
Tell the secret

Unlike other kids, she was special, really special. Anyone who saw her would think she was a witch who uses magic to heal people but no. Nature loved her and granted her the gift to use nature to heal. Alora grew up as a peasant, always helping her mother and others on the farm. But luckily, the head of the kingdom adopted her and she became a lady. Life doesn't give us what we always hope for but what if what life gives us is a blessing in disguise of a curse. Vampires, humans, werewolves and witches were the four creatures who descended on Earth millions of years ago but due to some reasons, they separated. Witches being the creatures in hiding because of their magic. Alora was forcefully taken away by the Alpha of the werewolf to settle the dispute between werewolves and humans. It wasn't as bad as she thought at first. A sudden twist came when she found out that she was his dead mate.........

Limah_Lisah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
171 Chs

Chapter Thirteen


After breakfast, Alora and her mother walked around the castle to see the decorations made for her birthday party. Although Ruger said the party would be a family thing, she was sure he still invited other guests. 


The main hall was beautifully decorated in white and red and maids were moving around from one corner to another, trying to arrange a thing or two. 


"Let's go see your cake Alora." Ava squealed pulling her friend along. Alora couldn't help but sigh at her best friend's enthusiasm. "Let me present to you. Your seventeenth birthday cake. It's so gorgeous."


Ava placed her before the large cake that was covered in a glass to prevent any damages. The cake was red with white and it had ten layers tall. Alora's jaw dropped looking at the cake they baked not even up to a day. She was pretty sure they would start baking around after they had dinner and dressing of cakes takes a long time. 


"Wow. It's beautiful." Alora gasped. 


"You'll eat that top layer. It was made specially for you." Ava giggled as one of the cooks walked towards her, giving her a plate of sliced cake to taste. 


"This is what your cake tastes like my lady." She said and Alora collected the cake and tasted it. It tasted like heaven. She couldn't help but take another bite. It tasted so much like strawberries. 


"Mmhn. It's delicious. Really delicious." Alora commended and the cook smiled bowing gently. 


"I'm glad you really like it, my lady." The cook said. 


"Wait till you see the other cake." Ava smiled and Alora looked at her shocked, the fork she was taking to her mouth stopped halfway. 


"Two cakes?" Alora was shocked to hear that. 


"Well it's actually three cakes. This is the only one ready, the other two are still being dressed." Ava replied with a wide smile. The young lady loved cake a lot and she couldn't help but fantasize about eating them. 


"Isn't that too much? Just a cake is enough. I thought there aren't many guests." Alora looked at Ava who just sighed. 


"You have over fifty guests. Only God knows how people would be able to arrive under just short notice. Do royalties really like parties like that?" Ava frowned rubbing her chin but her friend wasn't even paying any attention to her. She was still shocked die to the revelation when just got. 


"Well, today is going to be great for you dear. Well, let me go see what they are cooking, I'll see you later sweetheart." Arielle patted her daughter's head before walking away. 


"Come out of your shock Alora. Let's go see the decorations outside. Eat that cake up." Ava groaned and Alora couldn't help but slowly eat the cake. 


"But isn't three cakes too much Ava? I know you like cake but it's just a waste of resources." Alora protested making Ava roll her eyes. 


"Let's just go. You know almost half of one would waste or it won't waste at all. You know it can be preserved, blah blah blah. Some of your gifts are entering already. Yayyy." Ava pulled Alora out of the kitchen despite still holding the plate of cake in hand. "Ohh, is that a statue of you?" 


"Me? Where?" Alora looked around and her gaze settled on a little statue of her, carved with gold. She moved closer to it, stopping the maid who was bringing it in as she examined it. The statue was made of gold, real gold. "Wow. Where is this from? Who sent it?"


"I think from one of the ally kingdoms my lady. It's from one of the princes, Prince Ilyas." The maid replied politely and Alora's lips formed an 'o' shape. "Where would my lady like to out it?" 


"I'll decide later." Alora returned the statue to her carefully. "Just keep it with other gifts for now." 


"Yes my lady." The maid bowed before walking away. 


"Who would someone send you a golden statue as a birthday present? If you're getting things like this, I'm sure you would get more if all the whole kingdoms actually came." Ava stood next to her eating from the cake she still held. 


"Well. I don't know which kingdom the Prince is from. If he could send a gift worth a fortune, that means the kingdom must be very rich." Alora replied collecting the fork from Ava to finish the remaining cake on her plate. 


"Well. I have heard that name before but I don't know where. Maybe one of the Lords were talking about it, I don't know. Well, let's go see the front garden. It was also decorated." Ava said as they walked towards the entrance of the palace. 


"I wonder how they managed to get all these decorations done within a short period of time." Alora sighed deeply. "I just wish you all weren't doing this for me." 


"Who knows if you'll sneak out throughout next year's party so you won't be celebrated. Let's use this chance to celebrate your first ever birthday that you actually stayed home." 


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