
teikoku of the kean episode 5

( Rico Alvares )

Sorry for being late.

( Ash Anderson )

Master Rico, I'm pleased that you came to see how we are doing.

( Eddie William )

Why are you late sir?

( Rico )

I was busy because there was something that caught my interest.

So that's why I'm late.

( Sobre )

The match has now begun.

*ikari standing in complete silence*

( Feito Creatividad )

Hey! Are you going to keep standing there or what?

( Ikari Sosogu )

[Complete silent]

*standing menacingly*

( Feito )

Well alright then, guess this is a free win for me.

*Feito use murasakino no honō*

*feito discern ikari bloodlust*

*ikari use shiiroi honō to reflect feito kean*

( Feito )


*feito is out of the arena while having massive impact at the wall*

( Ikari )

Get out of my way, trash.

( Sobre )

Match ends.

Ikari Sosogu wins.

( Ash )

So violent.

( Sobre )

The match has now begin.

( Mark Alvares )

Oooh, a girl.

How lucky I am.

( Kam anderson )

[Tch] I'll break your face for sure.

( Mark )

We got a feisty one.

*kam use supīdosukiru leap*

*kam do a axe kick*

*mark block the axe kick and counter it*

( Mark )

You know that was a decent kick.

( Kam )


*kam use kuroi honō*

*mark covers his face with his arm*

*kam use the kuroi honō to sneak up on mark*

*kam landing a heavy blow on mark*

( Mark )

[Breath in breath out]

[Smoke coming out of his mouth]

*mark run towards kam*

*kam swing her kick*

*mark use supīdosukiru flash*

( kam )


( Mark )

3rd dance of the kiiroi unarmed


*mark flashing around kam with a immense speed*

( Kam )

I gave.

( mark )

What? i just getting started.

( kam )

Either way you already win.

( Sobre )

Match ends Mark Alvares win.

( sobre )

You two can fight now.

*susume and eddie both fighting*

*eddie first take a hit in the head*

*susume headbut*

*susume rush towards eddie*

*eddie trips susume*

*eddie do a drop kick on susume face*

*susume and eddie screathing*

*susume use aoi honō on the ground*

*eddie look confused*

*suseme come out of aoi honō*

*susume holding his breath with aoi honō*

( Susme William )

First dance of the aoi unarmed

Dragon breath

( Eddie )


*susume is dominating eddie*

( eddie )

Why can't i win


Because i'm a aoi hito


( Amar Andāson )

So why you try when it doesn't matter in the end.

( Mac William )

Don't give up eddie!

( Cam William )

Yeah! Eddie, we believe in you!

( Ash )

Hell yeah! don't give up eddie!

( eddie )


I always want to spend time with you.

( amar )

We akai and aoi hito don't deserve happiness.

*flashback when eddie was little*

( Mac William )

Sorry son but I promise we come okay.

( Cam Eddie )

Next time you can come with us okay.

( Susume )

Just give up.

Right now I only need to tap you.

( Eddie )


*susume aoi and eddie honō clash in each other*

( susume and eddie )


*susume aoi honō is winning*

*eddie use shīrudo shield*

( susume )


*eddie use aoi honō on susume face*

*susume face look dirty*

*eddie is dominating susume*

*susume throw a punch*

*eddie dodge it*

*slow mode*


( amar )

But I believe you will make things change.

So keep pushing at the end and stick to what you think is right.

( eddie )

Thank you everyone.

For accepting who I am.

*Eddie use aoi honō has his fist*

*Eddie punch susume face*

*susume is unconscious*

( Sobre )

Match ends.

Eddie William wins.

*eddie fell down*

( Ash )


*ash look to the right*

( Cam )


*Mac is hugging Cam*

*ash grin*

( sobre )

The final match for today.

So let the match begin!

*cadon use koroi honō smoke*

( Ash )


*cadon hitting ash multiple angle*

*ash use kōgeki blast*

*ash get out of the smoke*

( Ash )


Man, I hate smoke

*cadon attack ash behind*

( Ash )


*ash dodge cadon attack*

*Cadon and ash run towards each other*

*cadon throw a punch*

*ash slide under cadon arm*

*ash did a side kick and hit cadon back*

( cadon )


*both cadon and ash staring each other*

*ash use nenriki teria*

*cadon move to the left of nenriki teria*

*ash is in front of cadon*

*Cadon use kōgeki uzu*

*ash dodge by using supīdosukiru flash*

*ash use kōgeki blast and hit cadon*

*cadon is out of the center of the arena*

( Sobre )

Match finish.

Ash Anderson wins!

( Ash )


*Rico grin*

( henry )


( Mark )


*school over* 

*at the nurse office*

*eddie wake up*

( eddie )


( Mac )

That was amazon what you did out there.

( Cam )

I know you can do it.

We are proud of you son.

*eddie, cam and mac hug each other*