### Scene: The Aftermath and New Beginnings
**Location:** A small crater near the detention center, surrounded by the aftermath of the recent conflict. Satoshi and his assistant, Kaito Inoue, are standing amid the destruction, discussing the events that unfolded.
**Satoshi:** Were all the villains safely transported?
**Kaito:** Yes, Satoshi-san. Thanks to the efforts of the heroes and All Might, everyone was relocated to nearby prisons. Except for one who managed to escape – Goto Imasuji, also known as Muscular.
**Satoshi:** Muscular, huh? Did you inform the authorities?
**Kaito:** Yes, and it seems All Might is particularly interested in Izuku after hearing about his involvement. I believe he might come back to talk to you, sir.
**Satoshi:** All Might doesn't hold the Quirk Association in high regard, especially after past encounters. But if he comes, I'll handle it. No need to worry yourself.
**Kaito:** Understood, sir.
**Satoshi:** And the kids? How are they holding up?
**Kaito:** They're all safe, but... they seem quite scared of Izuku.
**Satoshi:** (sighs) It's understandable. They're just kids.
**Kaito:** Yes, sir. But Izuku... he can be quite intimidating.
**Satoshi:** Intimidating? Izuku? That's surprising. We should check on him.
### Scene: Izuku's Cell
Satoshi and Kaito make their way to the juvenile wing. They pass through corridors filled with murmurs from the young inmates, who glance at Satoshi and Kaito with a mix of fear and curiosity.
**Inmate 1:** (whispering to Inmate 2) Look, it's Satoshi. He seems to have taken quite a beating from Izuku.
**Inmate 2:** (whispering back) Yeah, I used to think Izuku was just another kid, but now... he seems more like a monster.
Satoshi and Kaito arrive at Izuku's cell. The walls around are damaged, with signs of a struggle evident. Izuku is sleeping amidst the wreckage.
**Satoshi:** What on earth happened here? Was he training or something?
**Kaito:** No, sir. He was... trying to atone for losing control of his quirk.
**Satoshi:** And you just let him do this?
**Kaito:** He insisted, sir. He wanted to make amends.
**Satoshi:** (noticing) Why isn't he wearing his control ring?
**Kaito:** It was destroyed during the fight with you.
**Satoshi:** I'm aware of that! Are there no spares?
**Kaito:** I don't believe so, sir.
**Satoshi:** (frustrated) For goodness' sake! Why didn't you tell me earlier?
**Kaito:** I apologize, Satoshi-san. Should I request a new one from management?
**Satoshi:** (sighs) No need. They're already sending a replacement. I'm sorry for snapping.
**Kaito:** No problem, Satoshi-san.
Just then, Izuku stirs and wakes up. He looks around, disoriented, before rushing towards Satoshi and hugging him tightly, tears streaming down his face.
**Izuku:** (crying) I'm so sorry, sensei. I won't let this happen again. I promise I won't use my quirk recklessly.
**Satoshi:** (gently) Easy there, kiddo. Don't drench my suit with your tears.
**Kaito:** (smiling softly) You're tearing up too, Satoshi-san.
**Satoshi:** (grumbling) Maybe I am...
**Izuku:** (sobbing) I'm really sorry, sensei. I'll do better. I promise.
**Satoshi:** (patting his back) It's alright, kiddo. It was an accident. We'll get through this.
After comforting Izuku for a few moments, Satoshi takes a step back and gets serious.
**Satoshi:** Listen, Izuku. There's something important we need to talk about.
**Izuku:** (sniffing) What is it?
**Satoshi:** The public perception of your quirk incident is... complicated. To keep you safe, we're considering having you assume a new identity for a while.
**Izuku:** (confused) A new identity?
**Satoshi:** Yes. It's for your protection. I'll explain more later.
### Scene: Announcement and Farewell
Later, Satoshi stands before the assembled juveniles to announce his retirement. The room is filled with whispers and a sense of unease.
**Satoshi:** (addressing the juveniles) Listen up, everyone. I have an important announcement. I'm stepping down from my position here. A new caretaker will be taking over soon.
The kids react with a mix of shock and sadness, especially Izuku, who looks particularly upset.
**Inmate 3:** (whispering to Inmate 4) He's really leaving? Who's going to take care of us now?
**Inmate 4:** (worried) I hope the new guy isn't as strict as Satoshi.
After the announcement, a special lunch is arranged as a farewell gesture. The juveniles, including Izuku, enjoy the meal, though a somber mood lingers.
### Scene: New Arrivals
As the meal ends and the juveniles return to their cells, Izuku remains awake, deep in thought and meditation. He suddenly senses a disturbance and hears heavy footsteps approaching. The cell door swings open, revealing two formidable figures.
**Takashi Gekido** stands tall and imposing, his aura of strict authority evident. Beside him is **Retsu Majo**, calm and composed, her presence exuding a serene power.
**Takashi:** (grinning) So, you're the kid causing all this ruckus. I'm Takashi Gekido. From now on, you'll be under my watch.
**Izuku:** (gulping) Yes, sir.
**Takashi:** (sternly) I don't tolerate disobedience. You'll follow my orders, and you'll learn to control that quirk of yours. Understood?
**Izuku:** (nervously) Understood.
**Retsu:** (softly) Don't worry, Izuku. We're here to help you grow stronger and keep you safe. My name is Retsu Majo.
**Takashi:** (laughing harshly) Help him grow stronger? We're going to whip him into shape. No more mistakes, kid.
**Izuku:** (determined) I won't let you down.
**Takashi:** (smirking) You better not. Welcome to your new training, kid. It's going to be tough, but we'll make sure you're ready for whatever comes next.