too much. It would be rude to come over and refuse to eat. Even though it is just a cup of a few spoons." Delancy insisted. 


"I'm sorry lady Delancy, Luna tends to get sick if she eats beyond what her doctor had told her to eat. I'm sure Alpha wouldn't like it if the doctor keeps visiting again." Anna interfered knowing that Alora wasn't going to take any of the foods no matter what.


"Oh I see. I don't want to be the reason why you'll be sick so maybe next time you come, Luna, you'll have a drink with us." Delancy tried to hide her disappointment with a smile but Alora noticed it quite well and quickly. 


"I'd like to take my leave now. It has been such a nice time meeting you all." Alora stood up and curtsied and they did the same. 


"Thank you for being here today. It was an honor." Diana smiled and Alora nodded before walking out with Anna. 


"I'm so sorry my lady for interfering when you didn't ask me to. I just saw you felt uncomfortable seeing she wanted you to eat." Anna apologized. 


"It's okay. You saved me from that woman. I am sure she would have gulped the wine down my throat because it was poisoned." Alora sighed as they walked along. Anna gasped when she heard Delancy was trying to poison her. 


"You should report her to Alpha, Luna." Anna suggested but Alora just shrugged it off. 


"No need to." Alora replied. 


Alora seemed to notice that Radolph's hatred for her grew more than usual. He seems to be disgusted by her now. It didn't bother her, she was happy that he didn't even have her time.


Alora sighed and went to sleep peacefully, leaving everyone's problem behind her. It's been weeks since she saw Hazel last. If it wasn't two months already. Even her nightmare stopped and she has been having a peaceful sleep. 


"Alora." Hazel called. 


"Where have you been? You haven't been here for over a month now." Alora replied. 


"I've been trying to lift the spell off Radolph but only you can lift the spell." Hazel replied. "I'm sure you didn't have any nightmares because you've been protected with a protective shield from nightmares for now."


 "I didn't have any nightmares. And spell? What do you mean?" Alora asked.


"Delancey is a witch in disguise. She was sent to kill you." Hazel explained. "She cast a spell on Radolph to make him hate you. If you noticed, it is not the same way he treated you in Arran and on your way here that he is treating you now and that is because he is under a spell. It is because you didn't focus too much on the bond you two share, that's why he hasn't been able to be pulled out from the spell." 


"So how can I break the spell?" Alora asked. 


"You'll have to kiss him." Hazel replied and Alora rolled her eyes. 


"Seriously. He hates me, why would he allow me to touch him? Or even move closer to him?" Alora hissed. 


"You have to take your chances. Just do what you are focusing on and don't worry, he's going to break free from the spell holding him." Hazel smiled. "You have to do it anyway. Before the end of the month, which is in a few days time, you have to break the spell and remember, you'll be eighteen in a week or two ...." 


Alora jolted awake again. She looked around and saw she was back in her room. She sat down for a while, thinking of how she was going to break the spell. 


She spent the whole day thinking about it until she came up with the perfect idea to break the spell. She ordered Anna to tell the maids in charge of serving Radolph food that she would be the one to serve him and they didn't question that. They just let her do her thing. 


Alora walked to Radolph's room with a tray in her hand. The guards allowed her in and the sight of his room was enough to make her almost drop the tray with her in awe. 


The room was large and beautiful, decorated with diamonds and gold. She didn't know if they were real but it looked real. 


The bed was larger than a king sized bed and the headboard was made of gold and white clothing. His bedside table was white and on the wall behind the headboard was a painting of her and him.


"Him and I? Impossible. How did he get a picture of myself and him when I was younger?"