

I can't! I'd be a burden if I died right now. They'll be blamed if I kill myself. Can't even die. She thought. The blade that was retracted left a small slit across her wrist. She sat there lifelessly staring into space again. Tears rolling down her cheeks.

The door clicked open. Yoongi entered the house, he peeked at the open door of her room. " I have some ice cream." He yelled hoping for her to come. " I'll keep it in the fridge, take it when you want. I'll go back to my room if you want. " He yelled again being answered with silence again. He entered the kitchen and on seeing her on the kitchen counter, the pack of ice cream fell from his hand. He rushed to her side. Tears in his eyes as he checked her breath. " I didn't do it" she said still not looking at him. He threw the blade away. He hugged her tight. " Just this once. Let me scream. Lend me your shoulder. Just this once , let me cry. Please don't let me be a burden this time." She begged gripping onto his hoodie, like her life depended on it. " Let it out" he said carresing her hair. She screamed out loudly and cried her heart out. He carried her in his arms and laid her on her bed as he laid by her side holding her close. He pulled the covers on to her. He knew asking her about what happened at the moment wasn't going to make things better. He cuddled her to sleep. By the time she fell asleep , the other members were home. When he heard jin yell at the blood stained blade on the kitchen floor. He felt Alesha flinch against his chest. He stepped out of her embrace and went out locking the door on his way out.

" What the f*** is this !" Jin held the blade and questioned yoongi since he left early. " Stop yelling. She'll wake up. Go to the hall" he said.

The members headed to the hall where yoongi explained the situation to them. " She would have died if you were a minute late" hobi cried. " Did she say why?" Namjoon said looking extremely disturbed as well.

" No, the only thing she said was to lend her my shoulder to cry on and telling me not to call her weak or a burden" he answered." Did you ever call her that?" Taehyung asked. " Are you crazy? Of course not!" Yoongi yelled angered. " Why else would she say that" taehyung yelled back , the tears in his eyes threatening to spill. " She was talking about whoever or whatever made her feel that way!" Yoongi defended. " Is this the time to fight?" Jin said silencing the two. "Call Sejin hyung right now and he better tell us whatever she told him." He said agitated.

" No need. I'll tell you." a pale voice answered.